The Test Delivery Method to Give a Milk Booster to Dairy Cows

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Health and performance of farm animals are largely dependent on their nutritional status. Livestock feeds provide animals with the protein, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins and minerals according to their need. Some cattle feeds are designed to be the primary source of food for the animals, while other feeds are designed to provide animals that eat forage with the extra protein and energy they need to complete their diet. Major, minor mineral elements and vitamins also contribute major role in boosting milk in dairy cows like energy, protein and crude fibre and others.

Trace elements act major in metabolic function of the dairy cattle as cofactors, as activators of enzymes, or stabilizers of secondary molecular structure (103). Most of the animal of livestock all around the world not consume diets that meet exacting requirements for the productivity (McDowell et al.,1993). In consequence, nutritional disorders arise, which range from acute or severe mineral deficiency, characterized by clinical signs. Difficult to diagnose with certainty and unsatisfactory growth, production. Mild deficiencies or toxicities assume great importance in the nutrition of livestock because of their extent and the ease with which they can be confused with the effects of semi starvation due to underfeeding, protein deficiency and various types of parasitic infestation. local mineral deficiencies and imbalances are likely to become more critical (Suttle,1991). Due to different mineral supplement effects of diet on the composition of milk is greatly vary (Kirchgessner et al., 1967). Trace elements deficiencies have been observed and studied in France for more than 30 years. First stud-is (Almond and Perigee, 1973) showed that hays were deficient in copper, cobalt, zinc and selenium, and frequently deficient in manganese and iodine. The most common forages of dairy cows such as maize silage, has very low concentrations of trace elements (Beguine and Dagon, 2003).

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Trace minerals such as Zn, Mn, Cu, and Co have important roles in protein synthesis, vitamin metabolism, formation of connective tissue, and immune function (Miller et al., 1988; Cousins, 1996). The supply of these trace minerals affects several aspects of cattle performance and health, such as claw integrity, fertility, lactation, and immune function (Miller et al., 1988; Smart and Cymbaluk, 1997; NRC, 2001). Clinical responses to improved bioavailability and retention of Zn, Mn, and Cu Amino Acid(AA) complexes have been demonstrated in numerous studies. For instance, increased milk production (Kellogg et al., 2004), and improved claw integrity (Moore et al., 1989). Further improvements in milk production or reproduction, or both, have been demonstrated when Co glucoheptonate and AA complexes of Zn, Mn, and Cu (OTM) were added to diets of dairy cattle (Campbell et al., 1999; Kellogg et al., 2003; Griffiths et al., 2007).

It is very preferable way to produce a palatable free-choice block containing buffers as a convenient way to supply adequate amounts of these elements to dairy cattle in order to prevent or alleviate acidosis attributable to high energy, low fibre diets or diets containing humid and fermented acid feeds. Free-choice blocks are that the blocks cause the buffering ingredients to dissolve on the animals' tongues, stimulating salivation and thus producing a double antacid effect it firstly by delivering the buffering agents, and secondly by promoting secretion of saliva, which itself contains natural buffers. Since the buffer blocks are offered free-choice, they are not force-fed to the animals, so there is no negative impact on the consumption of the feed rations. (La Roche J.L,1992). Level of productivity is largely dependent on mineral and vitamin requirement. Increased growth rates and milk production will greatly increase mineral requirements. Improved management practices that lead to improved milk production and growth rates for cattle will necessitate more attention to mineral and vitamin nutrition. Low level of productivity is increased due to mineral and vitamin deficiency problem (McDowell, 2002).

The minerals in the food make and repair bones, digestive juices, blood, etc. and also form of the source of large amounts of minerals secreted in the milk. Farm animals, especially those in active stage of growth, those in advanced state of pregnancy and those producing liberal quantities of milk are prone to suffer from lack of calcium and phosphorus. Besides, the availability of calcium and phosphorus from feeding stuffs is, not necessarily indicated by their gross composition in a feed. The absorbility of these minerals in the animal system is dependent upon several factors, such as the chemical combination, physical association, proportion of calcium and phosphorous in the ration, the absence of vitamin D in certain cases, the presence of deleterious substances like oxalates, fluorine, etc. Apart from sodium and chlorine (common salt), calcium and phosphorus; such elements as iron, copper, manganese, iodine and cobalt, although required in small quantities. vitamins, which are considered to be essential for the proper nutrition of farm stock. Of these, the more important ones, from the point of view of cattle nutrition, are vitamins A and D, because these have to be supplied to the animals through their feed; but vitamins B and C can be synthesized in the ruminant body. If sufficient green pasture is fed to animals, the need for vitamins A, B, C, D and E is satisfied (Sen K.G, 1974).

Commercial feeds for farm animals in Sweden have been supplemented with Se in the form of sodium selenite. The effects of supplementing dairy cows with inorganic selenite and organic Se (Ortman and Pehrson, 1997) and of supplementing dairy heifers with selenite, selenate, and organic Se (Ortman et al., 1999). Selenium deficiency diseases occur among farm animals in many parts of the world and are due to the low selenium concentrations in forage. Although, supplements provide cattle with extra minerals, vitamins, and other compounds. but, it is very essential to feed mineral supplements according to the preferable forms such as powder, paste, gel to boost the milk, the aim of the study is to understand the preferable form of feed supplement for dairy cows to boost the milk production.

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