Alcohol is Very Dangerous for Your Health and Negatively Affect Physically

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According to Sean Connolly alcoholism is defined as, “A physical and psychological dependence on alcohol” (44. ) Do you know anyone who is an alcoholic? Do you know that alcohol is bad for you? I chose alcoholism because I was curious about how much it can actually affect people, I have been told that alcohol is bad, but was never given the reason why or seen the effects of it. Now that I have been researching about alcohol I know the result of alcohol effect. I believe alcohol can really ruin lives and believe nothing good will or can happen to anyone. Alcohol negatively affect people physically, emotionally, and mentally. “Approximately 88,000 deaths and 2. 5 million years of potential life lost. ” (Sacks JJ, Gonzales KR, Bouchery EE, Tomedi LE, Brewer RD. e75). Everyday people die because of alcohol. People started drinking at age of twelve. More youth in the United States drink alcohol than smoke. ”In 2012, nearly 3/4 of students (72%) have consumed alcohol. ” Alcohol is very dangerous for your health. Alcohol is made from fermented grain, fruit juice and honey. Did you know at age of 16 to 20 can drink with an adult that older than 21 that have a drinking license? Some drink to get rid of pain get drunk and forget about the struggle. People say they drink because to help them deal with their problem the truth is people drink too much in order to escape from their lives, forget their troubles, or drown their sorrows. On DRUG-REHABS. ORG show Only “43% of american have been exposed to alcoholism to their families”. Alcohol is made of fermentation, fruit and honey.

According to Alcoholism Perspectives on Diseases & Disorder “Alcohol is a disease not a crime”(64). Do you know the effect alcohol has on a person? Alcohol can easily affect people emotional. Everyone have different reason for drinking, here are some reason I found, they drink because of sadness, guilt, pain, they also drown themselves, and some drink to celebrate an occasion. People can't think right when their drunk, don’t really know what right, what wrong. Alcohol can cause lose memory, difficulty to learn, when a person is drunk everything can certainly be confusing. People tends to isolate themselves avoid the people around them that would want to help, just because they think they don't need help, and want to show that they got. They avoid feelings, through drinking alcohol. They can't really have an emotional connection and have a relationship with family members or with friend. Alcoholic lose themselves they become careless. It possible for them to feel useless nothing in this world mean anything. When they are drunk they seem to forget their problems and be open up about everything be honest let everything out get thing of their chest . It hard for them to connect with their family and make friend. Lose self control not being able to stop yourself, do things without thinking it through about the result. Having a horrible tragedy trigger drinking, and drinking help drown the sorrow so do not get addicted to it. Women face higher risk than men because women are extra sensitive. Female response to everything differently about 60 percent of women drink that more than half. According to “Alcohol and mental health”, Drinkaware. co. uk for the facts. Alcohol is linked to suicide, self-harm and psychosis, more than half of people who end up in hospital because they’d deliberately injured themselves said they’ve drunk alcohol immediately before or while do it. Research shown that 37% committed suicide. When I person is mentally affected by alcohol they will not be able to be focus. Everyday they will have a crave for alcohol. Just like any other drug alcohol can easily get a person intoxicated.

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Women have higher risk of becoming faster than guy because women metabolism react differently. Although it actually depend on a person how fast a person can get intoxicated from alcohol because if a person have been drinking for long time, they are use to alcohol, but it a different story for a person that just started drinking, starter can easily get drunk on first try. Physical effect is the most dangerous, because it can cause cancer, damage liver, heart disease, brain and all other organ disease. “Alcohol’s Effect on the Body. ” National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “drinking too much can your risk of developing certain cancer, including mouth, Esophagus, throat, liver, and breast”. When getting any of these disease can get kill. Heavy drinking can get throat cancer. Body will be harm. Most of the accident is caused by drunk driving because people think they can handle it. Effect sleeping. Not only your putting yourself in danger but also other family in huge risk of danger. Some of the short term effects is vomiting, headache, breath difficulty, and slurred speech. The long term effects of alcohol. Louis Rushmore states, “Alcohol is associated with most crime; it is involved in 70% of all murders, 41% of assaults, 50% of rapes, 60% of sex crimes against children, 56% of fights and assaults in homes, 37% of suicides and 55% of all arrests. ” (Alcohol Facts) “Women”. National Institute on alcohol Abuse Alcoholism. Women typically start to have alcohol-related problems at lower drinking levels than men. Women typically weigh less than men. Women have less water in their bodies than men do, and alcohol predominantly in body water. “Underage drinking”. National Institution on Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism Death- 4,358 people under age 21 die each year from alcohol-related car crashes, homicides, suicides, alcohol poisoning, and other injuries such as falls, burns, and drowning. It is very effective it’s important to be aware of how much you are drinking too much can cause alcohol poison. Do you know what treatment are required for alcohol addiction

According to Alcohol Perspective in diseases & disorder “ 2,462,000 people are seeking treatment during 2006 and 2007”(70). 12 step program can help. Talk to family doctors get some ideas, choose what best for you. Get help, ask for friends and family help. Alcohol therapy is one the of best way to get help. Best way to get rid of the addiction is to avoid bad influence doesn't matter if it friends or family tell them you need time to stay sober, announce your goal to friends so they won't push you to drink, and learn from the past. Staying sober don't try to recover alone and leans on close friend and family, join recovery support group. There are some benefit from not drinking it help improve the relationship, and better mentally,and physically, and time for activity. To quite the addiction of alcohol is easy if you contact the right people and easier if you are positively willing to give up. No going back. Alcohol is drug because anyone can get addicted to it. Promise treatment center “over 40 million people in america suffer from substance abuse addiction, not a lot are receiving treatment. ”

Like any other drug alcohol hurt you body mentally and physically. Drinking too much all at once can kill you. According to Narconon is alcohol a drug? “ Matter of fact alcohol is probably the most widely used drug in America”. “Interesting statistic, 55% of the inmates that are in prison in the united states, over half are because of some alcohol related crime. ” Luis Rushmore also stated the arrest of alcohol. Drinking can hype you up. According to ‘Alcohol Poisoning. ’drinkaware. co. uk for the facts. Alcohol poisoning is extremely dangerous sign to look for when someone been poison is confuse, votimit, seizure, pale skin, breathing slow(less than eight breath in minute), conscious, but unable to respond, low body temperature, and unconsciousness. Do not wait until all the symptoms to appear to get help. When someone is having an alcohol poisoning call 911 for an ambulance the professional can give instructions what you can do to help.

Other suggestion that may help is ask the victim to staying awake, tilt their head to the side so when they happen to vomit it won't go back in the mouth, drinking little bit of warm water, and staying warm can help the victim before the professional medic arrive. Never put the alcohol poisoning victim on cold shower and more alcohol to drink. The expensive are crazy each year. Buying all those alcohol is a lot waste of money. Alcohol are very expensive and if get addicted who know how much money would you be spending. The total of money cost hundreds, and hundreds because of alcohol each year. Research have shown that Americans spend over $90 billion dollars total on alcohol each year. To see a doctor, for check up that also cost a lot if you don't have insurance it cost a lot. If found out you got an cancer or any other disease that’s heartbroken for anyone to go through. Especially having surgery on any organ is very expensive more than thousands. There are countless health problem a person can get from excessive drinking.

In conclusion, alcohol is bad for your physical health and emotional health. Most people already know the outcome and the basic of drinking alcohol. Alcohol is not helpful, also get health problems. Acceptable only in some cases, only if doctors recommend it. You should know how to help alcoholic and the treatment for poisoning. Do not be too quick to judge drunkards because they might be going to through a really hard situation. Some of the thing I already know but most I found during my research. All the information are helpful.

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