Essay Samples on Chinese Dynasties

Essay Examples
Essay Topics

Cultural Exchanges Between the Europeans and the Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan

European merchants found that the Chinese trade was the second most important after the Southeast Asian spice trade, which was their number one source of income Merchants from western Europe found China to be appealing only after the Ming court because of the huge population...

History of Mongol Invasion of China and Its Impacts

Consider the impact of the Mongol invasions on either China, Korea or Japan from the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries. What kinds of cultural legacies remain of these experiences today? The most successful conquest of China is by the Mongols. The invasion stretched over seven...

Link Between the Yin-Yang Theory and Gender Roles During the Imperial Dynasty Period in China

During the time when the imperial dynasties existed on the continent of China as Qin Shi Huang established the Qin dynasty, emperor and central government agencies constructed and refined a system where contains selected ideas that they wanted to root in the mind of the...

History and Culture of Ancient China and Japan

Ancient and Medieval China and Japan had multiple cultural aspects in their history such as the political, social and economic structures. For instance, Chinese Dynasties brought forth new ideas like Confucianism, Daoism, and some ideas of Legalism. New trade routes were formed along with a...

The Rise of Han Empire: The Golden Age of Peace and Development

The Han Empire began in 206 B.C.E. with the first emperor Liu Bang who then later changed his name to Han Gazou. While in power, Gazou established “civil service” which in short was when he would round up men who were educated enough to assist...

Critical Reading of Chinese Literature and Its Traditions

In this critical review, I choose two readings. The first one is An Annotated Translation of Yan Yu’s. And the second one is Chinese Aesthetics: The Ordering of Literature, the Arts and the Universe in the Six Dynasties. For the first article, An Annotated Translation...

Chinese Calligraphy Styles in Chinese Dynasties

The non-western society I chose to research about its art tradition is China because its art has one of the oldest traditions in the world and it comes in many forms. Chinese Calligraphy is one of the eight most elegant forms of art in China,...

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