Every person is born with flaws, whether it be on a small or large scale. If there were a way to fix these imperfections before birth, how would this affect the human race? To some people, it may seem almost foreign and unrealistic to think...
GENOME PROJECT Adam and Eve were doomed for trying to be like god, this is the same damnation mankind is headed to. Everyones dream is to have absolute power and control of everything. The genome project and DNA engineering gives man the ability to create...
Ill be the first to admit it, Im a skeptic of the worst kind; its just my nature, I guess. So, I guess it goes without saying that Im not impressed with all the recent hype about the Human Genome Project. People have gone so...
In every field of study known to man, there are always certain topics of controversy, the patenting of sections of the human genome is one such debateable topic. On one side, scientific discoveries should be the property of everyone, and on the other side the...
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