Essay Samples on Inequality

Essay Examples
Essay Topics

The Issue of Racism in Schools: Discrimination and Inequality Gap

Racism in Schools Racism has always been a contentious issue in the classroom, and it's no different today. When the topic of racism is broached, a torrent of emotions emerges. As a result, most people refuse to discuss or handle the issue. Racism is an...

Depiction of Black People in 'Cry, the Beloved Country'

Introduction Between white and black individuals there has been a thought black people are worse than white people. Black and white people are both equal and we should not view them as different just because one has darker or lighter skin than the other. We...

The Issue of Social Justice in Terms of Racism at Schools

The term 'social justice' is often used in the context of issues related to race and racism. Social justice refers to the fair and equal distribution of resources, opportunities, and privileges in society, regardless of race or other factors. However, in many cases, systemic racism...

Is the American Dream Dead: the Way We Can Resuscitate It

The gap between the richest and the poorest in the United States is increasing since past 40 years — killing the American Dream. America supposed to be a land of opportunity, however compared to other developed countries, it has highest level of economic inequality. For...

Problem of Discrimination and Segregation Through the US History

One of the most monumental and important moments in the history of the US was in 1787 when the US signed its constitution. This document was created to protect the unalienable rules of every individual. There is no doubt that the Constitution solved a big...

The Enduring Issue of Inequity Throughout History

Introduction As humans on this earth, we often ponder how we got to where we are now, what assisted in the development of mankind, and what events lead up to the point in life that we are currently in. Though there isn’t a definitive answer...

Bringing Awareness to Colorism in Music

Colorism, “a form of prejudice or discrimination usually from members of the same race in which people are treated differently based on the social implications from cultural meanings attached to “skin color” that is the definition you would find in any dictionary. What they don’t...

Colorism and Skin Bleaching in the Black and Brown Community

Colorism is a term defined as a form of racial discrimination based on different shades of an individual's skin. This type of discrimination typically occurs in a specific ethnic group. Colorism has roots that traces as far back as the 1500’s when European colonist started...

Colorism: Discrimination and Prejudice Among Minorities

Staples recounts the unscrupulous history of hiring practices during the Jim Crow era, a time where the importance of skin color was more explicitly stated in employment advertisements claiming “whiteness” as a job qualification. Colorism is still very much ingrained in the minds of Americans...

Colorism Displayed in Advertising African Americans

Commercials has always been a strategic way to catch ones attention to enforce one business plan to get consumers who are willing to buy into whatever it is they're selling. Commercials has been a tool to manipulate ones mind into seeking and buying a product...

The Prevalence of the Issue of Colorism in the Society

Colorsim is discrimination against darker-tone individuals. Coloism is typically within the younger generation of today’s society. Colorism is an issue in today’s society people need to be more educated on it. The people of the society need to know what colorism is and how to...

Racial Discrimination as the Reason for High Infant Mortality Rates

Introduction It is claimed that high infant mortality rates are due to poor general health as a result of existing social, economic and environmental policies. Social barriers and racial discrimination are said to prevent access to basic health care and existing resources. It is also...

Colorblind Society and Its Role in Creating Racial Discrimination

According to Wildeman and Emily (1468), issues related to race are often uncomfortable to discuss, and widespread controversy and stress. Color has been used as the foundational pillar of racial differences that pervade the United States and its systems. However, the sources of racial differences...

The Solution to Racial Discrimination by Singapore Government

Racial equality is the act of giving all races equal opportunities and rights. The Singapore Government treats racial equality with much seriousness. It is no surprise that many politicians in Singapore emphasize the importance of treating every race equally on many occasions, like National Day,...

Racial Discrimination in Workplace and Communities

Abstract There were many reports of racial discrimination in West Palm beach. Moreover, this essay is about the issues, racial discrimination experiences, and changes we make for the workplace and environment. For this research, the writer review articles to bring together and summarize the results...

Consequences of Inequality and How Should Policymakers Respond

Inter-regional inequalities and policies to tackle them have had an increase in popularity over the last decade and for good reason from 1999-2007 inequalities in regions within enlarged Europe at the NUTS3 level increased by 8%. In the same time period, national inequalities have decreased...

Yins Face Inversion Effect and the Within-Class Discriminations

Facial recognition is a crucial ability that is required in order for one to survive. Humans beings, on the majority tend to use faces in order to recognise others, to signal identity, differentiate between genders, race and attractiveness, faces are also use in order to...

Modern Tension Theory and Social Structure Inequality of Opportunity

It was Robert Merton who first looked at modern tension theory and ambitiously notes that widespread inequalities in the USA create serious barriers to success for many lower-class individuals. This configuration of culture (the culturally prescribed goal of social wealth) and social structure (inequality of...

The Prevalance Of Institutional Racism In Sitcoms

Sitcoms are known for the laughs they bring and morally based episodes that cater to an audience that may face relatable everyday issues. Such as a boy liking a girl and getting his first kiss or parents having to discuss a broken curfew which all...

The Presence Of Discrimination In The United States

Racism is one of the main global issues that occur today. Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Many of us create racial...

The Issue Of Institutional Racism In Our Society

Society strikes against those who look or are different. The LGBTQ community continues to struggle for their rights. As America embarked in this rough roller coaster with Donald Trump’s presidency, racism over minority groups has risen. Not only were minority groups affected but also those...

Freedom And Inequality In The Age Of Reconstruction: Failure Or Success

Our modern day definition of freedom is consistent with the understanding of freedom during reconstruction; however, the difference lies in who is entitled to such freedom. Webster’s dictionary defines freedom in part as “1. the state or quality of being free; especially, a) exemption or...

Canada’s Indian Act: An Affront To Human Dignity

“Canada’s Indian Act: an affront to human dignity” by Manuel Escott published on January 3, 1994, in the Globe and Mail is an insight into the political motives present in the Indian Act. Canada’s history of discriminating against Indigenous people, especially when it comes to...

Decolonization Of Education For Women In Post-conflict Northern Uganda

There was a woman who was interviewed by a journalist for a national newspaper about her experience as a sex slave during the conflict in Northern Uganda. The journalist wrote about the woman’s experiences, adding the fact that she was also planning on marrying her...

Racial Discrimination I Once Experienced During My Middle School

I first became conscious of my race during my final year of middle school, before this race and color existed for me but no one in my surroundings nor I felt anything toward it. I went to an elementary school that was mostly made up...

Analysis of the Theme of Racism in the Novel Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

Racial segregation speaks to an issue, which harms the establishment of any socialized society – it turns individuals against one another and has no premise with the exception of numbness and hunger for power. Ralph Ellison's 'Undetectable Man' approaches this issue through the eyes of...

The Correlation of Gender, Race and Caste System in the Society

Caste, class and gender are inextricably linked, they interact with and shape each other. Inequality is practiced using the system of marriage, reproduction and sexuality. Louis Dumont defines caste system as a system of consensual values; a set of values accepted by both the dominant...

Knowledge and Virtue in the Myth of Ring of Gyges

“Everywhere there is one principle of justice, which is the principle of the stronger.” Said by Plato in his work of The Republic, this is a quote that could give a short but concise glimpse of the concerns discussed in Chapter 2. This chapter discusses...

Issues Faced by Women in Sports: Violence, Discrimination, Inequality

For countless years, both women and girls were known to be excluded from playing sports or doing any kind of work that would require them to move around. However, the women of today are now addressing the issue of gender inequality through sports. According to...

The Issue of Gender Inequality and Sexual Violence in the Society

What are human rights? Human rights are the rights that all individuals should appreciate by being people. All individuals are qualified for equivalent human rights paying little heed to sexual orientation, race, and spot of living arrangement, religious association, language, or nationality. Human rights are...

How the BLM Movements Fights Against the Inequality and Its Future Plans

Introduction Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a movement that works against systematic racism and violence toward black people. BLM addresses issues impacting the black community including racial profiling, police brutality, and racial inequality in the United States. So why is an advocacy group a topic...

Impacts of the Wealth Gap and Inequality in America

Ever the since the early 1900s, the American dream was always seen to be achievable by everyone thanks to capitalism. However, the dark reality is that many families don’t have the financial flexibility to support the ideal american life. With today’s socio-economic positions, the rich...

Fight Against Violence in Ballad of Birmingham and Battle of the Ants

It's been a while since the days of Martin Luther King. To this day his name has a familiar ring to the ears of hundreds of people all around the world. If against racism he did not choose to strive. To this day the incredible,...

Sleuthing the Alamo: Voicing Your Opinion about Racial Equality

This short book gives a good analysis about how to conduct historical researches. Crisp demonstrated how to do it by evaluating the credibility of your sources, he would not allow incomplete statements, and that’s how you make history. Crisp places himself directly into the text....

The Issue of Racism in Sports in Glory Road

Glory Road has some main themes are particularly concerned with racism in sports. The racism is firstly highlighted by the atmosphere surrounding the players from Texas Western. As Don Haskins goes to recruit, he looks at primarily white players, but then is forced to recruit...

Black Man’s Burden in Kipling's The Man Who Would Be King

Kipling portrays the message that white people are mire superior and can bring prosperity in the world. But I believe that any race or any skin colour can not be discriminated and without unity no success can be achieved. Kipling presents a European view of...

Social and Racial Injustice in US: LA Riots and Rodney King's Case

The song April 29, 1992 (Miami) by the band Sublime describes social and racial inequalities. The song begins with a police officer reporting damage to a vehicle over his radio. Following this the song begins describing the scene during the Los Angeles riots during the...

Apartheid Will Never Truly End

Throughout the years of history, people have been upbraided according to their race, color and ethnicity. The all white regime commenced imposing subsisting policies of segregation and racism under a system of legislation which were amongst the many controversies that led into the civil war....

History of 19th Equal Rights Amendment

The Nineteenth Amendment is one of the most important Amendments many have fought, protested had riots had many controversial opinions about but it's basically giving all American citizens the right to vote without gender discrimination. You may ask why does gender matter when voting? Well...

A Perfect America Includes Equal Rights for Everyone

Starting from the 1830s there were a lot of religious people that wanted America to be perfect. Lots of things had to be done for that to happen, though. There had to be a social reform and there was the abolitionist movement as well as...

Subaltern Other in God of Small Things

Widowhood and Divorce-hood in Subalternization of Women Roy has investigated the inconveniences of divorced and widows in The God of Small Things. The destiny of divorced women also is brought to the fore in The God of Small Things. Comrade Pillai's way to express the...

The Class Sruggle: Victimization of Lower Class Men and Women

This study focuses on the victimization of men and women of lower class who are exploited by the powerful based on their wealth and ‘material production’ which leads the ‘subordinate classes to engage in a struggle for economic, political, and social advantage’. It can be...

The Roots of Education Inequality in the Philippines and Its Outcomes

Essay grade Excellent

Quality education provides up-to-date academic and extracurricular content, competent teachers, sufficient resources, and standard materials for students to stay motivated and learn how to be a responsible member of the society (UNESCO, 2005). According to the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines -...

Different Aspects of Education Inequality 

Class plays a huge role in the inequality present in education. Becker and Keddie(1971) provide an insight as to how education isn’t fair with their theory of the self-fulfilling prophecy of failure. The concept that teachers themselves will evaluate the pupils. They depict a child's...

Inequality in Education, Its Consequences, and the Ways to Overcome Them in Malaysia

Vision 2020, which was articulated by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad for Malaysia to become a fully developed nation economically, politically, socially, spiritually, psychologically, and culturally in terms of national unity, social cohesion, social justice, political stability, quality of life, social and spiritual value, and national pride...

The Theme of Empowerment, Violence, and Cruelty in "The Color Purple"

Essay grade Satisfactory

From the mid-1960s to the early 1970s, African Americans faced hardship through inequality and racism. Around the 1980s, Alice Walker illustrated the history of racial and gender oppression that black women had faced throughout history. Walker's The Color Purple revolves around how women joined together...

Rousseau's Discourse of Inequality and the Resolution of Conflict

The conflict between our true inner thoughts and societal constraints imposed by natural needs and interpersonal contact is certain and common as the society develops. Although authenticity to ourselves is praised, we cannot be both authentic to ourselves yet live in the company of others....

The Color-Blind Ideology as a Tool to Hide Racism

In the decades since the Civil Rights Movement, many scholars have aimed to understand why racial inequalities have persisted in the U.S. Although new changes have been put into place following this movement, such as the abolishment of slavery or the removal of state-sanctioned forms...

Treatment Inequality at Work: Extroverts and Introverts

Characterized for extroversion and introversion is a common characteristic of flexible personality theories. The relations introversion and extroversion were spread by Carl Jung, agreeing to Jung there are two equally special insolences extroversion and introversion. The introvert is more relaxed with the inner world of...

Racial Inequality in Reconstruction Era's Regulations

Reconstruction began when President Abraham Lincoln issued Emancipation Proclamation December 1863. President Abraham’s plan to weaken the confederacy by taking oath of loyalty from at 10 % prewar voters to establish new state governments couldn’t yield expected results but certainly had put heavy dents on...

Class Warfare and Conflict in Orwell's "Animal Farm"

Essay grade Good

“A permanent division of labor inevitably creates occupational and class inequality and conflict,” a quote stated by Robert Shea that perfectly depicts the complexities of class warfare in general as well as within Animal Farm. An allegorical novella by George Orwell, the fable reflects events...

The Primary in Radical Criminilogy: A Look at the Marxist Approach

Radical Criminology After reading The Primary in Radical Criminology, I was surprised to know how the social structure of our country affects our citizens. For many years, people had tried to explain how and why people become criminals. Many other theories used religious or environmental...

Economy And Social Attributes Of Affirmative Action

Affirmative action is a array of laws and bills that have been in American history since 1935. In 1935, a portion of the action had appeared in the National Labor Relation Act formidably known as the Wagner Act, soon transitioned to the Relation Board as...

Perception Of The Masculine Identity

The most interesting aspect of this promoted masculine identity is that it convinced the men to enlist for war in huge numbers but the question that remains is why? To answer this one could look at how these masculine duties were perceived by the men...

Representation And Characterization Of Gender In Media

If you type the words ‘objectification’, ‘exploitation’ and ‘misrepresentation’ into a search engine, these words would be accompanied by ‘women’, ‘female’, or ‘girls’. Representation and characterization of gender in media is commonly misconceived as being customarily directed only towards the females of society. However, this...

Socio-Economic Inequality In The Works Of Adiga And Mistry

The dreams of the rich, and the dreams of the poor – they never overlap, do they? See, the poor dream all their lives of getting enough to eat and looking like the rich. And what do the rich dream of? Losing weight and looking...

Some Of Challenges Encountered By Tanzanian Women

Lack of self-determination in business Self-determination is one of the important aspects in determining individual’s achievement in life. Ward as cited in Wehmeyer (2001) defines self-determination as the attitude and ability that lead people to define goals for themselves and to take the initiative to...

The Inequalities In South Africa

In 1994, South Africa inherited a labour market environment based on a poor economic system with political instability, adversarial labour relations, cheap migrant labour and massive income and wealth inequalities. According to Onsander (2006) South Africa was confronted with the dilemma that despite the fall...

The Issue Of Patriarchy And Matriarchy In Society

Does people really want to live in a society where men are entitled to be in charge and dominate women? Well, even if you don't want to, you don't seem to have any other option. You have to live in this society, and which is...

We Should Overcome Stereotypes In Women Workforce

As the humanitarian organization CARE said, “Women are the most underutilized natural resource in the world”. It is utterly sad to think that we might be neglecting the talent of half of the population. On a globalized world remaining competitive is a key towards success...

The Role Of The Wealthy And Politicians In Increasing Of Inequality

Bernie Sanders stated, “Income and wealth inequality have reached obscene levels
 and the billionaire class is now allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money to buy the candidate they want. And it is up to us to stand up and fight back. If we stand...

The Effects Of Watching Pornography

Pornography In what follows I am going to explain and criticize Andrew Altman’s view for a defense of pornography. I dispute that Altman’s argument depends on impossible assumption that pornography does not cause harm to women. People don’t usually care if they watch porn or...

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