Essay Samples on Child Behavior

Essay Examples
Essay Topics

Exploring Child Development: Observations and Developmental Theories

Introduction “Social psychology often looks at basic human need to fit in and calls this the normative social influence” (AtheneWins, 2011). There are many developmental theories and there is a relative overlapping among them. The knowledge of this theories is important in the nursing field...

Causes and Treatment of Childhood Obesity

'He is just a kid, give him what he wants'. This is the phase that is mostly used by the parents in order to encourage their children from eating what they want as long as it will make them happy. However, the statistic has shown...

Transition's Impact on a Child’s Mental Health

In this essay I will be discussing and outlining the issues of how the transition can have an impact on a child’s mental health, emotions and their overall academic performance. I will also be discussing how development and puberty can affect a child, as well...

Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD is a significant issue all through the world given its early period of the beginning, solid relationship with the resulting beginning and continuity of optional diseases, continuity into adulthood, and solid affiliations with impeded performance all through the life expectancy. The disease in youth...

Aggression in Children and Behaviours in the School

Abstract This report observes characteristics of aggression and lack of aggression in children’s classroom behaviour, as well as identify a typical popular child and a rejected child. Each child comes from different circumstances and family influences that affect their aggression characteristics and how they perform...

How Social Skills Are Influenced by Siblings

This is a study about determining what, if any factors of social skills are affected or influenced by siblings. If so, what can be done to help these factors become majority or all positive influences. This will help us understand the relationship of sibling interactions...

Social Learning Theory and Child's Challenging Behaviour

“Culturally abnormal behaviour of such intensity, frequency or duration that the physical safety of the person or others is likely to be placed in serious jeopardy, or behaviour which is likely to seriously limit use of, or result in the person being denied access to...

Overexposure to Hindi Dubbed Cartoons Are Detrimental to Children

Abstract This research is aimed to analyze effects of Hindi dubbed cartoons on the behavior and language mix-up of children in Dhaka city keeping in sight that the overexposure of Hindi cartoons watched by children in daily routine. Children are becoming more and more obsessed...

The Treatment to Children PTSD with Art Therapy

Abstract: There are many children in the US who suffer from PTSD symptoms, such as depression and insecure attachments. Also, have effects on their behavior due to possible changes to the frontal lobe. These children have the ability, however, to free themselves of the pain,...

Psycholanalytical Approaches and Theories to Childhood Phobias

Psychoanalytic theories encompass the idea that “developmental changes occur because of internal drives and emotions, which influence behavior” (Boyd & Bee, 2015, p.46). According to psychoanalytic theory, phobias arise from two core concepts: psychological conflict and unconscious mental processes (Nemiah, 1981). Freud believed phobias generally...

The Influence of Parenting Style on the Child's Antisocial and Prosocial Behaviour

Antisocial behaviour and prosocial behaviour in adolescents may be influenced by the way a child is brought up. Antisocial behavior was defined as behavior through which a child causes physical or psychological harm to others. Similarly, prosocial behavior was defined as behavior through which a...

The Benefits of Peer Pressure for Teenagers

Everyone has experienced peer pressure whether it is in a regular basis or infrequently. Nonetheless we all endured it once in our life time. Peer pressure has a significant role in our society today. It is the immediate influence caused by your peers encouraging you...

 How Extracurricular Activities Might Reduce the Behavioral Inhibition of Children 

In the realm of child development, a child’s temperament, or biological differences in behavior when exposed to new people or objects, paves the way for his or her future relationships and personal success. Although temperament is an inborn mechanism and not a choice, parents do...

Child-Rearing Approach Of Natural Growth

The approach used by the family in this research was Natural growth. Tyrec Taylor is a 9-year-old who lives with his single mother in a working-class Black neighborhood. “ Daily life of Tyrec was spent playing with his neighborhood friends or watching T. V with...

ADHD: Risk Factors and Preventative Care

Introduction Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, is one of the most common neurodevelopmental childhood disorders in the world. There are three subtypes of ADHD; predominantly hyperactive/impulsive type, predominantly inattentive type, and combined type. Although ADHD can persist throughout a person’s life, the...

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