The Growth and Dominance of the Roman Empire

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Expanding into a feared and admired empire, in the beginning of the first Millennium CE, The Roman Empire grew to further dominate larger areas of the Mediterranean world. The Roman Empire also witnessed problems that had led to it’s ending. With the Roman Empire officially started falling in 476 C.E., historians have thought how to explain how such an amazing Empire had fallen. The Fall of Rome occurred because of both, internal and external causes. Two internal causes of the fall of Rome were it’s weakening army and the introduction of a new religion, while two external factors were invasions and the split of the empire. One of the main internal factors that caused the Fall of Rome were their weakening army and the impact of religion. Rome’s soldiers were defenseless because their armor was heavy and big, Soldiers disobeyed generals, and these problems only made them weaker (Doc 6). Soldiers got sick of listening to their generals when it was time for battle and stopped listening because some soldiers went soft when christianity was introduced (Doc 6). The Soldiers armor was extremely heavy and they say the armor “made them weaker” because it was too bulky and heavy to use in battle (Doc 6). The Roman Empire fell because Rome aquiried bad habits from other armies. Although many internal causes led to the fall of Rome, external causes also led to the decline. The fall of Rome occurred not only because of internal causes, but external causes led to the fall too. The main external factors that led to the fall of Rome were the invasions and the split of the empire. The Huns invaded Eastern Rome, and then invaded and pushed into the Goths who then invaded the Roman Empire. Because Roman’s stopped fighting and obeying general’s rules, Rome was invaded and the empire eventually fell (Doc 6).Romans were so distracted by each other, that any outside invader could essentially just walk right into Rome and take over. Roman Soldiers were sick of taking orders and did not listen to generals once christianity was introduced (Doc 6).

They stopped fighting because they were worried where their souls would go in the afterlife (They were afraid to go to hell) (Doc 6). Rome’s army gained bad habits from other armies and their empire was at a very delicate stage, about to fall (Doc 8). Romans stopped believing in their religions and started christianity, which taught good, to be nice, and not harm others, so Romans stopped fighting and rome began to fall(Doc 8). Rome was so focused on religion, that the huns started to take over. Outside invaders could attack at any time because rome was too focused on religion. Rome had too much to worry about to even realise that others (outside invaders) were sneaking into Rome (Doc 8). Romans put things off and didn’t live in the now so they fell apart. They were too patient and cowardly to get the job done. Rome fought and many people died (Doc8). Both, Internal and External factors led to the fall of the Roman Empire. Expanding into a feared and admired empire, in the beginning of the first Millennium CE, The Roman Empire grew to further dominate larger areas of the Mediterranean world.The Roman Empire also witnessed problems that had led to it’s ending. When Rome reached its golden age, Romans became rich and conquered large amounts of land and territories. When Rome reached its golden age, Romans became rich and conquered large amounts of land and territories. The Roman Empire fell because of not only internal causes, but because of external causes too.

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