John Patrick Shanley’s Doubt: A Parable tackles issues regarding certainty and skepticism through accusations cast on a priest’s behavior towards a young schoolboy. Its two protagonists, Father Flynn and Sister Aloysius, battle over her allegations of his alleged improprieties, fueled through their conflicting beliefs on...
Skepticism is something that individuals experience consistently. This quality is something that any given individual could encounter once a day. One way we truly express our skepticism is our contact with other people. When hearing a story, we listen carefully and figure out for ourselves...
Is there a trade-off between skepticism and the successful production of knowledge? I will be relating this question to both the natural sciences and the human sciences. For the natural sciences, I chose to discuss how the skepticism of people on subjects such as the...
Skepticism brings us to doubt everything in our lives that we once perceived as true. David Hume, Rene Descartes, and Sextus Empiricus have all made a contribution with their stance on skepticism through their writings Discourse on the method of rightly conducting the reason, and...
The area of skepticism is evident in all aspects of philosophy from ancient Greece to modern day philosophy. Skepticism as defined by Merriam-Webster is an attitude of doubt or a disposition to incredulity either in general or toward a particular object. Skepticism questions the possibility...
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In Philosophy class, I found that learning about skepticism was very interesting. The reason I chose this is because if I enjoyed learning about the topic, then writing a paper would be fun. Skepticism is the superior epistemological position because there is no way to...
Best topics on Skepticism