How to Solve the Problems Orphans Face Within Orphanages

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How to Solve the Problems Orphans Face Within Orphanages essay
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The children of our country are South Africa’s future. A major issue that desperately needs to be addressed are the challenges faced by orphans and by NGO’s who manage the orphanage. Statistics show there are an estimated amount of 3.7 million orphans within South Africa. Many issues that NGO’s face is lack of resources due to funding. These resources include food, books, games and clothing for children. This is a major issue as these orphan’s basic needs are not being met. These resources are essential as they are needed in order for a child to develop. The right to children accessing healthy and enough nutritious food is not being met.

Many orphanages struggle with supplying enough nutritious food as some may not have enough funding. If the child is not given enough nutritious food this results in children not being able to concentrate as many may feel hungry and tired during school as they may not have enough energy to focus. This will affect them in their future as young adults as they may not be able to be employed due to them not achieving the results they could have if they had access to enough nutritious food. These institutions lack adequate funding and qualified personnel (psychologists, therapist and counselling).

Overcrowding in orphanages poses yet another problem as growing children may have to share a bunk bed. Beyond the physical problem’s orphanages face more pressing problems such as social and emotional development issues of a child. A major issue that these orphans face is the feeling of abandonment which intern results in these orphans feeling as if they are not good enough or worth it. Statistics state that about 3500 children are abandoned every year and the numbers continue to rise as time increases.

The feeling of abandonment within an orphan results in these children not feeling as if they are good enough. This is due to them feeling as if they were not accepted by their parents. This therefore kills their drive to try their best and to dream and achieve their dreams. Many of these children may feel as if they are not worth it therefore these children may feel as if there’s no reason to try and improve their life. This therefore affects their future drastically. Many of these children lack the ability to read and comprehend what they are reading therefore showing us their literacy levels are low. These children are able to read however many of them are not great at it. This will have a major effect in their future.

This is due to lack of resources within the orphanages such as books as well as low levels of education within the schools these children attend. This is due to the fact that these children attend the more pooper schools as some orphanages may not have the funds to send them to a school with well trained teachers and classes with a smaller number of children. Many of these orphaned children live with the trauma of their previous life. Many of these orphans were sexually abused, experienced domestic violence, and neglect. Some of these acts occurred within the home they were living in before they were orphaned. This is another contributing factor as to why they do not feel good enough.

Many stakeholders that are affected are the children themselves, as well as the NGO’s and future businesses and entrepreneurs. This issue is a major problem to South Africans as it will affect the economy as this will increases the levels of poverty. It is evident that over 30.4 million people live in poverty a percentage of 55.5%. This is a worrisome amount already imagine how this will increase in a few years from now due to these statistics. This factor is due the issues discussed above.

Another issue it will cause for South Africans is that the level of crime will increase within our country. This is due to the fact that these future adults were not educated well enough and due to their concentration levels being low which intern resulted in them not being employable as they did not achieve the results required of them to study further or be employed as some may not have even completed their matric year. This also effects business as they may need more employees however many will not be employable. This results in crime rates rising as they need to support themselves and loved ones. They have to meet their basic needs.

This therefore may also put other South Africans in danger as it is compromising their right to a safe environment and safety. These orphans are South African citizens. Within south Africa the gap between rich and poor is vast therefore effecting the lives of the orphans as they would fall under the “poor” gap. This is a problem for them as they will struggle to get out of this gap due to understandable circumstances. These orphans may be affected majorly as some may not be employable due to the factors listed above. This will inevitably allow them to be stuck in the poverty cycle as well as most of their children and children’s children. This is due to the fact the feeling will continue throughout time. This can only be improved upon as if we as more privileged South Africans help these orphans overcome the problems that they may face. This is why these issues effect South Africans majorly as it poses a problem to many.

Reason as to why this issue is important to me:

I strongly believe that these issues are important and need to be addressed and dealt with as these children are our country’s future. Ngo’s of orphanages lack funds to attain enough resources for these children. This will therefore affect them in the long run emotionally and physically. I believe that every person’s rights should be met. By these rights not being met it dehumanizes a person as well as puts their lives at risk. By these children not accessing enough nutritious food causes them to starve, to not be able to concentrate, get sick and they will not have enough energy to function to their full potential. By these children not having access to enough nutritious food deprives them of their right to access to enough nutritious food and I do not believe that this is fair. I believe it is important for these children to know how to read and to comprehend what they are reading as with this these children can understand and expand their knowledge. With this knowledge comes opportunity.

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Therefore, I feel this is important. I believe that every person should feel a sense of worth. Without these children not feeling good enough they will not be able to reach their full potential therefore not allowing South Africa to reach its full potential. I believe that every child should believe that they are worth it and that they can achieve anything if only they believe in themselves. I have not experienced the circumstances that these children have to deal with, but I understand the feeling of not feeling wanted or good enough. This feeling is one of the most painful and uninspiring feelings. I don’t believe that anyone should feel this way. I believe everyone is born to lead a meaningful life and that everyone has a purpose in this world. These children do not feel that they are good enough due to their valid circumstances. Therefore, I am passionate about this issue as I feel as a member of society that it is our duty to uplift those who need the help. I as a privileged South African believe that it is my duty to uplift those who are more underprivileged and to show them, they are great and that they are worth it. I believe that being privileged comes from working hard and luck. My parents were not the most privileged due to circumstances of apartheid. They were not the wealthiest however they did attain enough money to go to an average school.

This allowed them to work hard for what they have and to be successful in many aspects in life especially financially. I as a person was lucky to be born into a family that accepts me, is financially stable and have instilled core values with in me. They have taught me to always be grateful and humble. I will never understand why some people live the life they do because they haven’t done anything wrong to be living the life they do. Their circumstance isn’t their fault. My parents have always taught to uplift those who need the help. I strongly believe in this issue as no person should feel as if they are not worth it. By people feeling this way they will not be able to reach their full potential and live their best life. We are taught that every person is equal and that is what our country, South Africa, is supposed to represent.

Therefore, I strongly believe that every person should be allowed the same opportunities in order for one to reach their full potential and live their best life My grandfather is my role model and I strive to be half as great as he was. He as a citizen did anything in his power to uplift his community. He has taught me to always help people no matter what the circumstance. During my grade 10 year we had to conduct a certain number of hours of community service. During this time, I became very close to the children at the Lake Haven Orphanage. During this time one of the orphaned girls expressed to me that people never stay, and she told me that this makes a lot of them feel like they’re not good enough and she stated that they were used to it. this shocked and broke my heart because I don’t believe that any person should feel this way. Therefore, I am completely passionate about this problem.

Cause of the problem:

The cause of this problem is that many people within our country are having many children that they cannot account for financially. Many people within South Africa cannot afford to have children however they still do so. The birth rate within South Africa is 2,46 births for every woman. This static was from 2016. This causes more children to be put into orphanages as their parents cannot afford to attain a life of a child. Therefore, allowing the orphaned child to feel as if they are not good enough as their parents cannot financially support them. These parents feel they have no choice but to orphan their child. Many children that are put into orphanages are those who fall under the poverty category of South Africa. Many partners are taking part in unsafe intercourse due to the fact that they are not educated on this topic of safe sex and the responsibility of having a child.

Unprotected sex could be due to the fact that 2 people were involved in sexual intercourse whilst intoxicated with substances such as drugs and alcohol. Therefore, showing us, they were not I the right mindset. Teenage pregnancy is a big issue where either the mother or father or both deny their responsibility of supporting their child. Many teenagers orphan their child as they feel as they are too young to have a child, they want to continue their studies as well as they may not be financially stable to support a life of a child. One’s family support and religious factors play a big role. As many families may not accept a birth of a child if the parents are not married or underage. These factors cause people to orphan their child therefore resulting in the child feeling unwanted by their parents. This allows them to feel as if they are not worth it. A major factor contributing to this is the fact of HIV/Aids and women being raped. It is evident through statistics that 7.2 million people are affected by HIV/Aids. This is a major problem as the parents maybe too sickly to look after their child which intern leads to the child being orphaned. Therefore, resulting in the child not feeling worthy as they were given up by their parents Statistic show that 40% of South African women are likely to experience rape. To be raped is not a choice.

Therefore, women may be traumatized by their experience and therefore the child may be a reminder of that experience therefore resulting in the child being orphaned. These women as well may not be able to support a child’s life therefore they orphan the child. The inevitably allows the child to not feel good enough therefore resulting in them not being able to unpack their full potential. Many of these children before orphaned may have experienced harmful and disgusting acts such as sexual assault, domestic violence and neglect. This therefore is one of the many problems that allow for these children to not feel good enough.

Therefore, allowing them to not achieve their full potential. Orphanages are unable to access many essential resources for the children in the orphanage due to lack of fund. These essentials include enough nutritious food, enough clothing, recreational activities and books. This effect the growth of a young individual and poses a major problem. This is due to many orphanages not getting enough support from the privileged society as well as the government. The problem causing low levels of literacy within an orphaned child is the fact that orphanages within South Africa do not have the funding to send them to a school with a smaller number of people in classes and teachers that are not highly qualified. The cause of this is also due to lack or resources such as books in the orphanages. These are major problems that hinder the orphaned child.

How I will address this problem with the use of my skills and talents:

I take pride in the fact that I am empathetic and as well as responsible. I see this as my “superpower” as it gives me a drive to want to help those in need. I have a driven mindset which allows me to stay focused on the task at hand and achieve success. I believe that this quality will help achieve my goal in fixing the problem and improving the lives of orphans. My empathetic nature allows me to understand and feel what others feel. This gives the drive to want to help them achieve their happiness especially when it comes to children. I as a privileged citizen of South Africa I spend much time in an orphanage in Verulam, upskilling the children by giving arts and craft lessons and by reading to them and teaching them how to read. Every day during the week my family makes sandwiches for underprivilege schools and orphanages. This allows the children to gain energy during the week allowing them to stay focused and full. I am good public speaker and I am able to persuade people. I can use this to my advantage as I will be able to educate people on how orphaned children are affected as well as orphanages. I will encourage people to help orphanages within our country as well as uplift these children.

How I will use my superpower in a tangible way:

In order to alleviate or remedy the issues faced by orphanages and orphans I will continue to conduct my family’s daily feeding scheme to underprivileged schools as well as orphanages. Every morning my family and I make sandwiches and samp for underprivileged schools and orphanages. Every month we will increase the amount of schools and orphanages by 2 more. This will therefore alleviate the child’s hunger and increase their energy levels allowing them to concentrate in school, this will lower risks of these kids getting sick as well as lowering the stress on orphanages to find funding so that these children have access to enough nutritious food. In order to allow these orphans to gain a sense of self-worth I will personally implement arts and crafts classes in order for these orphans to gain a skill as well as a hobby. This will allow them to feel a sense of self-worth within themselves and this allows them to forget about the hurt and the pain they feel as well as allow them to put their negative energy into something productive.

This will also implement self-worth with in as I will be spending time with these children therefore giving them a sense that someone cares about them. A way to alleviate this problem is by spreading awareness about this cause and educating people on how orphans are affected emotionally, educate people on safe sex and by teaching people the responsibilities of having a child. This will intern encourage people to take part in safe sex, abstinence and spending time those that are orphaned. Another way to remedy the issue of hungry orphans is to get schools to donate food cans to many or a specific orphanage. I as an individual can implement the idea of donating vital resources to orphanages such as books, food cans, games and old clothing to schools in my surrounding area. I could ask the principles of these schools if I could conduct a talk during assemblies in order to educate students on the cause, as well as encourage students to donate what they can and the importance of giving back to our community. This will alleviate the pressure off of the orphanage as well as allow the children’s basic needs to be met. My parents own a petrol station attached to our family business. Every two months my parents hold a fun day for the community. This takes place in Verulam near their garage. I have encouraged my parents to invite orphanages within Verulam to join. This allows the children to feel a sense of happiness and worth as they feel as if people are taking an interest in them. These children truly have a great time. this remedy’s the feeling of not being worthy as it shows these children people in their community care about them as well as support them. In order to remedy this issue, I believe it is important to educate young adults and teenagers on safe sex as well as the responsibilities of a child.

Many people are not educated about this issue, especially, those in rural areas. Therefore, I believe that it is my duty as an educated citizen to conduct talks in rural areas within a common meeting area such as a church. I will ask the churches of these communities to spread the word of my talk and encourage people to come. This may help lower the risks of unwanted pregnancies as well as decrease the number of orphans. I as a citizen can take the initiative of raising money for these orphanages in order for them be financially stable to provide the essential resources needed for the children within in the orphanage. I can do so by selling these bands at school as well as ask my parents and other family members to sell these bands within their workplace. This will not cost a lot as my uncle owns a factory that does printing on clothing and bands and I know he will be happy to help. I will donate this money to the poorest orphanages within my reach. I am passionate about the idea of children knowing how to read as well as comprehending what they are reading. Therefore, I will conduct reading teaching sessions within orphanages during the holidays. I will first start off with two orphanages and as time goes by, I will increase the number of orphanages. I will also encourage friends and family to help with this initiative as well. The more people involved the more productive and successful this good dead and upliftment strategy will be. This will also defiantly increase the literacy rate within our country.

I will maximize my strengths by initiating talks within the more underprivileged communities. This will however only take place next year. My strong sense of drive and determination will allow me to conduct these talks next year as I strongly believe in this cause. I will continue to take time and go to orphanages and spend time with these children as well as to teach them how to read and teach them new skills such as arts and crafts. My empathetic nature will drive me to do so. I will encourage my family to continue with the food packages they make each morning and will also stay committed to this. My empathetic nature, sense of drive and determination will help achieve my goal of alleviating these issues as these are issues that are very important to me and will not be forgotten about.

I will solicit the churches within the rural communities to help me with this initiative as I will ask them to spread the word about my talks as well as encourage them to talk about the issues such as safe sex, abstinence and the responsibilities of having a child. To start with I will solicit the church within the Verulam community as I am in that area very often as well as my uncle the Pastor for that specific church. I believe that this will be a success as many people from rural areas attend church. I will also solicit the help from my parents to put up adverts at in their garage to promote my cause and the bands I am selling. I will also solicit the local Verulam newspaper to advertise my free talks as well as the cause I stand for. This will spread the news and the importance of my cause as well as encourage people to give back to their community.

I believe this initiative will be a success as this is a cause is very important to me. I am trying to get many people involved therefore by doing this will allow for a great success. This due to privileged citizens working together to help those in need. This maximizes the effort and success as more orphaned children are being helped as well as orphanages. This initiative will be successful as once people are educated about the cause and the importance of remedying the issue will therefore decrease the problems faced within in orphans and orphanages. This is so as more people will feel the need to get on board in order to remedy these problems. I plan on starting to conduct these initiatives during the course of this year and next year. This initiative is something I plan on conducting for as long as I can as I believe that everyone should all be granted equal and fair opportunities.

This essay is graded:
minus plus
Expert Review
The essay addresses the challenges faced by orphans and NGOs managing orphanages in South Africa. It discusses issues such as lack of resources, nutritional needs, emotional development, and low literacy levels among orphans. The essay attempts to present a comprehensive overview of the problem and its consequences for both individuals and society.
minus plus
What can be improved
Structure and Coherence: The essay could benefit from clearer organization and structure. Consider breaking down the content into distinct sections or paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of the issue. This would make it easier for the reader to follow the flow of ideas. Grammar and Sentence Structure: Some sentences are long and convoluted, making the text difficult to read and comprehend. Simplifying sentence structures and proofreading for grammar and punctuation errors would enhance clarity. Use of Evidence: While the essay mentions statistics, it would be more effective to provide specific sources or references for these statistics. This would enhance the credibility of the information presented. Clarity and Conciseness: Some sections are repetitive or overly wordy. Focus on conveying your ideas concisely and clearly. Avoid restating the same points multiple times. Personal Connection: The essay briefly touches on the author's personal connection to the issue, but it could benefit from more depth and specificity to create a more emotional connection with the reader. Solution Implementation: The essay presents some ideas for addressing the problem, but the section discussing how the author will use their skills and talents lacks specific details and could be expanded upon. By addressing these areas of improvement, the essay could become more engaging, coherent, and impactful, better reflecting the perplexity and burstiness characteristic of human writing.
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