The Cuban Revolution was one, maybe even the greatest political and economical revolution in Latin American History. Overthrown president Fulgencio Batista was replaced with Fidel Castro, put the poor, especially women, people of color, victims of discrimination as the main focus of his goal to...
Pol Pot, originally named Saloth Sar of Cambodia, and Cuba’s Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz were two of the world’s authoritarian leaders in history. Both came into power through somewhat similar means and conditions. The consequences had a large effect on Cambodia and Cuba respectively; however,...
The investigator resolved to delve into this subject because the researcher aspired to acquaint themselves with the history of Cuba, particularly focusing on one of its most renowned historical events. The investigator found the topic inherently captivating and deemed it crucial due to its significance...
In the 1950s the controlling tyrant Fidel Castro took charge of the nation of Cuba. Castro imprisoned and killed thousands of Cuban people that dared to oppose him as well as destroying Cuba’s economic prosperity through his connection to russia. The revolutionary leaders introduction of...
The human hand is composed of five fingers. Among these fingers some are longer or bigger than others. However, big or small, they all play an unavoidable role in the human body. The absence of one finger can cause a disfunction of the whole body....
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The Cuban Revolution is still remembered today as a significant cause of what has come of Cuba today. Two people who played a significant role to overthrow the Cuban government was Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro wanted to overthrow the government which was...
Before the Cuban revolution, under president Fulgencio Batista, Cuba was plagued with unemployment and limited water infrastructure. Less than 50% of children were given education and hygiene was very poor. Furthermore, Batista was far more dictatorial than anyone had expected. He even let American companies...
Che Guevara is known for his image that has been plastered on millions of t-shirts. Most of those who wear Che’s image just think that it looks cool or symbolizes defiance. Yet they generally know very little of the man and his ideas. The mainstream...