Essay Samples on Whale Rider

Essay Examples
Essay Topics

Symbolism of the Easter Story and the Movie Whale Rider

Easter Story I think the message of the Easter story is “Hope”. In the Gospels, Jesus Christ is the hope that has come into our reality. His light can sparkle in any murkiness in our lives. Easter announces that he has gone through the darkness...

Whale Rider: Film Review and Analysis of Themes

Whale Rider is a Maori drama film that was released on 9 September 2002, directed and written by Niki Caro. The movie, adapted from Witi Ihimaera’s 1987 novel, is a co-production between New Zealand and Germany and has become a global success. The film reflects...

The Treatment and Approach to Planet Earth in Whale Rider

The novel explicitly depicts the impiety humans treat nature with, for instance by executing nuclear tests or killing whales. This aspect is not present in Whale Rider which can at least to some extent be explained with the cast nearly entirely consisting of Maori who...

Analysis of Camera Work and Cinematography in The Whale Rider

The task given to the students of year 9 is to write an analytical essay that discusses how a film produces meaning for a school-based magazine. We are expected to demonstrate our understanding of: the film and how film techniques create meaning and essay structures....

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