In the novel Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson, Jim Hawkins is the main protagonist. Jim is a brave fourteen year old teenager. He matures a lot throughout his adventure while being under the influence of the men on the ship. Jim lost his father...
Treasure Hunting is a concept many will be familiar with. For book readers, their knowledge of the concept is likely to have come from a book like Treasure Island, while for movie followers, the popular Disney franchise, Pirates of the Caribbean is a good explanation...
The novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson is a novel that can be critiqued about so many things. What the novel can be debated on is the way that the main character Jim Hawkins changes throughout the book because of his change of age....
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SWBST:Somebody named Jim Hawkins is the protagonist of the novel. He needed to carry on with his life as tranquil as conceivable at his family's motel. Be that as it may, an old mariner named Bill, 'Billy Bones', came into the hotel drinking rum. While...
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