Freedom as a Human Right Established in the Bill of Rights

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Freedom, liberty, and strong nationalism are only a few of the unique qualities that make up our diverse country. Each of the qualities listed have many parts behind them making them the foundation of this nation. Our America is unlike any other country, our founding fathers and military have made this country special, establishing and protecting our rights. We are the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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Freedom in our country has been established and secured under our American Bill of Rights written by our founding fathers in 1791. Being two hundred and twenty-eight years old we still hold these rights to be true. Our first amendment rights grant us freedoms most other countries don’t have the luxury to enjoy. While many countries require a common religion, religious freedom is the first freedom mentioned in the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment grants Americans the right to believe and practice any religion they choose, or none at all. Another very important freedom the founding fathers have granted us is the freedom of speech. Around the world people are being oppressed and shut down, having no opportunity to speak on what they believe in. This freedom grants the community the ability to speak up about issues and concerns while preventing the government from punishing people for expressing their personal opinions.

Liberty, liberty is the case of being free in a nation from brutal restrictions. In both communal and political life, everyone is a great master of liberty. From inception, liberty in our country has represented protection of unalienable rights, self-government, economic autonomy, social justice, and self-determination. Our unalienable and natural rights are protected under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. No government official can take them away from us nor treat us inhumane. Having the ability to self govern is often overlooked or forgotten. Rather than one bloodline ruling us for many years or having a warring states period until the mandate of heaven is granted to a ruler, we have the blessing to choose our leader. Not everyone may accept who is elected but we are able to vote him/her into office and the fact that we have the opportunity to even do that is incredible. Many countries live under a command economy, allowing the government to monopolize the economy, but we do not. We are fortunate to live in a free economy where we can control our compensation. Social justice is the thought of equal and equitable affiliations between the person and the population. Distributions of prosperity, opportunity in society, and communal advantages. By breaking the barriers for social class movement and creating economic safety nets, we as a nation are every day getting one step closer to social justice.

As Americans, we take strong pride in our country for many good reasons. We fought strong and tough for many years to put this country on the map as the United States of America. Our mother-land, Britain, was far from letting us go when we declared, fought, and later on won our independence. Even in the late 1700’s when we did not have a consistent military, as we do now, citizens of the colonies joined together to form militias. Through the war, we were the underdog, we were not expected to win the war. We had something the British did not, we had pride in ourselves and the society we developed. The colonists knew that if they won the war, this country could be something great. The Revolutionary War was the first sign of nationalism that has only grown since. Now, almost three hundred years later, we are proud to be Americans. Our military works every day to protect and serve our country, every branch has a special role in establishing this country and its nationalism and pride we have today.

Being able to call this country home is incredible. The hard work and dedication from every branch of the government and our military is incomparable to any other. Our America is unlike any other country, our founding fathers and military have made this country special, establishing and protecting our rights. We are the land of the free and the home of the brave.  

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