Essay Samples on God

Essay Examples
Essay Topics

Who is God in Your Life: Personal Beliefs and Spiritual Connections

The concept of God holds profound significance across cultures and belief systems, shaping individuals' values, perspectives, and sense of purpose. So who is God in your life? This essay delves into the diverse ways people perceive God in their lives, whether through religious traditions, personal...

Respect Your Parents and Take Care of Your Children: Ephesians 6:1-9

I chose the following passage Ephesians 6:1-9. The main reason that I chose this passage was because the other passages had already been taken. Now after researching this passage I discovered that there was more than meets the eye and I want to learn how...

The Divine Love: Understanding God's Love for Humanity

There is a multitude of attributes of God, what He is and that any human being can also become. Among these countless attributes or characteristics, we have love. A 'simple' characteristic present in some way in the life of all humanity, from the rich to...

Why Do You Believe In God

Well, God can do all of these and even more. Sometimes, situations can make anyone forget or doubt God's abilities irrespective of how strong you have been in faith. Remember, no one is ever ready for hard situations to hit them, it just happens, but...

Apuleius’ Metamorphoses and Picture of Human Nature

This essay will explore Apuleius’ Metamorphoses with special regard to what picture of human nature and society it presents and whether or not the gods offer the prospect of salvation. Dealing with the tale of Lucius whose overly curious nature results in him being turned...

Mission And Spirituality In Christian Faith

Introduction In 1932, Karl Barth presented a report at the Brandenburg Mission, maintained that mission was God's engagement. David Bosch argues that this 'the Mission of God' (Misso Dei) discourse advocates mission is God’s love to save the world he created. Mission comes from God’s...

Love and Sin as a Prominent Themes in Literature

For centuries romantic love has influenced writers and has been the topic of plays, songs, films and any other creative or artistic activities that you might think of. Many people would like to ask why? Because, when anyone who's been in love understands, love is...

A Look at the Main Tales of Tao Te Ching and Customs of Taoism

Holy Envy- a look at other faiths, and how they can give us new eyes for our own. In God and the Universe of other Faiths, theologian john hick writes before that Copernican revolution, we humans believed we were the center of the universe. And...

Keeping an Open Mind in Discussion of Science Versus Religion

How can we determine whether something is real? Everyone has their own perspective on reality and everyone interprets “real” differently. Today I will be discussing on whether we should trust science, religion or the chance that the two may intertwine. Topics like these are usually...

The Sad and Tearful Story of Christ

Today, I am writing this in a very sad mood. Last month, we lost someone in the family who was buried this morning, my maternal auntie. Well, she was sick for a while before it all got messy. There were a lot of issues involved,...

Spiritual Paralysis Through the Internal Struggles in Joyce's Eveline

Catholicism was the dominant religion in Ireland throughout the age of Modernism. The Catholic church played a vital role in Eveline's life and served as a driving force in her decision, and more significantly, her lack of. Eveline's religious values magnify her choice to remain...

Mercy, A Special Love We Have and Should Share

The gift of mercy is something we Christians are all too aware of. We have been blessed to receive it and because of it, we were saved. Let’s face it. Without the help of Jesus, we wouldn’t be able to get into heaven at all....

Angels as the Instruments of God's Creation

When a farmer desires to work, he looks for hoes, cutlasses and sickles. When a physician desires to work, he looks for thermometers, sphygmomanometers and stethoscopes, etc. once a medico desires to work, he looks for surgical blades and forceps, etc. once a tailor desires...

The Bible and Its Meaning in the Life of Christians

When we talk about the Bible we are simply referring to the written word of God which has been inspired by the holy spirit through gospel writers or men, there are many authors that we cannot name them. There are two types of Bible, and...

Mystery of The Holy Trinity in Christianity

I remember as a kid on the 4th of July using punks in order to light the fireworks. when you first put the lighter to the punk the punk end would get red hot. With it being red hot, you could light any firework you...

Types of Covenants in Biblical History and Their Importance

Introduction In biblical history, covenant is one of the most important contract or agreement made between God and his chosen people. They live according to the agreement without losing their faith and hope. They are committed to abide by the commandments which was given through...

Comparison of John Winthrop and Jonathan Edwards as Influential Preachers

Essay grade Good

John Winthrop and Johnathan Edwards are both influential males in their historical time periods, but they both had different ways to persuade people. Both lived in the New England colony which greatly influenced their views on religion. They preached sermons to big crowds but approached...

The Path from Angel to Demon in Catholic Doctrines and the Sacraments

Since the 4th century, nine highest orders or types of angels are identified in the Bible and have been elaborated by various theologians: The first three choirs of angel see and adore God directly. The seraphim (higher angels), which means “the burning ones,” have the...

The Christian Apologist Philosophy in Mere Christianity

Clive Staples Lewis was born in 1898 in Belfast, Ireland. His parents were both highly educated. His mother was a mathematician and ensured the education of her children. Lewis could speak fluent Latin and French in addition to English and as a result of his...

C.S. Lewis: Spiritual Director of Christian Belief

There once was a young boy who admired fine stationary and proper penmanship and wrote in the fly leaf of his new books, “Ireland, the British Isles, Europe, Earth, the Universe”. [footnoteRef:1] He would grow to become a professor, a prolific reader, writer, scholar and...

Sharing the Good News of God's Love

Suppose a homeless person comes up to you for a dollar, saying that he wants to go and buy food at the nearby convenience store. Would you just act completely oblivious and pretend to look at the time on your phone? Would you make the...

The Empowering Story of King David

David's story starts with his emotional ascent in fortunes, from humble beginnings as a shepherd in his dad's home to his rise as ruler over all Israel in his very own capital city, Jerusalem. Through everything, we see God favoring him, and over and over...

The Encouraging Power of the Prosperity Theology

When I was young, I remembered sitting at home with my family watching TV and seeing a commercial for Peter Popoff’s Miracle Ministry. The commercial caught my eye. Peter started off by telling the viewers that it is in God’s will for all of us...

The Role of God in Church Oriented Groups

In 2015, the Boy Scouts of America lifted the ban on allowing openly gay members to be troop leaders. Thus, meaning that the national organization will no longer discriminate against its paid workers and will allow gay members to be leaders once again. This was...

Literary and Religious Authority in Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience

William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience is seen as one of the precursors of the Romantic movement. The collection was published in the late 1700s as the society around him was deeply disturbed by important sociopolitical changes, including the French Revolution and the...

The Puritans' Contract with God 

It is difficult to have people maintain the same governmental and religious beliefs if they are allowed to have an option. Viewing a relationship with God as a contract allowed the religion to stay the same throughout generations. It ensured that people would do and...

Voltaire and Hume: The Similarities in their Critiques of Religion

David Hume criticizes religion by arguing against the argument of design. Voltaire also criticizes religion in his work by arguing against the belief that this world is the best possible world we’re living in. The critiques from both philosophers are very similar in that they...

John Hick’s and David Hume's Thoughts on the Problem of Evil

The problem of evil has been a long running problem for perfect Gods for millenia, and with disasters upon tragedies upon disasters even just over the past century, it is a problem that demands an answer. Soul-making theodicy is one common answer that has arisen...

Why Does Augustine Believe You Can Only Get Happiness Through God

Our underlying problem, according to Augustine, has to do with affection. Our problem is misplaced tenderness. We love the unfit things, or we love the correct stuff in the unsuitable way. For specimen, we wrongly tenderness power, fame, wealth, presence, and many other stuff that...

Finding Solution and Comfort in God with St. Augustine

St. Augustine’s solution to the problem of evil is a rather direct one, in that evil does not exist. Evil, in Augustine’s writings, is an opposite to the goodness that emanates from the ultimate being. Thus, Augustine argues that evil, due to its parallel relationship...

My Personal Faith Statement and Vocation Plan

Essay grade Good

My faith lies with in a Christian Denomination, it teaches decency, integrity, and the love for other people as brothers, sisters and equals. As a Christian, I believe in the existence of God and his Son Jesus Christ. I like reading the Bible on a...

The Special Characteristics of the Gospel of John

Essay grade Satisfactory

The Gospel of St John has sixteen (16) characteristics divided in parts from 1 to 16 and in this essay I will identify and briefly explain each distinguish parts of the Gospel of John and the characteristics of how he presented his Gospel in the...

Differences between the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John

Divinity Over the centuries the concept of Jesus being both divine and human has been highly debated amongst scholars and philosophers and even Christians. The author of the gospel of John deliberately starts the book with a prologue ‘John 1:1-3,14’ which introduces readers to a...

Book of Revelatons: Revelation 4-5, Heavenly Worship Analysis

In John’s time, the Church was facing persecution, and, therefore the book of Revelation brings encouragement, by shifting their perspective to the life that is to come and to the person of Jesus Christ. It creates an understanding that there is a bigger reality: Caesar...

A Research on Relationship Between Faith and Revelation

Essay grade Satisfactory

This paper is divided in to three chapters namely; Chapter one looks at Faith and its Meaning emphasizing on what is this thing call faith? And how faith plays a big role in the life of believers. We believers participate by faith in God’s cognitive...

Differences between the Four Gospels in the New Testament

The word ‘gospel’ is a translation of the Greek word ‘euangelion’ which means good news. (Webster, 1991)[footnoteRef:1] There are four Gospel accounts in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The first three Gospels are sometimes called the ‘synoptic' (same view) Gospels. This is...

Summary and New Study Proposal: God Priming and Prosocial Behavior

This article supports the claim that the presence of God concepts and supernatural agents creates an environment for increases in prosocial behavior by providing two studies involving these two variables. Prosocial behavior is defined as the intent to benefit others and society as a whole....

Metaphysics Around God in Aristotle's Works

The works of Aristotle, that survived, can be sorted into four categories. The Organon, which is a set of writings that give us a rational toolkit that can be used in any scientific or philosophical study (Shields, 2015). The next one would be his theoretical...

Images of Fear-Inducing Diction in Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

In “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” Jonathan Edwards uses fear and shame to create images that help his audience experience the consequences of sinful behavior. One such image is God’s hand holding a spider - a representation of humanity, a collection of...

Jonathan Edwards' Influence in the Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Jonathan Edwards is one of the most prominent theologians and preachers in the history of the United States. He has been regarded as one of the most influential philosophers in the field of Protestantism theology as he has published several writings expressing his Christian views...

Mother Teresa and Her Compromise with Poverty and Illness

There are people in the world so hungry that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.” (RELEVANT magazine, 1). People suffer so much from starvation because of poverty that they could not think of anything but to survive. Poverty was a...

Mother Teresa's Life and God's Service

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love” (Pettinger). This quote was written and lived out by a saint who touched the lives of those in need around the world. This woman is best known for...

Analysis of The Malleable Psalm of Thanksgiving

Eliciting from the redemption of a deadly crisis, Psalm 116 is an individual thanksgiving psalm that brings forth the shouts of praise and gratitude towards God. Individual thanksgiving psalms were considered to be “public affairs” (Broyles, 1999, p.20) because with the elements of proclamation of...

Understanding the Power of Truth and why it is so Important for Us

For as long as human beings have been able to think, they’ve had the desire to understand the truths of life. In ‘The Allegory of the Cave’, when referring to these desires Plato states, “God knows whether it is true”. When trying to answer many...

Religious Suffering and Sacrifice to Become One with God

“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” This brilliant quote by Friedrich Nietzsche reflects how Christians view suffering as something that can be beneficial. This essay provides an in-depth explanation of how suffering follows the example of...

An Innate Desire and God in Augustine's Confessions

Augustine believes that God had intended for man to obey God and woman to obey both God and man. He also thought that God intended there to be a hierarchy between body and soul. The soul, being rational, moral, and capable of understanding was to...

The Role of Religion in the Life of Elie Wiesel

Religion played a role throughout Elie Wiesel’s life. His experiences throughout the Holocaust continuously tested his faith in God. He often struggled with the problem of evil in the world and would question: “if God has all these aspects how can evil exist in the...

Observation of the Roots of Conservative Judaism

Conservative Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world that has survived some structural and religious changes over thousands of years. Judaism is an ancient Jewish religion that is predominantly practised in Northern America popularly known as Marti Judaism. Conservative Judaism is based...

Cornac McCarthy's The Road: Nature of God's Presence

It is not often that an author will incorporate both evidence supporting God as well as evidence against God in one novel. This brings a sense of uncertainty about God’s presence, an important unanswered question in the world. Cormac McCarthy’s novel The Road is one...

The Controversy of Crusades: Fight for God by Self-Motivated Desire

Introduction In every generation, the struggle for power has been a controversial issue. Our generation has no escape to this. International territorial claims between Philippines and the super power China have been a concern for decades. Even in the realm Christian church faces such struggle....

Extinction of Peace and Constant Presence of Conflict

Peace and conflict have always been joined at the hip since the beginning of mankind. The first peaceful era of human beings can be traced to Adam and Eve, and their stay at the garden of Eden. However, peace cannot go on unchecked for long....

A Comparison of the Depiction of Nudity in Genesis and Praxiteles' Venus

Adam and Eve in Genesis were initially unworried about their nudity, but after they eat the fruit to gain knowledge of good and evil, they spiritually die, resulting in feeling shameful and afraid. This is represented through the image Adam and Eve, for the figures...

The Image of God: A Base for Christian Counseling

There are hundreds of models of counseling that exist today, ranging in their understandings of hundreds of topics all the way across the spectrum. Not only that, but there are also multiple different models of Christian counseling that exist, each standing by their own unique...

Examining the Different Interpretations of 'The Image of God'

Humanity is created in the image of God. This has different meanings in different parts of the world. Where do those meanings compare and contrast? How do those different meanings alter the effect of sin on this humanity that is created in the image of...

The Gospel of Matthew: A Fulfillment of the Old Testament Prophecies

The Gospel of Matthew is the first of the synoptic gospels which was written around 50 A.D. This Gospel contains twenty-eight chapters which is comprised of narrative history, parables and sermons. The purpose of the Gospel of Matthew was to reveal Jesus as the Messiah...

A Review of the Stories of the Old Testament

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. On the first day God created light and he separated light from darkness; God called light day, and darkness he called night. On the second day, God created the sky and seas. On the third...

The Depiction of Kingdom of God in Parables

The Kingdom of God is often visualized by many, but no one has any clue as to what it really can be depicted as unless you have been there and can come back to share. In the wheat and the weeds, the mustard seed, and...

A Study of Taoism: Gods, Holy Places, and Symbols

Taoism was created on 142 C.E., the religion is most practiced in China and is one of the major religions in China. A total of 12 million people practice the religion worldwide. For my portion of the project I will be discussing the deities and...

Who is Allah? Delving Into the Qu’ran for Answers

Who is Allah? Across monotheistic religions, it is believed that the universe has one sole creator, one God. In Islam, God is referred to as Allah. He is the highest being in the universe who expects praise and worship from the humans and jinn He...

God Is The Creator Of Everything

A good look at the book of Genesis shows how God created all things with a definite purpose in mind. Though the purpose of all things created by God were not exhausted in the book of Genesis, science has revealed so much about things which...

God Knows What He's Doing, So Don't Stress

Essay grade Satisfactory

God has done the physically impossible and helped man do the physically impossible, yet to this day, we still doubt His greatness. When we look at the miracles that God has performed, one would think that your daily stresses would seem like nothing to Him....

The Conflicts Between Spirituality And Science

In this essay I will critically evaluate and discuss the conflicts between Spirituality and Science but firstly I would like to define what these two terms are. Spirituality or being spiritual is believing in supernatural power, whether you believe in the existence of God and...

The Origin Of A Human

Where does human come ? Are we not born from a human? Those questions are the current thorny topics. Nowadays, the human is still a secret. No one can precisely define human beings; no one understands human beings. Humans study all that is around them...

You Are Created For A Unique Purpose

We know that every product manufactured or invented is created to fulfill a unique or some set of need. A bucket and a packer can both be made of plastic, but they are not designed in the same way. They are both uniquely designed to...

The Reasoning Of Why People Tend To Believe In God

Religion is a topic that is circumvented in casual conversation. Often motivated by fears of offending others, being judged, or having to engage in a long-winded philosophical discussion, many of us keep our religious beliefs private. Instead, we gravitate towards harmless conversations about weather or...

The Contribution Of Brother Andrew To Christinaity

Brother Andrew was in the military as an atheist. He was in the military for several years, and he liked it a lot. One he was shot in the ankle and left the military. He also had killed a lot of people and had a...

A Deeper Understanding Of Judaism And Its Main Beliefs

In this journal, the religion that caught my attention and wanting me to know and learn more about it is Judaism. Firstly, there must be an understanding of Judaism. This is a set of ideas and practices being thought about the world and the way...

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