Essay Samples on Catholic Church

Essay Examples
Essay Topics

Respect for Life: the Issue of Death Penalty in Catholic Teachings

An essential principle of a human rights is that each and every human being has an innate dignity that must be respected. Respect for one's human dignity is the original human right from which other human being had as a gift from our almighty God....

Euthanasia and the Catholic Church in Australia

An ethical issue is a problem or dilemma that involves a person having to decide whether or not it is morally right or wrong. Euthanasia is a clear example of an ethical issue currently present in Australia. Euthanasia is a process whereby a person who...

Overview Of The Customs In Pope Election Process

Despite numerous challenges faced ever since the Enlightenment Period, the Roman Catholic Church still has a major significance amongst the Roman Catholics with the Pope being highly-regarded figure. That’s why; the election of pope is an elaborate procedure. The election is conducted during a meeting...

Ethnographic Research on the Superstitions Shared Among Catholics

During the mass which I attended in St. Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic Church; a local priest brought attention to the churchgoers about their pagan superstitious beliefs which contradict their Catholic faith. The priest in the calm tone rhetorically asked the question: “How many of...

The Depiction of Brute Force in Ovid's Metamorphoses

There have been many symbolic events of violence, leading to carnage and death. Though these events are generally perceived as detrimental to the advancement of the human race, some of these have triggered a rebuild of our societies, leading to innovation and improvement. This helped...

Spiritual Paralysis Through the Internal Struggles in Joyce's Eveline

Catholicism was the dominant religion in Ireland throughout the age of Modernism. The Catholic church played a vital role in Eveline's life and served as a driving force in her decision, and more significantly, her lack of. Eveline's religious values magnify her choice to remain...

Report on Field Visit to the Villages for Social Work

To begin with, most of all we will pinpoint the common source of this basic word Social work. It is referring to a professional activity of helping individuals, groups and society in order to better-quality, their well-being and standard of living life. Foremost, we will...

The Influence of the Gospels on the Church

The gospels were used by the Catholic Church and they were made up of 3 stages. Jesus' life was the first stage. There was Oral Tradition where information was orally spread. The third stage was when the evangelists wrote the information they had on Jesus'...

Influental Composers During the Enlightenment and Baroque Era

In Europe during the seventeenth century, great reform on the culture, religion, and daily lives of Europeans occurred due to both the Thirty Years War, 1618-1648, and emerging Enlightenment ideals. The post-war period resulted in the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire along with the...

The Subjugation of Women by the Church

Throughout history, women have been seen as the lesser part of man in Christianity. These oppressive patterns have not originated from specific doctrines, but from a male-centric and class-based interpretation of the Bible. Women have contributed to the church as well, but their achievements have...

Summary of the Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics

Introduction This paper aims at giving a summary of the “Declaration 'On certain questions concerning sexual ethics”. This declaration was given in Rome, at the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on December 29th, 1975. From the onset the document states that the...

The Accomplishment of Galileo Galilei in Physics and Astronomy

A legend says that Galileo climbed to the top of the Leaning tower of Pisa, and dropped two cannon balls of different weights to the ground. He wanted to prove that Aristotle’s theory was wrong. Aristotle believed heavier objects fall faster than light ones. According...

Mardi Gras History and Relation to Catholicism

Mardi Gras, French for “Fat Tuesday,” is traditionally celebrated the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday which is the day Lent begins. Mardi Gras is most popular in the United States in New Orleans, Louisiana. New Orleans first Mardi Gras can be dated back to March 3,...

St. Bernadette: The Woman That Inspires Me

The qualities that St. Bernadette of Soubirous has that I admire are; being humble, being modest, being obedient, and loving. I admire these qualities because they make a person better. Saint Bernadette was modest and humble because, she didn’t brag about seeing Mother Mary, and...

Hypocrisy in Religion: Why I Believe Catholicism Needs Fixing

Hypocrisy is defined as “the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform”. (Oxford Dictionary). In the case of Catholicism, this means stating to yourself and others what you believe, but not reflecting those values in...

Critical Review of Crusades by Karen Armstrong

About Karen Armstrong Karen Armstrong was born on 14 November 1944, at Wild moor. She is a British writer and critic of Iris Catholic succession. She is known for her books on comparative religions. Armstrong has been called 'a noticeable and creative religious historian' by...

Rites of Passage in Catholicism and Protestant Religion

All individuals go through some form of changes in their identity at some stage in their lives. The specific term for this change is called rites of passage (McGarry, Karen, 2016). These rites of passages are visible in Canadian society and can be experienced in...

Review of My Visit to the Roman Catholic Church

Catholicism is the faith, practice, and church order of the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church is one of the world's biggest religious divisions, with 1.2 billion devotees around the world. This number makes it just marginally littler than Islam (1.4 billion) and bigger...

The Commital of British Royalty to Catholicism

In investigating Henry’s committal to Catholicism between 1529 and 1547, it is also key to explore the religious changes that took place and the developments that occurred as a consequence. The period of religious change that ensued, typically referred to as ‘The English Reformation’, can...

The Role of the Ruins of St. Paul’s Cathedral in the Popular Imagination

In her essay entitled, “Imperial Debris: Reflections on Ruins and Ruination,” Ann Laura Stoler argues that colonialism continues to have detrimental effects on individuals living in the postcolonial regions of the world. At the core of Stoler’s argument exists the contrast between the terms “ruin”...

Propaganda as a History-Changing Tool of Power

One of the most commonly asked questions in relation to propaganda, is what is propaganda and how does it work? Propaganda can essentially be any form of biased or even misleading information that is spread through some form of mass media with the sole intention...

The Accomplishments and Reach of Enlightenment 

An era of excellent intellectual fervor in the 1600s and 1700s resulted to the Protestant Reformation and the decline of civil and political power in the Catholic Church throughout Europe. The growth of the social groups supporting science, democracy, political freedom and rational investigation was...

The Crusades as the Representation of Catholic Christianity

In history since 1096 until 1254 (Stewart, 1968), there was seven crusades and there were several different reasons for the crusades. In some cases, the reason for the crusade was similar whether it was religious, economical and also political motives. The crusades happen because of...

The Reasoning Behind the Catholic Christian Crusades in Europe

One must define crusades. The crusades were, “A military expedition undertaken by the Christians of Europe in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims”. Furthermore, the word, “people” is such a broad term and in this essay I...

The Canterbury Tales and Critique of Catholicism

Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is a very strong critique of the medieval Catholic Church. The characters that are introduced in the “General Prologue” are seemingly very different and bring forth varying opinions and views on topics like the medieval Catholic Church. However, these characters all...

The Role of God in Coyne's A Catholic Scientist Looks at Evolution

A Catholic Scientist Looks at Evolution In this article, A Catholic Scientist Looks at Evolution, by George Coyne, two main points are discussed. The first being that the Intelligent Design (ID) Movement showcases a God as a designer God, which actually belittles God despite evoking...

Lumen Gentium: Analyzing the Relationship Between the Catholic Church and God

Passage 12 of Lumen Gentium attempts to flesh out fundamental actualities of the relationship that exists between the Catholic Church and God. It begins its line of examination by starting from how Catholicism is grounded in God’s people and, based on this fact, subsists only...

The Catholic Church's Views on Capital Punishment

The Catholic Church’s teachings have not always been consistent, specifically exemplified in the issue of capital punishment. Prominent historic figures in the Catholic Church such as Augustine and Thomas Aquinas had strongly supported the death penalty. Augustine says that ‘it is in no way contrary...

The Reformation of the Catholic Church Throughout History

The other day, I told a friend that I am not Catholic. He response was "So, you're protestant, then." I denied this, but later found out that being a Lutheran means that I am indeed protestant, whether I knew that or not. The reasoning behind...

The Role of the Catholic Church in Solidarity in Poland

The Catholic Church and Solidarity in Poland Poland from 1945 to 1989 was trapped under the Soviet Communist dominance. Poland was constantly ruined and under control of other countries. Before 1945, Soviet secret police assisted massacres in Poland, killing 20,000 soldiers, Soviets built concentration camps...

Rebecca Reed's Six Months in a Convent: A Review

Throughout the mid-nineteenth century, Catholic population immensely increased due to the rapid growth of immigration from Germany and Ireland. As Catholics began to play a more influential role in society, violence against Catholics escalated. In early 1834, Rebecca Reed, a young protestant woman, published a...

The First Estate In The City Of Bourges

Fellow members of the Estates General, my name is Jaques Bouton, I come from the Berry providence of France and I represent the First Estate in the city of Bourges. I am the head Bishop of our city and come from our Cathedral. I was...

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