Introduction Many people have heard about famous inventions, such as the lightbulb, the steam engine, and the iPhone. The list is, in fact, endless and impressive. However, although we use many products and inventions in our lives, we don't give thought to who made it...
A radio is a machine that is producing or receiving inaudible waves, and that transforms it into a sound that human beings can understand. The range of the band is from 87.5 to 108 MHz. It is intended to be received directly by the public...
Our team had the idea of creating a bicycle that is made out of plastic wastes and also include a built-in energy pack that is removable so that it can act as a power bank to charge any electrical appliances such as mobile phones. By...
Hundreds of inventions and discoveries appear every day. Do you think all inventions are intentional? And are discovered after research and experimentation? I don’t think so. A famous quote states: “Necessity is the mother of invention.” That is true to a great extent. However, many...
Ever since the first grade, Dmitri Mendeleev has been my hero. When I first saw the periodic table, I was in awe; the colors, the patterns, the symmetric shape—everything mesmerized me. Ever since that moment, the periodic table has defined the way I live. Just...
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“The Renaissance was a period in European history, covering the span between the 14th and 17th centuries and marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity. The traditional view focuses more on the early modern aspects of the Renaissance and argues that it was...
Introduction Thomas Alva Edison, most famous American inventor, scientist and businessman in the 20th century, may be one of the world's greatest inventor of all time. He changed our lives from the moment he started innovating, bringing already invented or discovered devices and gadgets into...
In Ohio, in 1905, the very first practical aeroplane was invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright, more famously known as the Wright brothers. What they created would forever change the world. Although many consider the steam engine, the flying shuttle or the spinning jenny to...
For as long as I can remember I have always been interested in new inventions and machines that improve life and that put a modern twist on basic everyday necessities. When I read the outline for this book report I was enthused and had one...
The Han Dynasty was very important, the Hans made some very important functional inventions that helped them with their everyday things, some of which we still use today. The Han Dynasty was live from 206 B.C. all the way to 220 A.D. The Han’s territory...
The Wright Brothers had a big influence on the revolution of America, and to this day their design and research are still affecting the way air and space craft are created. The first brother born was born in 1867 and his name was Wilbur, the...
Throughout history, mankind has been fascinated with the concept of flight. It was not until the turn of the 20th Century that the dream of flying among the birds became a reality. On December 17, 1905, Wilbur and Orville Wright flew on the first flying...
The development of modern typography started in Germany with the printing of the Gutenberg Bible by Johann Gutenberg in 1455. Gutenberg successfully brought together existing technologies and slightly tweaked them to print the first major Western book using moveable metal type with a press. Gutenberg...
Aldus Manutius creator of Aldine Press had many beautiful works. The book I am taking a page from to write about is The Hypnerotomachi. A book set in 1467 is categorized in the romance genre. This book has many groundbreaking and new for the time...
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz was born on July 1, 1646 in Leipzig, Germany. He is best recognized for being one of the founding fathers of calculus, along with Sir Isaac Newton. His nickname is the last “Universal Genius” because his work spanned across many areas...
Calculus - A subject that has amassed over different concepts, theorems, and the like. Its complex structure is that of a key figure in the world of mathematics. As far as history goes, the invention of calculus was a great advancement; a marvelous achievement to be added to...
I will be informing you about a man who change how the human race lives today and is the reason why how the people today are surrounded by so much technology. This remarkable man with such great intelligence was Thomas Edison. Thomas edison was a...
Invention is something that was never done before, or the creation process that was never done before. While a solution is a way to solve a problem or deal with a difficult situation. Solution is an answer to a problem. Inventing solutions is the act...
Abstract In this assignment, I talk about one of the nation’s most honored men. He is a great inventor and businessman, Thomas Alva Edison from America. He is famous with their great inventions and have a long-lasting impact on Automotive Industry and on the modern...
Contributions When Archimedes returned home, the king was faced with a problem because he didn’t know how to empty water from the hull of a ship, so he recurred to Archimedes. According to the article Archimedes of Syracuse, “Archimedes' solution was to create a machine...
Scientist Max Planck proposed the similarities between energy and the frequency of radiation in 1990, he discovered that energy can be able to emit or absorb individual chucks of quanta. In 1917 it was discovered that light has the ability to emit and absorb individual...
Sir Isaac Newton was a mathematician and astronomer from the 17th century. His work and inventions dedicated a lot to the math and science that we use today. Let’s start from the beginning. Sir Isaac Newton was born on January 4th, 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire,...
3D printing also known as additive manufacturing is an old technology that has been referred to as a group of technologies that build physical objects directly from 3D-CAD data file [125].In contrast to subtractive manufacturing technologies (such as milling or machining, cutting, lathing, turning, etc.),...
Abstract 3D printing has been a revolution within the world of producing that has modified the manner a product is intended and made. it's led to a seismal amendment within the methodology of producing, whereby the merchandise is made layer-by-layer to the ultimate kind. This...
In Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography, aptly titled The Autobiography, he recounts many important experiences from throughout his life that shaped him into the great American figure he would be remembered as. On the opening page, Franklin reveals that he wrote the book as if writing a...
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Benjamin Franklin is broadly acknowledged as one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and is given credit for the assistance in building the foundation of our nation. Although people only know of some of the careers he pursued, he had many others that...
Essay grade
Have you ever had any experience in catching a fever? You may have felt extremely tired and couldn’t stop yourself from running nose or helplessly coughing. Unfortunately, most of us, once in our life, had to face with it. In fact, the health issue is...
In previous centuries, education was considered a difficulty since the means were lacking. Gradually, the development began from wood plates to paper to typing machines until we reached the computer. Then education began to develop at a record speed. For example, before 2000 there was...
A bicycle, often called a bike (and sometimes referred to as a “pushbike”, “pedal bike”, “pedal cycle”,or “cycle”), is a human-powered, pedal-driven, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. A bicycle rider is called a cyclist, or bicyclist. Bicycles...
Merriam Webster defines film as a series of pictures projected on a screen in rapid succession with objects shown in successive positions slightly changed so as to produce the optical effect of a continuous picture in which the objects move. Maybe that the technical version...
This proposal develops a mathematical model for various electro-active materials using implicit constitutive theories and solve some boundary value problems for different practical cases. There are some materials such as quartz, PZT etc. which react to electric fields by showing deformation and electric field which...
Biotelemetry can be described as the tracking of biological organisms by using electronic or satellite tags that send the data via radio waves in the atmosphere. There are a wide range of devices used in biotelemetry. These include devices that can record environmental conditions such...
The Pilbox was launched by Marine Parade Polyclinic on May 2016 which has now been extended to Bedok and Punggol Polyclinics too. It is an innovative product that has helped many people save their time by beating the queue at the Polyclinic pharmacy. To use...