Love and Sin as a Prominent Themes in Literature

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For centuries romantic love has influenced writers and has been the topic of plays, songs, films and any other creative or artistic activities that you might think of. Many people would like to ask why? Because, when anyone who's been in love understands, love is complex and capable of generating powerful feelings, from exhilaration to heartbreak. Often, the choices we make can have a profound effect on our life. Thus, the critical nature of these inner struggles can cause us to feel excellent distress and frustration.

We may feel unsafe and helpless as the war of interests within us looms over us with growing intensity. This makes it much difficult to overcome such struggles. We're getting more and more distressed, So the internal conflict is not going to be addressed. When we sin, God punishes us. Our sins can be large or tiny, and fast judgement is sometimes required for sins. Every day we sin, God doesn't always punish us for all our sins. He is patient and kind and allows us to go through life as we hopefully try to be more like Christ. We fail on the manner, and the patience of God endures. The wage of sin is death.

In Petrarch first sonnet, Petrarch speaks about himself. “You hear in scattered rhymes the sound of those sigh with which I nourished my heart during my first youthful error, when I was in part another man from what I am now:’’ (pp 2068) Petrarch is hoping that those who loved will understand his suffering before. This of course is typical of the Middle Ages and Renaissance ideal of unrequited love sung by. The bigger the sighs the greater the pain the greater the love. “For the varied style in which I weep and speak between vain hopes vain sorrow where there is anyone who understands love through experience, I hope to find pity not only pardon.” (2068).

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In sonnets 3 Petrarch refers to Laura, whom he first saw on April six in the church. He dropped in love with her immediately, but she always stayed unattainable when she was married. “It was the day when the sun’s ray turned pale with grief for his maker when I taken, and I did not defend myself against it, for your lovely eyes Lady, bound me.” (2068) It is the Love of God that shines from within as Laura is conceived by Petrarch. He is attracted to a Higher Love with gratitude. Petrarch seems to understand he has to follow the 'greatest good' or his love becomes fleshly and common.

Dante Inferno recounts Dante's adventure through hell as led by Virgil, so it's no surprise that sin is becoming a prominent factor in the story. Dante considers that sin must be punished during his trip through hell because it goes against God and the world's perfection. Sin makes one unable to see what is true and what is incorrect. Not only that, it also serves to restore penalty of sin balancing the good with the evil. In addition, he learns that sin functions on a continuum from the least terrible to the heinously horrible; sins are punished by assessing the sinner's gravity. We look at how sin works in Dante's Inferno in this class.

The message about sin that arises from the Pardoner Prologue and Tale is how interconnected it is, sin leads to more sin. For example, the gluttony and lechery of the Pardoner leads to his greed due to the need to finance his luxurious lifestyle. The same applies to the rioters who intend to use their fresh assets to fund their gambling, alcohol, and whoring. The devil discovers a simple footing in the soul of the eldest rioter, even persuading him to kill his brothers because of the Rioter's already practiced sinful behavior. Sin is the nickname in your personal armor that allows the devil to jump in; it spiritually weakens you.

Also, you should be thankful to him for his salvation, sin is treachery against God. In order to promote repentance and shame in his crowd, the Pardoner pushes home this last stage at the very end of his Tale, so they will purchase his pardons. “This Pardoner answered back not one word: so angry he was no word would he say, with you, or with another angry man. But right away the worthy knight began, (1914)

Of course, we're all reacting to the experiences we have had. What is different from individual to individual is how these experiences influence our being and what each of us gets from these experiences, and how from that point on we apply them to our life. We see this occurring in literature as well as in our own life. The characters of the Hamlet of Shakespeare and those of Milton Paradise Lost show, by their disputes, the experiences they are subjected to have an adverse impact on their life. In these pieces of literature, what brings about their ultimate downfall is the responses that characters have to their experiences. Unfortunately, these characters will not understand the mistake of their behavior until it is too late. Some readers see Satan as the story's hero, or protagonist, because he is struggling to overcome his own doubts and weaknesses and fulfill his objective of corrupting humanity. However, this goal is evil, and at the end of the story Adam and Eve are the moral heroes as they help to start the slow process of redemption and salvation of mankind. Satan is far from the object of the story.

Since Adam and Eve lived, the question of good versus evil has been a conflict man, but it has never really been resolved. The only explanation for the good-evil war is justice; the justice of God. Milton's Paradise Lost is without a doubt an epic poem dealing with the complexity of good versus evil. The impacts of this poem are evident. Milton enables us to question other people and ourselves by questioning God. Although God's answer is not always necessary, the 'Eternal Providence' explanation and God's righteousness is something that can not be explained by man. Maybe that's why God isn't responding to Milton; he required the responses in himself.

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