Essay Samples on Civil Liberties

Essay Examples
Essay Topics

Choice Between Civil Liberties And National Security In American History

The post-World War II and 9/11 eras were similar times in U.S. history where the United States government lived in fear. To protect national security from the communist regime, Congress passed an infamous piece of legislation in 1950, known as the McCarran Internal Security Act....

Civil Rights Or Civil Liberties At The Center Of Civil Rights Movement

What caused the Civil Rights Movement to slow and splinter in the mid-to-late 1960s? This historical movement changed the United States and was at a point where it could no longer be ignored. But, with all good things coming to an end, this important movement...

The Establishment Of Civil Rights Versus Civil Liberties In United States

The United States has established various laws and acts that have promoted discrimination over the course of history, whether that be against race or sex. Our country has strove to eliminate segregation and the unequal treatment of people since then. Out of all the discriminatory...

Civil Rights Movement among The Civil Liberties Versus Civil Rights Dispute

“You must never be fearful about what you are doing if it is right” Rosa Parks, once said because she was very aware of the mistreating towards African Americans. On the bus they were segregated, Rosa Parks sat in the whites only section, she refused...

American Civil Liberties Union Fight To Protect Migrant Rights

Assurance of immigrants' rights was one of the establishing standards of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Persuaded by the famous Palmer Raids that focused workers for capture, confinement and expelling dependent on their political convictions, the ACLU battled to make the First Amendment important...

Harms Of Unregulated Facial Recognition Technology On Civil Liberties And Privacy

Facial recognition is not exactly an up-and-coming technology; it’s here and it’s established. Currently, the likenesses of over 117 million American adults are documented in law enforcement facial recognition databases without their consent (Garvie et. al). These images have been used to successfully identify suspects...

Testing The Strength Of American Democracy

American democracy faces challenges like never before, in part because our current president, Donald Trump, is displaying unprecedented authoritarian behavior and his style of authoritarian leadership is subverting our system of laws, threatening our electoral processes, and undermining our civil liberties. In addition, an authoritarian’s...

American Society Today Vs. Society Before Civil Rights Movement

As we are living in the United States, which is well-known as the country of freedom and equality, we all know about Civil rights, Civil liberties as well as Equal rights. However, before the Civil rights movement was enacted, there was no freedom of speech,...

How Millennials Help to Protect Civil Liberties in America

My generation’s greatest threat to civil liberties is the attack on freedom of the press by the current government administration. In the past year, President Donald Trump has labeled nearly anything that portrays him or his policies negatively as “fake news”. In fact, in 2016,...

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