Co-ed Schools: The Best Option For High School Education

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Public Schools across the United States have adapted their education system due to the set of laws that the United States Government has passed in the latest years. The government has encouraged co-ed schools to be the only option as for public education system since Title IX was approved. Title IX states there should not be any government funding to public schools that would have single-sex schooling. The purpose of this movement was to also help the educational system meaning that it would encourage children to attend co-ed schools since it would be a better option for them as well as it would have a good impact for parents. Attending a co-ed environment school would be a better option rather than a single sex school because the full education is completely free of charge and the benefits that they offer for students are endless, starting off with the opportunity to grow up in a more open atmosphere and the exposure to people who are not only of the opposite sex, allowing them to prepare for future encounters once they become professionals later on in life, which they might not get to do so in full depth in a single sex school.

When a parent decides to enroll his or her child in a public school, that is a same sex one, does not mean that their education is not a priority to them or that they care any less for it. Most families in the United States really can’t afford the luxury of having their kid in a private institution because of the skyrocketing prices of the tuitions. Thankfully, all public schools in the United States are funded by the government to assist co-ed schools to offer the right elements for the students to achieve the right level of academic growth. Having this assistance from the government in public institutions really aids and targets families from their child’s head start education since it covers most expenses such as textbooks, transportation to and from school, even food.

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The big difference in the single-sex schools is that there is no government funding, which means that all the money comes from who? The families. As stated in Julia H.’s article from 2016, “Single-sex vs. Co-ed Educations” she states that, “In terms of monetary costs, the difference between going to a private single-sex school and a co-ed public school can be up to $50,000 annually” ( p.3). This means that parents are bound to end up paying more money for a single-sex school than compared to how much they would invest in a co-ed school. All in all, if it comes down to financial decisions and making the right ones, because in the end parents will want to invest their money the right way to protect their children’s future in the long run; the best option remains to pick a co-ed public school over the single sex private school.

There’s one more advantage in the co-ed school environment that every child should have the right to be exposed to, the opportunity to experience the interaction between a boy and a girl from an early age. Providing this kind of exposure is not only a natural action in life, but it prepares them for their future. The website Connect Us shares an article titled “12 Advantages and Disadvantages of Coed Schools,” which has a list of pros and cons of these two different systems of educations, under the co-ed advantages the author states that “If young boys and girls are given exposed to diversity in an early age, they will find it easier to adapt in different environments when they grow up. The diversity this set-up offers is significant in teaching other forms of diversity such as cultural and social.” This statement only backs up the fact that co-ed schools bring a positive result to both genders since they are constantly in scenarios where they find themselves working with one another, as they would once they are in the working world. While single sex schools are not serving this goal at all for the reason that they are not finding interaction with each other and once they become older, this will be something completely foreign to them.

Although there are countless pros for co-ed schools, there are a few disadvantages for them. One of them being the reality that co-ed schools are given all the right tools for students well-being and their full achievement, but it is said that single-sex schools have a better educational outcome. This is an evidence that suggests that students tend to do better when they don’t have the distraction of the opposite sex near. Even if this is a positive way to look at the educational system of single sex schools, co-ed schools shows no major difference in education when you look at it from a specific point of view. At the end, students that attend to a single-sex school might have better chance of obtaining a better academic outcome, but in the long run they are bound to lack a very important trait; social skills.

All points considered, children attending a school with a single-sex environment are not grasping the full learning that they require in order to be prepared for the real world. In contrast to a co-ed educational environment, students can obtain full academic achievement while acquiring social skills all at the same time. It’s been proved that in fact, single-sex schooling might be able to provide a better learning atmosphere from the academic point of view, but it leaves out an aspect that students also need a lot of help in which is the chance of working with and learning from opposite gender in order to prepare for future events in life. Aside from the positive factor of learning social skills, another key factor for co-ed schools being successful for not only the students, is the fact that parents save a great amount of money that could later be invested in the student’s later education instead of spending it throughout their early years in a private single sex school. To end this argument, when parents consider the idea of signing their children up in a single-sex or co-ed school, taking these points into consideration would be a great idea in order to make a decision that would impact the way their child develops in a beneficial manner.

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