Cheever’s short story “The Swimmer” follows the journey of the protagonist Neddy and his goal to reach home through the pools that are located in his neighbourhood. Aptly naming the pools he goes through as the “Lucinda River” after his wife. In the beginning of...
As “The Swimmer” comes to an open you wonder what you are getting into. You have made up scenarios before getting through the first paragraph. The opening line “It was one of those midsummer Sundays when everyone sits around saying,” I drank too much last...
Time passes quicker than it seems most times. Neddy is a character that experiences this as he shifts from pool to pool. Although everything seems nice in his suburban, quaint life, his despair and hopelessness seeps through as he runs away from nothing. In Cheever’s...
There is a common notion that money cannot buy happiness. This may be true for most, but not for John Cheever’s protagonist, Neddy Merrill, in “The Swimmer”. John Cheever was born May 27, 1912 in Quincy, Massachusetts. He has written many short stories for various...
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