Social hierarchy has been evident since the beginning of time. Human society has been (mis)using it in order to maintain a civilized world. The movie “The Young Karl Marx” directed by Raoul Peck shown in 2017 and the documentary “The Corporation” by Mark Achbar and...
More’s Utopia Politically, Utopia embodies social equality through the set up of their cities. The island of Utopia is occupied by 54 cities with identical laws and language. Once every year, the cities each send 3 of it’s best residents to the capital, Amaurot, to...
Karl Marx is one of the top sociological theorist and will forever be in this world. Marx was born in Prussia on May 5 of 1818 and peacefully passed away on March 14, 1883 in London United Kingdom where he spent most of his life....
“The extreme inequality of our ways of life, the excess of idleness among some and the excess of toil among others, the ease of stimulating and gratifying our appetites and our senses, the over-elaborate foods of the rich, which inflame and overwhelm them with indigestion,...
Introduction The primary objective of this essay is to explain how social conflict could result in the emergence of capitalism. In sociology, the social conflict theory is a macro-oriented radicalism perspective, which assumes society as a subject of inequality that produces conflict and social change...
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“The Death of Ivan Ilyich”, written by Leo Tolstoy, recounts the story of the main character, Ivan Ilyich, who is a judge at the Court of Justice in St. Petersburg, Russia. The man lives his life just thinking about social status, in which he has...
Karl Marx and Gustave Le Bon were philosophers from a distant time. Whilst Marx tackled issues of class and revolution, Le Bon focused on a crowd’s mindset within a mass society. These two philosophers seem to hold different ideals, at first. However, with a closer...
Abstract Communism was associate degree economic-political philosophy supported by revolutionist and socialist within the last half of the nineteenth century. Marx and socialist met in 1844, and discovered that they'd similar principles. In 1848 they wrote and printed 'The Communist Manifesto.' They desired to finish...
The following essay is an entry discussing and offering various criticism on Marxism and Karl Marx’s socialist theories, mainly the idea portrait in ‘The Communist Manifesto’. “From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs” is a slogan from Karl Marx’s ‘Critique...
Karl Marx was a German sociologist, socialist revolutionary, philosopher, historian, economist, political theorist and journalist whose critical theories about society, economics and political holds that societies develop through class struggle. Marx has several publications in both sociology and economics and even political matters. His best...
Nazi or Communist German scholars find pride in the fact that their country can claim multiple historic philosophers, including greats like Nietzsche and Marx. Although these two come from similar geographical backgrounds, there are differences in how each views historical progress. In Beyond Good and...