Social Class And The Hidden Curriculum Of Work

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Hidden curriculum is a concept that lies underneath the surface of the official syllabus. It is described as hidden because it involves the perspectives, lessons, and values that students unintentionally learn (Lecture 23-1-2020). Suggested by Karl Marx, conflict theory states that society is constantly in conflict due to competition for limited resources. Social order is maintained by domination and power (Lecture 6-2-2020). Conflict theorists believe that education--specifically hidden curriculum, reinforces social inequalities that arise due to the differences in social class and status.

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I come from a working-class home and like everyone else, I want to excel in my classes. In one of my classes, I was assigned a paper, which was due the following Sunday. However, I was busy throughout the week. Since I have a single working parent, I had to babysit my younger sister. On top of that, I work--serving guests from 4 pm until 12:00 am. The night before the due date, I had time to work on the assignment, however, I was too exhausted to start the paper. Compared to my classmates, my family lacked access to a computer and printer at home. Thus, I had to rely on the public library. This is an example of a hidden curriculum as it teaches us that we should excel in school, have a respectable job, be married, and have a nice car and house. Similar to the American dream, hidden curriculum indicates to us what our social ideals and norms are. It also teaches us about time management. Throughout elementary and high school, we were taught that students should regulate their activities according to assigned deadlines. This helps students develop their values and skills for jobs and postsecondary--where we will become more independent. Additionally, we are expected to respect authority and conform to the rules, otherwise, there are consequences. This enhances our personal growth as we learn how to act and behave in society.

Conflict theory revolves around the idea that most struggles in society occur due to inequalities between different social classes. As opportunities and resources are scarce, groups struggle to attain more--therefore, competing with other groups (Lecture 6-2-2020). As a result, conflict and hostility are ubiquitous in society, trying to gain advantages over others. Competition is an underlying part of education, where grades are regularly assigned to students. As students strive to attain perfect marks, high expectations become a burden on their shoulders. Compared to my classmates, I was at a disadvantage. Lacking resources, such as a computer and printer, I had to rely on public libraries to write my paper. Additionally, my mother was a divorced immigrant, who is employed in a low-skilled trade. Due to her low income, I was coerced to work--limiting the time I have left to work on my assignment. On the day my paper was due, I handed it in despite my unfavorable circumstances. Once our assessments were returned, my friends and I compared each others' grades. As expected, they did better than me--widening the gap between us.

Pierre Bourdieu researched cultural capital, which signifies us that social networks and culture have value. Members of the bourgeoisie have more cultural capital than the proletariat. Thus, the education system maintains a system in which dominant cultures are more valued (Lecture 6-2-2020). Generally, assessments are based on the dominant culture--leaving the lower-classes struggling with values outside their social stature. To conflict theorists, tests are another way of how education does not provide opportunities but maintains hierarchy and power. When I was applying for programs, my choices were limited as the academic entry requirements were beyond my reach. Conflict theorists point out that taxes fund most schools. Hence, schools in wealthier areas tend to have more money. Moreover, upper class families can afford to pay higher salaries--attracting more qualified teachers and purchasing the latest books and technology. Thus, those students have an advantage in getting into more reputable colleges and pursuing high‐wage professions. On the other hand, students in lower-class neighborhoods, such as myself, are less likely to go to college and start an apprenticeship in the skilled trades.

Sociological imagination gives an individual the ability to be more self-aware in decision making--rather than being influenced by social norms (C. Wright Mills 1959: 3-4). Personal issues can be understood sociologically as societal factors and failings might push an individual towards an education gap, such as poor neighborhoods, high tax rates, and little family support. Social structures shape my hidden curriculum example as it emphasizes the social inequalities by educating students according to their economic status. Conflict theory argues that individuals and groups of different social classes interact because of disagreement rather than consensus. The unequal distribution of cultural capital in a society reflects the education gap among upper and lower class students. 

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