Gun Control And The Rogerian Arguments Against It

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Have you ever wondered why people get shot every weekend in Chicago? Everyone always wonders why someone could be careless enough to shoot someone. That happens every weekend in Chicago. On average, “there are about five people shot per weekend in Chicago” (Moser). This shows how dangerous Chicago can be when it comes to gun violence. Many people in Chicago are scared to walk outside of their home, let alone have the chance that their children could be shot. Gun control should be more strict.

Gun control is “the regulation of the purchase and ownership of firearms in an effort to reduce their criminal or unsafe use” (Gun Control). Gun control also “bans the possession of firearms by minors, felons, the mentally ill, and people convicted of domestic violence” (Gun Control). This shows people that are not mentally stable should not touch a gun. In agreement, “Before you’re allowed to own a. 44 your IQ should be higher than. 44.” (88 Quotes). This shows how owning a gun should be seen as a privilege, and should not be given to just anyone, but to those who use guns in a mature manner.

Gun control does have some pros to it, but there are also many cons. Gun control should be even more strict than it is now. Even though the government has increased gun laws tremendously, there are still many flaws. Increasing gun laws also doesn’t mean that it will stop people from obtaining an unlawful weapon. “Thirty eight percent of U.S. households have guns in them” (Gun Control). This shows that many people own weapons and that they could be used in an unlawful way. “Kennesaw, Georgia, which in 1989 passed a law that mandated all homeowners to have a gun in their house. Burglaries dropped by 89%” (Royce, Kenneth)

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Gun control is very unsuccessful in some cases. Many people have died in the last few years from gun violence. In the “early 2000’s in every 100,000 people there would be 3.3 deaths from gun violence” (Gun Control). This shows how many people are victims of gun violence. That is a very high number of death rate. People should not be dying from gun violence. Also, “roughly 30,000 people are killed in the U.S. each year by guns” (Gun Control). That is an insane amount of people dying each year from gun violence. The government should step up if they see 30,000 people dying each year. People should be concerned about this topic because it has become a very serious issue in the last few years and needs to be seen as something that needs to be taken more seriously, instead of another topic on the News channel. “There were 464,033 total gun deaths between 1999 and 2013” (Gun Control). This shows how many people die from gun violence. There were many different ways of gun violence during that time period. For example, “270,237 suicides from guns, 174,773 homicides, and 9,983 unintentional deaths” (Gun Control). This shows how many deaths there were during that time period. That is a stupid amount of deaths. Imagine how many lives would be saved if there was less gun violence.

Most gun violence occurs on weekends. Many people are outside, enjoying themselves, off work, or meeting up with friends. Attackers feel like it is a better chance to approach people during the weekend due to the availability. In this case, on average, “there are about 4.9 murders per weekend” (Moser). This states how many murders occur during the weekend, when we least expect it. Five murders per weekend is a lot and it adds up quickly.

Although there are weekends where there aren’t many killings and weekends where killings can be at an all-time high. The least amount of killings ever throughout “187 weekends was May twenty seventh through the twenty ninth of 2011, May thirteenth through the fifteenth of 2011, and April tenth through the twelfth of 2009” (Moser). This shows the least amount of killings in 187 weekends. One weekend on “July fourth of 2009, there were twelve murders with an additional five murders that monday” (Moser). This is the most murders ever recorded on a weekend. Twelve murders in one weekend is a lot considering just being from a gun. Other than that weekend, there was an additional five the next day. That is very insane and that just goes to show how badly we need to increase gun control laws.

High-capacity magazines should be banned. People have no reason to own a high-capacity magazine. The only real use of one is to injure something intentionally. People use it for “the lack of accuracy and maximize the chance to harm” (Gun Control). This shows that people should not own these high-capacity magazines. There is no point to own one of these unless you are intentionally trying to inflict harm into a living thing. High-capacity magazines are very dangerous. “A Mother Jones investigation found that high-capacity magazines were used in at least 50% of the 62 mass shootings between 1982 and 2012” (Gun Control). This shows that high-capacity magazines are used in very negative ways. They can be used to kill a massive amount of people in a short amount of time. High-capacity magazines is a very important reason on why gun control laws should be more strict.

There are many other good uses to a gun as well. For example, using a gun to self-defend yourself from a serious situation. Many people do use this action in different situations, but many people also do not. For example, “29,618,300 violent crimes were committed between 2007 and 2011” (Gun Control). The point of this is to make known of how many deaths there were between that short period of time. The secret behind those violent crimes is “only 0.79% of the victims protected themselves with the use of a gun” (Gun Control). This shows that people rarely use guns for self-defense. In this case, not very many people should own a gun unless they are willing to use it for self-defense.

In conclusion, gun control laws should be more strict and people that are not mentally stable should not own any sort of gun. This would be a start to help stop gun violence. If these were enforced, many more people would be saved every day and year. The amount of deaths from gun violence is outrageous and the government should put an end to it. These are the reasons why gun violence shouldn’t be looked over, but looked as a life-ruining act.

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