Psychologists define aggression as “behaviour intended to harm another individual who doesn’t wish to be harmed”. Intention plays an important role when it comes to aggressive behavior, as a behaviour may be considered aggressive when that wasn’t it’s intent, however, intentional harm is, in any...
In defending eugenics, I choose to reclaim the spirit of authors like Francis Galton and Charles Darwin, who believed that our reproductive obligations exchange with our draw close of biology, and our attainable to manipulate it. Defending eugenics does no longer commit us to endorsing...
When in 1883 Sir Francis Galton, the mathematician and naturalist from Great Britain and Charles Darwin’s cousin, coined the term eugenics, he might have hardly predicted that the interest in eugenics would drive the humanity to the point of transgressing all moral boundaries. At the...
In the early late 1900’s, many states increasingly started to pass laws that banned the reproduction from people with undesirable traits to get those bad genes out of the gene pool The eugenics movements in the United States, Germany, and Scandinavia favored negative eugenics approaches...
Historically, the eugenics movement was an idealistic crusade that sought to improve the genetic qualities of the human population for future generations to come. The concept of eugenics was first coined by the late English mathematician, Sir Francis Galton, a half-cousin of Charles Darwin (a...
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Cloning is a process that has been debated for decades, and all the arguments are now coming to a head. The thought of cloning has been around since the turn of the century, but was not given much publication until the genre of science fiction...
Eugenics: “Designer Babies” Eugenics is, basically, a set of beliefs and/or practices that focus on improving the genetic make-up of the human population. This, of course, is directly tied to the idea of “designer babies.” Eugenics allows us to know certain things about our unborn...
Eugenics is the science which deals with all influences that improve the inborn qualities of a race; also with those that develop them to the utmost advantage The word eugenics was derived from a Greek root meaning good in birth or noble heredity. Darwins Origin...