The Progress of the Political Evolution of Rome

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The foundations of Rome was early Inhabitants, the geography which included The Italian Peninsula and Tiber river, and The influence of The Etruscans, The Greeks, and The Phoenicians. The twin brothers that founded Rome in 753 BCE names were Remus and Romulus. Kings ruled Rome from 753 to 509 BCE. 507 BCE Rome stopped the rule of Monarchy and started the Republic, which was a government meant to represent everyone but was dominated by Aristocrats in practice. The Aristocrats were the ones who were sitting in the senate.

The Roman Republic had conflict between Patricians and Plebeians, Patricians were Elite and Plebeians were masses of citizens. Elite ruled the government through their spots in the senate. The Twelve Table Law became active in 450 BCE, Rome's first actual Law Code which was used to protect the rights of citizens from being mistreated by the Elite. Senate is the branch where the Laws and Policies were made for the Roman Republic. The highest elected political office was held by a consul and the ones that were elected were called the Magistrates.

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Rome had the Conquest of Italy and The Punic Wars which had links of the Mediterranean Basin. Rome fought Carthage to rule the Mediterranean during The Punic Wars. The expansion of Rome after the war concluded a conquest of Greek Peninsula, Spain, Egypt, and Middle East. The Roman Empire From 31 BCE to 330 CE included the assassination of Julius Caesar, The Civil War, and the rise of Caesar Augustus. Augustus Caesar who was the first Roman Emperor, the nephew and heir to Julius Caesar. Augustus Caesar was the ruler of Rome from 31 BCE to 14 CE. Social changes in Rome included an increase in slavery, Plantation System, increase in luxury display, hard life for the urban and poor people, complex society, and Romanization. After the 3rd century CE cracks began to appear. Some crises of the third century were civil wars, over extended military, economic crises, and social dislocations. The empire was divided in to east and west by Diocletian, Diocletian was also the rule of four, and Diocletian also revived the economy. Between 306 – 337 CE the capital was moved to the east of Constantinople. Germanic tribes overran the western empire in 476 CE. Five major legacies of the Roman Empire in world history today are government, law, architecture, engineering, and religion.

Government in U.S. and in the Roman Republic are alike they both have three branches. The first one is the Executive branch for president is like the consuls in Rome, the second one is Legislative branch which is congress and in the Roman Republic it is the senate, and the third one is Judicial branch which is like the Praetors in the Roman Republic. The United States one congress house senate was named after the senate of Rome. Roman laws had influence over present day law in most places. Legal ideas were all influenced by Roman laws.

The language that Romans spoke moved throughout the western part of Europe around the time of the Roman Empire. Many languages being spoke today started from Latin they include French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Romanian and at least 800 million people around the world speak these languages today. The Architecture of Rome still have an influence on designs when it comes to buildings. In the 18th century the nonclassical architecture returned to many ideas for the Romans.

You can see examples of the Roman architecture almost all over the U.S. but one example is the U.S. State Capitol Building. The Romans changed things by innovation using engineering with empires. They made long lasting roads for armies so that they could move quickly and they also made them for trading, and a lot of these roads are still being used today. They built things that moves water into cities anyone to be able to use. For their projects the Romans had spent lots of time working hard to perfect concrete. The Roman empire had a great impact on religion in Europe in which they spread lots of Christianity. The Roman empire was the home of the Catholic church that held great influence. Although there are other religions Christianity is the largest religion we have in the world today.

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