The Range of Human Emotions in Inside Out

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At first glance, Disney’s Inside Out seems to be a standard coming of age film. The movies follow an 11-year-old girl named Riley; Riley is forced to make a move from Minnesota to San Francisco with her parents. However, a deeper look at the movie acknowledges how it correlates with developmental psychology. The plot of the story isn’t Riley and her family, but Riley’s primary emotions personified as characters that control her mind as she transitions from childhood to a pre-teen and deals with the hardships of adjusting to a new place. Inside Out uses Riley’s emotions as a demonstration of the relationship between emotions and cognition. Theses emotions allow Riley to reach a low point, causing her to make irrational decisions.

The assumption of Inside Out is straightforward. Viewers are introduced into the five main characters: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust, who represent Riley’s core emotions. Joy is spirited, comical, and extremely energetic. She’s loves for everything to be planned out and it always has forward-thinking when she thinks about Riley’s future. Sadness is reserved, melancholy and continuously observes problems in a negatively way. Everything Sadness does is completed in a slow manor, whether it is the way she talks and moves. Fear has anxiety written all over him which causes him to be extremely irrational and tends to predict tragedies. He constantly questions everything which always leads to a disastrous ending. Anger is extremely dissatisfied, tricky, easily irritated by the smallest things and is inclined to make outbursts which results in flames coming from the top of his head. Disgust is very judgmental, attentive, and sit backs and watches how everything plays out in new experiences.

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As the movie progresses, the audience begins learning about Riley’s personality is formed throughout her early childhood, and how emotions play a part in that formation. Important events like bonding with her father, being reassured by her mother, and reaching developmental milestones create memories. Riley’s memories are represented by Incandescent orbs collected in the brain’s control center and are the building blocks of Riley’s fundamental personality traits. The Islands are named Family, Honesty, Friendship, Goofball, and Hockey. Certainly, this conception is simplified as these are not meant to outline personality traits, but they are similarly abiding, fundamental aspects that defines who Riley is. For example, Riley’s early years, through momentous interactions with her father, she picks up on her father’s silliness, playful sense of humor, and this develops Riley’s goofy characteristics that make up Goofball Island this is where we see that one’s personality isn’t just shaped by what we experience but it’s also inherited. The Islands look like obscure, amazingly fun, mini amusement parks. In other words, they personalized for Riley. Everyone around the world would have a set of Islands, and they would be specialized and personalized just us.

Joy is overreacting because she believes that a core memory created out of negative behavior and emotions that are toxic for Riley. Only joyful memories could perhaps make Riley the fearless, gracious, talented young lady that she is. Joy desperately attempts to eradicate the negative memory from the brain’s system, the dominant to the stimulant which sends Joy and Sadness into a boundless exterior region of Riley’s brain. Anger, Fear, and Disgust wait at the headquarters, undecided about how they should administer Riley’s actions. However, the dazzling part is that with Joy and Sadness gone, Riley is unable to connect with her own exhilaration and agony, which are the most critical emotional states. Therefore, Riley is detached, callous, and harsh indistinguishable behavior. Riley’s parents become concerned. Riley’s emotional demonstration is thoroughly comparable to minors and teenagers who are struggling with transitional depression. Annoyance, instead of sorrow, is frequently the prevailing mood that many pre-teens and teenagers show.

Rather than intense wistfulness, teens are generally viewed as grouchy, contentious, easily irritated and are likely to make infuriating comments. We anticipate seeing Anger, Fear, and Disgust controlling the brain of a despondent young lady. As Joy and Sadness continue their journey, they meet Bing Bong. Bing Bong is Riley’s long-lost childhood imaginary friend. He is a peripatetic adventurer that has the face of an elephant, tail of a cat, and a huggable body that looks like cotton candy. His comical appearance resembles his kind cheery, eccentric personality. And while his peculiar personality is lionhearted and quite childlike at first glance, Bing Bong winds up helping Joy and Sadness to understand their full emotional potential.

Cognitive development focuses on the development of children in terms of their ability to think and reason, or the structure of their thought processes. Memory is the main interpretation that plays a key role in cognitive development. Inside out is an influential way to demonstrate the approach of emotion intelligence. Emotion Intelligence is the capability to understand our emotions and the emotions of others. Riley’s core memories in the movie is a prominent theme because it’s the foundation to Riley’s development. Joy, so competently questions “Do you ever look at someone and wonder, 'What is going on inside their head?' Well, I know. Well, um, I know exactly what goes on in Riley 's head.” After observing Inside Out, the audience feels like they understand the emotion felt by Riley in an accurate way. It’s clear there is more to Riley’s personality than what is shown on the outside.

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