Essay Samples on Kidney

Essay Examples
Essay Topics

Polycystic Kidney Disease: Genetic and Pathogenesis

Introduction to Polycystic Kidney Disease As the name suggests, polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a condition characterized by the formation and growth of cysts in the kidney. This disease is a genetic disorder with two different types. The first is autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease...

The Vitality of Kidney Functions in the Physiological System

Kidney is one of the major physiologic systems in a human body, but often it has a number of disorders that affects, rendering it ineffective. Kidney nephritis does affect the heart and in severe cases it can cause death if not properly monitored. It can...

Kidney Biopsy as a Consequence of Nephritic Syndrome

The patient in question appears to present with raised blood pressure, reduced kidney function, and elevated serum creatinine, and the presence of blood and protein in his urine was revealed by a urine dipstick test. Initial assessment of the patient must comprise firstly of a...

Investigation Of The National Kidney Foundation Financial Scandal

One of the issues regarding the NKF scandal was the lack of competency from the various governing boards in the organisation. The ability of the executive committee to transfer authority to the CEO “as they see fit” and the remuneration sub-committee (RSC) allowing the CEO...

How Antiviral Drugs Have Led to Acute Kidney Injury

Abstract The introductions of more effective and powerful antiviral drugs are common cause drug-induced acute kidney injury (AKI). The exact prevalence of nephrotoxicity induced by antiviral drugs is difficult to determine. It causes AKI through a variety of mechanisms including acute tubular necrosis (ATN), allergic...

Treatment Issues Of End Stage Renal Disease

“Bones can break, muscles can atrophy, glands can loaf, even the brain can go to sleep without immediate danger to survival. But should kidneys fail. Neither bone, muscle, gland, nor brain could carry on. ” The kidneys are primary organ of urinary system. The kidney...

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