Adventure Tourism: Risk Taking in Adventure of Life 

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What is adventure tourism? From the word itself, we can figure out what does it mean. But, what does it contain? How important it is, or was it even important? Adventure tourism is basically travelling with eagerness for seeking adventure. Seeking something new, something that can make us feel alive. Traveling itself, will be boring if it's the only thing we can do. We also have to explore, to learn new things. So as doing activities that makes us enjoy our travel in that place. Travelers seeks not only for the places and knowledge but also some activity that they can do which will stand as a challenge for them. It contains Physical activity which will test their physical capacity as a human, such as cycling, zip lining, hiking, swimming and many more. This is important not only to make the place popular but also to nourish the people health. It also contains cultural exchange which aims to promote mutual understanding about the culture of each country and people. Between the traveller and the place. It is important to show respect to other's culture. Adventure tourism is important not only to promote a tourist spot out of popularity but also to spread knowledge about one's culture, traditions and morals. This past years, it can't be denied that tourism and traveling grew up popular. Tourists from other places and countries keeps coming, seeking for adventure that they can enjoy. Something worthwhile.

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Adventure tourism is being physically active, doing things that can improve your physical attributes and somehow connecting yourself from a different culture you once were. Learning their culture and morals that could bring you knowledge not just enjoyment. Peoples specially tourists, keeps looking for more. Based on my experience I enjoy travelling because I’m with my family. It keeps me on reminiscing how does it goes by on that day, it’s just I have mixed emotions. Excitement and happiness. I’m so nervous because it’s my first time travelling with different activities, Exploring new things. There are some activities that could help you not to push your limits and make the moment gone bad. Day hiking where reaching the high ground with your own two feet and admire the view while at the top. Backpacking that keeps you stay out in nature and admire it more but will require more knowledge and equipment so that you could stay longer. Zip lining, a scary type of crossing a two point destination where you can also enjoy because of the view while you're crossing/falling. These are only some of those activity that the tourist keeps on aiming to experience. Adventure tourism is for the tourist that are expecting and seeking for more than just an activity but also to learn the nature and culture of one's place. Adventure tourism is not your ordinary vacation. It involves exploration and knowledge-seeking risks and activities. For those who wants to go out of their comfort zones, they must try this. This activity isn't just for exploring but also to admire what's unknown. Culture, places, foods, activities, and many more. These activities aren't just simple as running or swimming, though they are counted as in. Some of these activities such as climbing, cycling, zip lining, that needs a lot of courage to try. These are for the people who are thrill seeker. Those wants to live their life to the fullest. This may also include mountaineering, trekking, bungee jumping, mountain biking, cycling, canoeing, scuba diving, rafting, kayaking, paragliding, hiking, exploring, sand boarding, caving and rock climbing giving a change. In a good way. It is important to show interest and willingness to visit one's place but to go there without an aim to know something and to grow, could be a waste of time. Adventure Tourism promotes traveling and learning at the same time. So as enjoying the moment of your life while you are in the other place. The most important thing about this is you can learn the culture of the place you are traveling. To gain knowledge and to enjoy.

It is important to show interest and willingness to visit one's place but to go there without an aim to know something and to grow, could be a waste of time. Adventure Tourism promotes traveling and learning at the same time. So as enjoying the moment of your life while you are in the other place. The most important thing about this is you can learn the culture of the place you are traveling. Not by just culture but also how does other person value their place.

People keep on travelling even if it is far, because the happiness is priceless. The experience is the best, life is short we need to enjoy it. We need to see how God created our surroundings beautifully and perfectly, And embrace it with care. When we travel we always want to enjoy and live our life to the fullest but we don’t know we learn on little things. Also the importance of adventure tourism is to claim that our country still look glamorous and the most beautiful place we ever had. We are in the point of life where we seek for something more. In this part of life we realize that we are born to be more. We, humans could do more than what we're doing right now. It's normal for us to crave for adventures and risks. It's a part of life that we must have the chance to go beyond our limits. To surpass all the limits we put on ourselves. To do those things, you must do things that you're afraid to do. Some kind of activity that might test your courage and faith. Something that can make you more than what you are right now. Adventure itself can make that happen. If you want to be free, then go on for adventures. If you want to test yourself then go on for adventures. See, all these things cannot be found on the same place you were yesterday. Sure, there are lessons in your common place but there are a lot to explore and to experience outside that place you were always been. Risk taking is too much for some. There's no guarantee that you will succeed, but to try it with courage and hoping for the best to happen can probably the most bravest thing you could do out of your whole existence. All risks in front of you is either make you happy or make you learn. Whatever you gain from that risks, you grow. You grow from the same person to a whole new level of you. Once you get and tried something you haven't yet tried before, you will learn something new and experience more. Adventure tourism is just one of a thousand ways to make yourself grow and learn. There are a lot of ways but these is one of the best. Going out of your comfort zone and taking risks that are not quite safe or free from danger. For some, having regrets and not taking the risks is worse than having yourself killed. Yes, those are the people who live to seek a new risks to take, every day of their life. Perhaps their existence is made just to do something more. Adventure is quite great for it makes us learn and gain something new.

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