Introduction Following the 11 September 2001 attacks, the United States attributed the occurrences to Osama Bin Laden, his al-Qaeda terrorist organization, and the Taliban in and around Afghanistan. To attack these terrorists, the United States government with the lead effort, help, and operational capabilities of...
INTRODUCTION Every human being on earth has the right and freedom to found or be part of a group, an association, or a sect. The joining of such a group may be due to one's wiliness to be among people with similar beliefs, lifestyles, etc....
Introduction Al Qaeda is a global terror attack founded by Osama bin Laden and responsible for massive deaths on September 11 (Migaux, 2019 p315). Besides, al Qaeda has resulted in several terror attacks across the globe. Before the incident of September 11, most people did...
The 9/11 incident believed to be the results of what Samuel Huntington explained as a 'Clash of Civilization'. Huntington described the clash between Western and Muslim civilization might happen after the end of the Cold War. This can be true, as before the 9/11 attack,...