Realism as the Most Convincing Paradigm of International Relations

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The purpose of writhing this paper is to explain how Realism has a great impact on the global politics. Since 17th century till today we can see how every event in international world depicts views of Realism wether its world war I & II or Cold War era, War and terror in 2003 or US-China Trade War, Middle east crisis or Kashmir conflict, we can clearly see how Relaism has been the most important paradigm of IR. Though it is not the only paradigm that describes International Relations but when it comes to the practical application of a theory in international world then we can see that Realism has been the most convincing paradigm of International Relations.


Competition and conflict are two essential components of human nature. No matter how much peaceful a person is, there is a great possibility of his being a part of any conflict in near future. We always try to understand international relations and its complex anarchical system under a certain kind of paradigm or theoretical framework. There are many theories, which explain international relations, but Realism is the most important paradigm of international relations because of its active presence in system of internatonal politics since ancient times till today. Realism is a theory that talk about conflict and competition in international relations.

Roots of Realism can be traced back to Thucydides’s history of Peloponnesian War, which occurred in between 431 and 404 BCE. These 2000 years ago writings of Thucydides were not actually the realism theory that exists today but there are great similarities between that ancient concept and today’s modern world and its concept of international relations. (ANTUNES & CAMISAO, 2018). Other writings of Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, Hans Morgenthau and Kenneth Waltz laid the basis of Realism. Realism became dominant after Second World War due to its conflictual nature.

Classical and Neo-Realism

Realism is broader paradigm that has further two concepts, Classical realism and Structural or Neo Realism. Classical Realism talk about role of human nature in international politics as its human nature that he has greed for power and always struggle to get it. Lust of power in human nature is the main reason for his attack on other and conflicts arise in return. Fransisco Franco of spain was a dictator so his behavior caused civil war in Spain which later caused state to turn into totalitarian state. Policies of President George Bush were aggressive enough to turn his state to set war with Iraq and Afghanistan. So we can see that aggressive behavior of a leader causes his state to act aggressively towards other states in order to achieve their interests. (PETER, 2015). Realism talks about Nation State and its importance in international relations while it emphasize that other actors also exists in the state system like individuals and organizations but their role is limited. Nation Satate is the most important part of a state with its sovereignty over all the individuals and associations within its control and also it is free from all the external forces and their impact.

Neo-Realism was initiated by Kenneth Waltz in 1979 when he wrote his book Theory of International Politics. Neo-Realism states that power is most important phenomenon in International Relations. Defensive and Offensive Realism are subdivision of Neo-Realism. Defensive Realism emphasizes that state should have enough power to protect its interests but that power maximization behavior should not be adopted to to become hegemons as this kind of approach will be counterproductive for the state. On the other hand Offensive Realism urges that if state has opputunity then it should maximize its power so that they can become hegemons. As this view suggests that power maximaztion provides more strength for the survival of the state. It also elaborated that international system is anarchic and there is absence of any central authority that regulate international system of the world. States acts on egoism and they try to protect their own interest rather than keeping in view the interests of other states. Every state tried to increase its power wether its their military power or economic powers, in order to sustain in international system. As international system is anarchic hence there is lack of trust between states. Every state wants to increase its power in order to survive in international arena. We can take an example of Pakistan and India in this perspective when India tried to increase its military strength and announced that they are nuclear power then Pakistan immediately responded them by declaring them as nuclear state as Pakistan tried to ensure its survival. If we had not increased our military strength then there was a great possibility of attack initiated by India over Pakistan to gain their interests.

Balance of Power

Balance of power is also an important concept of Realism, which talks about balance in the international system of states. Hans Morgenthao differentiated methods of power balance: Divide and Rule, Compensations, Intervention and Allaiances. Alliances was the option used during cold war. When there is one state which is more powerful all of the other states then there is possibility that one strong power will try to invade other weaker states around it. In this case other weaker states make alliances with each other so that they can survive against that single power. Other way of balance of power is enhancing military and economic strength by such weaker states so that they could self help in case of invasion. It cause Security Dilemma where every state tries to increase its military strength in order to survive in international arena without being invaded by other stronger powers. In past we take the example of Cold War where United States and USSR tried their best to maintain balance of power by making alliance and increasing their own military and economic strength, On the other hand we can take example of Iran in today’s world that they tried to increase their military and nuclear weapons might in order to achieve strength in the region and also their purpose was to stop United States from invading them. On the other hand weaker states like Kashmir and Palestine could not stop invaders as they were not strong enough to stop India and Israel from entering into their territory.

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Realism, World War I & II

Realism describe World War I in best way as it was based on selfish and power seeking behavior of individuals that leads states to start conflict. Initially this war was fought between Austria and Serbia but later it lead to more and more alliances and treaties based on self interest of states. Finally it lead to full fledge war between many countries. Counteries worked more and more on balance of power by increasing their military strength. Once a country was entered in the war they had to keep fighting to gain more power. Alliances were developed to achieve personal benefits. Security dilemma was observed all over as all the states came into the weaponary race. (Essay on The Realist Theory and The Outbreak of World War I)

Cold War and Realism

Cold war is highly linked to realism as the era of cold war is all based on power seeking behavior expressed by United States and USSR. At start both states misunderstood and mistrusted each other. US had a view that USSR wants to invade the world, they saw them as a threat to democratic world specially after USSR gained control of Eastren Europe. While on the other hand USSR felt that they had won World War-1 but they had not received the share of spoils of war. They raid economically on Eastren Europe to compensate their expenses. According to USSR, US was developing more and more weapons which were a great threat to their existence. United States And USSR made alliances with other countries to maintain balance of power in the world. US strongly build its allainces with countries like Middle Eastren countries, European countries and Asian countries. This period of proxy wars and arms race to be dominant higly depict Realism. US supported Turkey and Greece to help their stumbling economies through Truman doctrine in order to make them stand against USSR. Ideological term cut Soviet Union from the rest of Europe and lead both the super powers into space and arm race. Cuban Missile crises was a major event when US found that Soviet union was setting its ballistic missile in Cuba. The full scale war was almost about to start but later things settled down. Korean War and Veitnam War are aslo major conflicts in the era of Cold war that support the idea of Realism as both the super powers supported enemies of each other. Both sides supported insurgensies and revolutions in other regions like middle east, Asia and other parts of the globe. (Blackmore, 2019)

Other events of Cold War like Berlin blockade are also interpretations of Realism when desire of power maximization lead USSR to cut supply line of West Berlin in order to stop US and Britain to get more success in West Europe. Later US and Its allies transferred food and other goods to West Berlin Through Airlift. (SMITH, 1973). End of Cold war is widely understood in the world as the win of United States as it is believed that US was bystander for the breakdown of Soviet Union and Ronald Reagon is considered to be the major reason of this fall. But role of Mikhail Gorbachev cannot be neglected here. His terms like Perestroika (Restructuring) opened state economy to work under private ownership but this step of radical transition did not work well as poverty and other problems demolished the structure of the country. Glasnost (Opennes) also reversed dictatorship concept of USSR. It allowed journalists and others to write against Kremlin. Multi party democratic system was introduced over one party system. If victory of cold war is the question then there are many winners like Democracy won and market also won as transnational corporations got billions of customers after the fall of USSR. (CLARK)

In world War II Germany invaded Poland in return Great Britain responded by declaring War against Germany. Hitler motivated its nation against Treaty of Versallies which was signed to end World War I. Germany wanted to be economically, and militarily a state which is sole concept of realism. To maintain balance of power other states like France and Great Britain started war with Germany. (Krapi, 2015)

Weaknesses of Realism

Every theory has its strength as well weaknesess too. If we look at Realism then we can say it has weaknesses too as it negate the idea of interdependence but we can see that countries depend on each other for many matters while on the other hand conflict is not the only option as peace can also be a way of mediation. Realism got weaken after Cold War era when globalization changed perspective of the world. Post cold war era was based on Liberalism which talked about interconnectedness between countries. In this era it seemed that Realism would be eliminated and peaceful order will sustain in neo-liberal world. (IBER, 2018). In this era economic liberalization prevailed where free trade economy was nore prevalent. This era was quite peaceful in terms of economic development in the world. Mobile phones and Internet became major source of connecting the entire world together. (Zedillo)

If we look with realist perspective then this era is totally opposite to what Realism says so for time being it was evident that realism was weakened. Attack on world trade center 2001 challanged the entire concept of Realism where a non state actor challenged a super power like America. Islam has risen as non traditional power which has no bounderies and US despite of all the efforts could not weaken role of Islam in international world. States have become helpless in security matters due to loss of monopoly over technology. (Sumer, 2008)

Re-Emergence of Realism

US invaded Iraq in 2003, which shows re-emergence of realism that how it was a way of US to assert its power on Iraq. US-China Trade War is also an example of how states work for their own interests. United States and China are going through constant conflicts based on economical basis. (Schroder, 2019) Us imposed ban on Chinese based mobile phone company Huawei by putting allegations of security risks that are constantly denied by Huawei. This step of US highly influenced trade of Huawei as it is the major technology based company of China hence it also caused loss to Chinese economy. (Stewart, 2019)In Realism perspective we can say that US is taking such steps to increase its economic and technological strength while China on the other hand is working continuously to increase its strength in international arena in order to keep US work under the principle of Balance of power.

Kashmir Conflict and Realism

In the context of India-Paksitan relationship we can clearly see how Realism explain it. India-Pakistan relationship is practical example of Realism from 1947 till today. Both the countries trying to save their self interest and for that they have approached other states of the world like Pakistan is an allie of United States from a long period of time in order to gain self interest like military support and other economics aid in order to survive in international world while having constant threat of attack from India. Pakistan and India have fought full fledged war on the matter of Kashmir. Very first war was fought right after the independence, on the matter of Princely state of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947-48. Then 1965 war and 1971 War was also a part of india’s strategy of making relationship with Pakistan more conflictual in order to get territory of Kashmir and other areas of Pakistan through invasion. Pakistan have always received great support from China in terms of economic help or military help then in the phase of War and Terror America funded Pakistan with a great might of military help as Paskitan was their allie in the war against terrorism. But before this in 1998 and 1999 Pakistan became nuclear power in order to maintain balance of power in the region against India as they decleared their country as an atomic state. Then in 1999 Kargil war was a great conflict between Pakistan and India that gave rise to conflicts between both the countries later it was somehow resolved by the intervention of United States. (SARIHARAN, 2005). Recently in the august of 2019, Indian government changed its law about Kashmir by abolishing Article 370 from its constitution. This development made the entire world shocked. As Article 370 gave Kashmir an order of state hence removing it is direct attack on the rights of Kashmiri people to live in an independent state with all its rights provided by international laws. This act of Inidan government depicts Realism which talks about power and its mainefestation. As entire world know that India has violated human rights by putting Kashmiri people under curfew from more than 100 days but no one could stop India from this act of invasion as they have strong economic relationships with world hence other countries keeping in view their own self interest, did not come up with direct support with Kashmir. Even Pakistan being most supporting side to the state of Kashmir could not stop India from doing this inhuman act. Though Pakistan has taken considerable steps to tell the world about the serious situation of Kashmir. PM of Pakistan Imran Khan gave an inspirational speech at UNGA and urged the world to wake up for the rights of Kashmir but till today situation of Kashmir could not be improved. PM Imran Khan even warned the world for a full fledged nuclear war between India and Pakistan on the matter of Kashmir. Today many international organizations based on human rights have raised their voice for the rights of Kashmiri people. Turkey also urged the world to stand by Kashmir and their full support for Kashmiri people. As this situation is passing more and more days, it is causing more anger in the people of Kashmir and this kind of situation can lead to any new form of nationalism. As most of the leaders are under arrest hence any new form of leadership can be expected and a change of thoughts could be seen. (Khan, 2019)


So at the end we can say that Realism has been most active theory of International Relations since its emergence. Despite all the events that has taken place in the world we have seen that Realism persisted since 17th century till today. It has an active role in global politics. Wether its United States acts of Iraq invasion, War and Terror, its relation with Iran and US role in the cold war era, we can relate its behavior to the roots of Realism which talks about power maximization and self interest. On the other hand if we see How middle east is affected by conflicts. Iran and Saudi Arabia are going through a constant conflict over Yemen crisis. Relationship of Pakistan with Iran is also affected by America and Saudi Arabia. Pakistan could have installed gas pipe line with Iran which was very helpful for us and we also have many other agreements with Iran to be signed but that could not become possible because of our allies like America and Saudi Arabia as we are receiving benefits from them hence we cannot take another side to keep our self interest safe we did not say anything on crisis of Yemen. From all the above details we can conclude that though Realism is not the only important paradigm of International Relations but it is the most convincing paradigm of IR since its emergence.

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