Once upon a time in the enchanting world of cinema, a tale as old as time was brought to life on the big screen — Beauty and the Beast. This iconic Disney classic, known for its captivating story, enchanting characters, and memorable musical numbers, has...
Introduction In the beloved 1999 teen romantic comedy '10 Things I Hate About You,' we are given a modern retelling of Shakespeare's 'The Taming of the Shrew.' The film, directed by Gil Junger, captivated audiences with its witty dialogue, endearing characters, and relatable high school...
The My Fault Movie Adaptation In 2023, the popular Spanish book series Culpa Mía will be adapted into an English-language film titled My Fault. The YA novel series written by Estelle Maskame has developed a devoted international following since 2015. The upcoming movie aims to...
The world is ceaselessly looked with changed issues extending from financial defeats, disasters, and numerous others. Nonetheless, an ongoing issue that tends to be everlasting is the issue on Racism. Racism alludes to the demonstration of separating or looking down on a person from an...
The 'Fight Club' masculinity essay critically examines the portrayal of masculinity in the renowned film and delves into life struggles without father. In spite of the fact that “Fight Club” evokes somewhat mixed feelings among many viewers, a few years after the premiere, the film was...
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Racism has been a major problem since the early 1900’s. It all starts with one person thinking that their race is better than every other which leads to them pushing down other races. There will always be problems with racism in our country and many...
Malala is a campaigner for girls' education from Pakistan. On the 9th of October Malala was shot in the head by Taliban gunmen because she spoke up for the rights of girls to be educated. Malala survived being shot in the head and is continuing...
The theme that I have drawn from the movie “Mother!” is an allegory, a reoccurring cycle which has probably happened numerous times before, and an environmental film which has a very deep meaning to the films and many Easter Eggs, it depicts the rape and...
My favorite movie would have to be 'Hitman: Agent 47', which is a 2015 American action thriller film directed by Aleksander. Its main character is a mysterious assassin known only as 'Agent 47'. The movie was released on August 21, 2015. 'Agent 47' is an...
Milk is a film produced in 2008 in America based on a biography. It is based on the life of gay politician and right activist Harvey Milk. He was the first known gay activist to be elected for public office in California as a member...
I am Sam is a 2001 American dramamelodrama film directed with the aid of Jessie Nelson. Honestly speaking, I can't put into phrases how the director portrays such conflicting thoughts and how heart-tugging the films is. Jessie Nelson forces the audience to query Sam's abilities...
History movies have always been controversial for historians. The scholars frequently criticised the values of these films for several reasons, such as; not showing a complete picture of the particular era, ignoring many facts and opinions or portraying events and characters historically inaccurately. However, as...
Christipher Nolan’s 2001 psychological thriller movie Memento is based on a man named Leonard Shelby who tries tracking down the man who raped and murdered his wife. Leonard suffers from a rare memory loss. This means that he can remember everything before he suffered an...
A Knight’s Tale is set in medieval Europe around 1370s and the movie follows a peasant, who is fuelled of the desire of food and glory and has a heart of a knight, through a journey where he disguises himself as a knight to compete...
"3 Idiots" is a bollywood film which was produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra and directed by Rajkumar Hirani. It was released on 25 December 2009. This movie is said to have been adapted from the book ‘Five points someone’ by Chetan Bhagat. The leading actors...
“Without a struggle, there can be no progress” (Douglas, Frederick). In life we are constantly faced with struggles. Regardless of the social status or ethnicity of a person, anyone can face a struggle. Whether it’d be finding peace, money, or a place to fit in...
Under globalization, western ideas such as gender equality and individuality are widely spread to China. The phenomenon arouses a heated debate in the society. Some people may think that the enlightened ideas diminish Chinese’s feudal thoughts and increase their consciousness on the promotion of human...
This essay on being a doctor could be inspired by the documentary 'The English Surgeon', which portrays the journey of a compassionate and empathetic neurosurgeon, Dr. Henry Marsh, who faces the difficulties of a mismanaged hospital in Ukraine, striving to improve patients' lives under any...
Horror fiction was a genre that was fast approaching extinction in the late 20th century until a certain high school teacher named Stephen King wrote a book titled Carrie that would quickly change the genre forever. This happened in 1974 and the success of the...
Introduction Within the 21st century, the digitalization of the media has started to shape and affect all areas of the media industries known today. As the godfather of Transmedia, Henry Jenkins states, that through digitalization the media is going through a transition where an old...
To The Bone is the second netflix released movie to have graced the internet after 13 Reasons Why. The choice of theme - mental health - and the camera tricks during the movie makes it all the more harder to watch without shedding a tear....
For this essay I am going to focus in on mostly anorexia nervosa. Ellen is a 20-year-old woman struggling with anorexia nervosa. In the midst of family problems and her own fears, she is accepted into a group home run by an unusual doctor. Through...
Relationships and sex are frequent topics described in teen movies in the 1980s. The films of this period express the sexual freedom that teens were experiencing for the first time. This chapter happened for a brief period between the sexual liberation movement of the 1970s...
The title of this project will be “See the World with open eyes...” I think this title connects with all the recourses that I have used so far and will be using in my project. The steps that I have taken so far in this...
Today I watched a movie called ‘The Breakfast Club’. It was a movie about 5 problem children going to school on a Saturday for detention. Their names were Brian Johnson, Andrew Clark, Allison Reynolds, Claire Standish, and John Bender stereotyped as “the brain, the athlete,...
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Task Functions: The first task function I will be discussing is information seekers. Information seekers seek information, facts and relevant information to better understand a topic, information seekers may use questions or suggestions to find out more about a topic (Belay, 2018, p.12). A specific...
The movie, the King’s Speech, deals with England’s Prince and Duke Albert, that suffers from stuttering and is unable to give speeches and represent the royal family. As he has to ascend the throne of his father and become the new King of England, he...
Casablanca premiered in 1942, the first year that the United States decided to participate in WWII. It is an exceedingly-gleaming story about how good, not so good, and meticulously individuals lastly convene to ‘fight fascism’ as personified in the Allied, precisely the United States. The...
The Virgin Suicides is a 1999 American motion picture made for the screen and facilitated by Sofia Coppola (in her segment directorial debut). The film moreover incorporates Scott Glenn, Michael Pare and Danny DeVito in minor occupations, and a voice depiction by Giovanni Ribisi. This...
Although the film “Amistad” is based off of the true events, it is historically inaccurate in a few different ways. The Amistad is a film by Steven Spielburg in which the horrors of the middle passage are shown and described. La Amistad is the name...
In this paper, I will be discussing the visual representation of women in superhero comic books and focusing particularly on the visual evolution of Wonder Woman, the most popular female superhero with the longest publication history of any female superhero to date. From 1941 to...
Hollywood never had a superhero film directed by a female director, until the release of the 2017 American superhero movie Wonder Woman, which is based on DC Comics. Unlike its rival Marvel, DC has had a hard time finding the right mix of darkness and...
The stories of Rucka’s run needs to be framed on the lasting influence of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in the US which took place in 2001. The first issue of Wonder Woman written by Rucka came out in Oct 2003, #195,...
Introduction The film industry has long been dominated by male-led superhero narratives, but the release of "Wonder Woman" in 2017 marked a significant milestone in the representation of female superheroes on the big screen. Directed by Patty Jenkins and starring Gal Gadot in the titular...
The movie constructs a strict binary between gender roles through its setting and costumes. Wonder Woman’s independence supplies her with a liminal status between the constraints of the binary as an assertion that extreme perspectives should not act alone as guiding principles. For most of...
The superhero’s shown in comic movies and books help codify gender stereotypes. Wonder Woman is fictional superheroine. She appeared on October 1941 in books published by DC comics. A Wonder Woman is portrayed as a brave, beautiful and lovable woman. She has always been find...
In 12 Angry Men, the jury presented is deciding whether an eighteen-year-old kid is guilty or innocent for the murder of his father. The jury consists of 12 men, who are to rule over the decision. When the 12 men enter into the chambers to...
The 1957 film titled, “12 Angry Men”, gives a behind-the-scenes view into the American legal justice system. “12 Angry Men” was directed by Sidney Lumet and was written by American film writer Reginald Rose. The film is made in black and white and features famous...
Movies have often been seen as a source of entertainment, a place to turn to when one is bored or when one is looking for some sort of catharsis. This has led to the movie industry to skyrocket in terms of production and revenues but...
The theory of aesthetic consciousness depicts the aspect of aesthetic experience which lies in multifarious connotations of the Art of Performance. ‘Natyasastra’( Sanskrit for ‘theory of performance’) divides the dramatic nuance into two parts- on one hand, there’s ‘Natya’ meaning staging of an event in...
'Hidden Figures' returns us to 1961 when racial isolation and work environment sexism were generally acknowledged as unavoidable issues facing everyone and 'PC' alluded to an individual, not a machine. Even though a massive IBM centralized server appears in the motion picture — sufficiently large...
The movie Fight Club is a film revolving around the idea of collective behavior and the power one gains whilst a part of such behavior. Tyler’s character begins as a relatively weak and sociological “advanced” individual, with a penthouse, a stable job, and money. Although...
A person’s identity is determined by several factors, an important one being the culture in which he lives. When migrating to another country, then, the contrasting cultures which create two conflicting identities present a significant challenge for the immigrant. Mira Nair’s film The Namesake (2007)...
This film is a harrowing, unforgettable drama that does not stray away from the reality of slavery, and, in doing so, it helps all watching to fully and truly confront all the aspects it’s trying to cover. It portrays the sickening, real, everyday violence and...
The hidden figure describes to us a story of three dedicated African American female mathematicians aka known as the “human computers” who used pencils, scales, and adding machines to calculate the numbers on how they could launch rockets into space. These female problem-solvers were some...
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12 years a slave is a movie produced by Steve McQueen that treats the topic of slavery in the United States during the nineteenth century. The movie is the story of an African American man named Solomon Northup that lived happily as a free man with...
In this adventurous novel by Deborah Ellis, a girl whose father has been taken away has to masquerade as a boy to feed her family. As you read this book you will experience a young 11-year-old girl named Parvana who has to look and act...
Is keeping orca whales in captivity inhumane and heartless? Blackfish tells the story of Tilikum, a great orca whale who was ripped away from his family and natural habitat when he was only two. It shows us how heartbreaking it is to confine these emotionally...
The housing market crashed in 2008, and was an event that that has marked the United States today. “Mortgage crisis. Credit crisis. Bank collapse. Government bailout. Phrases like these frequently appeared in the headlines throughout the fall of 2008, a period in which the major...
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The Psychoanalytic theory applies to the life of Will Hunting. Therapy sessions with Sean Maguire led to the discovery that, Will pushing people away and not allowing people to get too close was a result of his childhood experiences. An example of this would be...
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Forrest Gump (1994) is a romantic comedy film directed by Robert Zemeckis and stars Tom Hanks in the leading role of Forrest Gump himself. Forrest is a kind-hearted but slow-witted man from Alabama who shares his life story with a number of people waiting at...
This movie is the story of a man named Will Hunting. He is an orphan who was in an out of foster care throughout his childhood and grew up in a really rough situation. He is working as a janitor at MIT, the same university...
The last part of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Home is most fascinating, as it closes with Medical attendant Ratched rising as the empty victor of the entire story. McMurphy, who is martyred in the book is displayed as a the victor. One can see...
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This type of mortgage shown in the movie is called subprime mortgage which means these are loans that have very small possibility of being paid. This happens because the banks primarily target mostly the immigrants and the people who earn small or those poor people....
“If you were in a bathtub for 25 years, don’t you think you would get a little irritated, aggravated, maybe a little psychotic?” (Blackfish, 2013) Orca whales have been mistreated for years now as they are confined to small tanks, forced to be with creatures...
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Forrest Gump's disability is a central theme of the film, and it serves as a powerful symbol of the challenges and obstacles that individuals with disabilities face in society. In this Forrest Gump disability essay, we can explore the ways in which the film portrays...
So the primary concern that lead to the 2008 breakdown was the creation and abuse of home loan. This was explained by Margot Robbie in the bath tub scene.The bonds, as notes, were great resources for banks in the first place since they were brimming...
The brain of an orca is scientifically proven to be as structured and as developed as the human brain. With the exploitation of them in the past half century, it is certainly a question of ethics of whether we keep these intelligent creatures and maximize...
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The film Good Will Hunting features the eight psychotherapy sessions that raise and address concerns in the current practice of psychotherapy as well as its ethical base of counseling. Will Hunting, the main character, demonstrates the psychological difficulties that adversely affect his life, especially in...
Essay grade
The author of the film Blackfish published their film after the never forgotten death of Dawn Brancheau a former SeaWorld trainer. Blackfish wanted to expose Seaworld of the danger of the workers that are put in the water and of the mistreatment of their captive...
One of the most famous films of Robert Zemeckis “Forrest Gump” has rightfully become a classic of world cinema and in particular the cult American movie. The film was released in 1994. This is a film adaptation based on the Winston Groom novel of the...
After watching this movie, I can say that I have several life lesson that I learned that would be helpful for me in the future. Those lesson are the following: Take the Risk – in the movie, the characters took the risk in betting against...
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Gus Van Sant’s Good Will Hunting (1997) is a coming-of-age, drama film that follows a young man on his journey to self-discovery. The titular character, Will Hunting, native to the decrepit South Boston, has been gifted with an incredible, natural intelligence that was not nurtured...
In the novel One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, the main character, Randle Patrick McMurphy demonstrates both sanity and insanity according to different definitions and from different points of view. Firstly, the novel illustrates McMurphy’s disobedience and failure to obey rules or the law which...
The film Forrest Gump was a 1994 American comedy-drama film directed and produced by Robert Zemeckis. He goes through his life with his mother’s saying “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get” In mind, this quote means...
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On February 24, 2010, veteran SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau was tragically killed by the orca she was doing a show with inside the infamous Shamu Stadium in SeaWorld Orlando. The film, Blackfish, is an emotion-stirring dive into the mistreatment of Orcas at SeaWorld and the...
In One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest, Medical attendant Ratched speaks to the ethics of self-suppression and similarity, of complying with society's standards beyond a shadow of a doubt or grumbling. On the other hand, McMurphy represents the goals of singularity and self-articulation. He speaks...
Parvana, the protagonist, an eleven year old, brave, kind, strong, caring, hopeful and confident girl. In the first chapters, before becoming the breadwinner Parvana is a young and naive girl “what she wanted most of all was to be invisible” (Ellis 5), but after becoming...
Full Metal Jacket by Stanley Kubrick is a war film that stars characters like Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, Leonard Lawrence (Gomer Pyle), and protagonist James Davis (Joker). The film shows how War can change people to what they are not, either transforming them to blood-thirsty soldiers,...
In the vast wilderness of Alaska's Katmai National Park and Reserve, a man named Treadwell dared to forge an extraordinary bond with one of nature's most formidable creatures – the mighty bears. For thirteen remarkable summers, he fearlessly lived unarmed among these majestic beings, immersing...
October Sky is a film that was released in 1999. The movie takes place in the 1950s in Coalwood, West Virginia. Around this decade the Space Race, a competition to launch the first spacecraft between the Soviet Union and the United States. The film is...
A tumbleweed rolls on through in the opening sequence of the film as the Stranger narrates about the film’s main protagonist, Jeffrey Lebowski, who is otherwise exclusively referred to as The Dude. The Stranger describes The Dude as a man who is “quite possibly the...
Morgan Spurlock's documentary, "Super Size Me," delves into the realm of fast food conglomerates and the profound impact of McDonald's-based culinary offerings. The film also examines the burgeoning crisis of obesity and diabetes in the United States. Morgan commits himself to an intriguing experiment, consuming...
Ray Bradbury, stated: “the only answer to most of the destruction and dishonor and dissolution of the world is a sense of humor. …So when you are faced by the totalitarian regimes and the madness they inflict on the world, courage isn’t enough, you have...
Nick Cassavetes’ film uses the pentadic structure to establish meaning using the purpose approach. Agent, agency, act, and scene are still present; however, they are not the main focus of the story. John Q perfectly aligns with the dramatic perspective. The purpose of this film...
The film “A Separation,” by Asghar Farhadhi was the first Iranian film to ever win an Oscar for “Best Foreign Language Film” in 2012. From just looking at the cover photos of a few of his works, there is a common theme of conflict between...
Essay grade
Citizen Kane is one of the most well-known movies, having a successful debut in 1947, and is still popular today. Aspects that made the film so accomplishing were mise-en-scene, inciting indents, climax, and dramatic irony. Tied together, these few aspects created a base for not...
The Book Thief, published in 2005, is a fictional book based on the events of WWII written by Markus Zusak. Because the book became an international best seller, it was adapted into a movie in 2013, and was directed by Brian Percival. Although the book...
Hoodwinked is a 2005 computer animated movie that retells the folktale of Little Red Riding Hood, but as a police investigation, using flashbacks to show multiple characters' points of view. Even the word “hoodwink” means to deceive or trick someone which is the whole plot...
The film The Imitation Game both possess limitations and benefits of its representation of an historical figure. In evaluating the film's representation of the past there are many key issues to be discussed which include the essential questions about how and why the film has...
In the film, Salieri is full of rage when he comes to find his talents aren’t as recognized as much as Mozart himself is. He believes that he has sacrificed way too much. Salieri begins to have conflictions with nature especially in his views on...
“Marshall” is a film about Thurgood Marshall a lawyer for the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) who together with his partner Sam Friedman a Jewish lawyer, take on the case of Joseph Spell a black chauffeur who had been accused of...
Essay grade
“Life is a box full of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you’re going to get.” The same can be said for the filmography of Robert Zemeckis, the very director of Forrest Gump. Over the span of 46 years, he’s gone through multiple genres, jumping...
Introduction The film tells the story of four different babies that born and raised in 4 different places. There are babies from Namibia, Japan, Mongolia, and United States of America. Story begins with birth of babies and ends up with their first step scene. Each...
After watching the movie 'Amadeus,' I was in a sad mood with excitement. This Mozart biographical film is a record of the devastation of a great musician in the world, and a microcosm of a class of people. Mozart's genius and achievements need not be...
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Purpose of this extended Essay is to investigate how filmmakers edit their films in order to present a visceral reality by doing so I intent to develop an understanding of editing techniques and styles used to portray time and space in film narratives. I will...
China, officially the People’s Republic of China is the largest country in the world today with the most population in the Southeast Asia country, which is a total of 1.435 billion people, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data. China is also...
Introduction 'The Black Balloon' is a 2008 Australian drama film directed by Elissa Down, which provides a sensitive and insightful portrayal of autism and its impact on individuals and their families. The film tells the story of the Mollison family, focusing on Charlie, a teenage...
The floor is cold against my bare feet. I can already feel my arms bruising from the repeated blows, and I know there will be more pain before this is over. I hear the sharp whistle, and the next round of the match begins. My...
If you are a big fan of TV shows, then there is every chance that you are familiar with Orange Is The New Black cast members and are a big fan of one or two. This is because, over the past 6 years, the web...
Whale Rider is a Maori drama film that was released on 9 September 2002, directed and written by Niki Caro. The movie, adapted from Witi Ihimaera’s 1987 novel, is a co-production between New Zealand and Germany and has become a global success. The film reflects...
“No one chooses to live this way, Carlitos, unless they got a good reason”, stated migrant worker, Enrique from the award-winning film La Misma Luna. In her film La Misma Luna or Under the Same Moon, director Patricia Riggen successfully captures common hardships Chicano immigrant...
“Chinatown” by Roman Polanski a neo-noir mystery film that was released in 1974. A film with great complications to the films’ genre. The film “Chinatown” fits more towards a subgenre movie as to the film “The Departed” rather than the film “Les Miserables”. My approach...
The plot of the movie is as follows, Inman gets in a battle and realizes that what he has already is too precious to put in risk over a victory that isn’t there. After his realization, Inman decides to desert the army, going on a...
Billy Wilder’s 1959 film Some Like It Hot is an age old comedic farce often regarded as one of the best comedies of all time (Mondello, 2008). It centers on two men who, after witnessing a mob hit in prohibition era Chicago, are forced to...
At the first glance, the movie remake may seem no different from the original film. But the peculiar nature of relationship they establish with their earlier models. And with their audience makes them unique. The uniqueness of the film remake, a movie based on another...
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The movie "Concussion" is a 2015 biographical drama film directed by Peter Landesman, starring Will Smith in the lead role. The film depicts the true story of Dr. Bennet Omalu, a forensic pathologist who discovers the debilitating effects of repetitive head trauma on professional football...
“Not personal? That is my work, my sweat, and my time away from my kids! If that is not personal, I don't know what is!Xtra credit:” – Erin Brockovich, 2000. This line from a movie reminds me of a quote by Arnold Palmer saying, “Always...
The movie Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is the final installation of Peter Jackson’s trilogy based on books written by J.R.R Tolkien. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King shows the final battle between the two armies, Aragorn’s army...
American scientist, Robert Neville, is a lone human survivor living in the ruins of New York City three years after an initially promising cancer cure turns into a virus that wipes out humanity. Faithfully sending out radio messages every day and wandering the streets for...