The Godzilla franchise has had a large influence and impact on not only Japanese viewers, culture, and history, but American and other western countries as well. Owned and created by Toho Co.Ltd, Godzilla is recognized as the world’s longest continuously running movie franchise with 35...
As humans, our imagination runs wild and we often look for outlets to express them rather it be through creating literature, films or even inventing some of the world’s wonders like the pyramids in Egypt. If you look back through the monsters that have been...
Between Steve Ryfle’s article “Godzilla’s Footprint” and Susan Sontag’s 1965 article “Imagination of Disaster”, clear differences can be understood. Both heavily focus on science fiction films, but Ryfle discusses the Japanese’ viewpoint while Sontag addresses the American point of view. Using Susan Napier’s article, “Panic...
Japanese cinema dates back over a hundred years. The Lumière brothers first introduced cinematography to the Japanese in 1897, marking the beginning of film making in Japan. Even though the concept of cinema was new to the Japanese culture, some people were curious and imported...