The Need For Women Empowering In India

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Women have acquired a legitimate space in rural political institutions that can raise their marginalized position, though they are still a minority. There is need to provide the equal access or giving platform where they can feel ownership of their thoughts. Without woman’s need, interest, decision-making capacity, opportunity to participate in and influence the planning is being taken into account the sustainable results will not come. There is urgent need to provide quality education to each of the girls, without discrimination among the girls and boys.Need of self-confidence and positive attitude is required among the women representatives and it could be through proper training and guidance. Sometimes women feel that they are incapable of handling financial matters. However, this is just a misconception. A positive attitude contributes to their confidence and helps in enhancing their personality.

Politics should be a democratic, participatory, accountable and transparent means to bring about a just, humane and equitable society. Political system should be accessible to all sections of society, in which women constitute half of the population.High cost of electioneering, improper, illegal practices, violence and corruption are some reasons that prevent women from participating in politics. It is high time to work towards transformation of politics that would establish a decisive role for women in politics. In a whole, since the Panchayati Raj Institutions is in its infancy, new problems and challenges are pouring in.

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In such a short period the type of problems which could arise cannot be identified in whole. With the enactment of Panchayati Raj Institutions now requirement is to deal with multifarious problems such as economic, social, cultural and psychological etc., which has increased the workload of the Panchayat. The Panchayat has now to deal with looking after of education, nutrition, sanitation, health and other developmental works of the poorest of the poor. Therefore to achieve the target the relevant technology is needed which is a difficult task to the members of downtrodden and economically weaker sections of society. With the decentralization of power the corruption will naturally be decentralized and make home in the Panchayat atmosphere. Dealing with frequent flow of funds or cash to the Panchayat, can deter the integrity, if frequent technical financial check is not exercised.

Panchayati Raj Institutions are interested with various works and schemes, which require technical guidance and supervision from the various governmental departments, but they show little interest in the implementation of those schemes. Perhaps due the reasons that a single officer has to handle large area and his office work leave a little time to go in fields. The Panchayat Pradhan is authorized to make plans and schemes for the development or upliftment of the village and fund for that is arranged by the governmental offices such as Block Development Officers etc. There can be instances when the Block Development Officers do not agree with the Pradhan. Disagreement can lead to tension between the Pradhan and Block Development Officer. Such disagreement of Block Development Officers on the honest proposal of Pradhan can block the development of Panchayat. After 73rd Amendment a big space has been given to women in rural politics but, there are also some constraints and hindrances. Hindrances like illiteracy, social dogema, less honoraria etc. could be set right by education, public meetings and government efforts.ConclusionThe historic 73rd Amendment Act of the Constitution, inter alia, empowering women to participate in grass-root democracy has added not only strength and vigor to our democratic institutions but also reduced disparity. Participation of women, including those belonging to the Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribe communities, in a sizeable number in democratic institutions at grass-root level could bring about significant positive changes in the functioning of institutionalized machinery for implementation of programmes for the welfare and development of people particularly women and children. Reality about women representatives in our country is that women are dominated by older members of family and society. S

tudies shown that in many areas, women’s inexperience allowed their marginalization, that given the limited power and resources of the Panchayats, women’s roles were highly circumscribed and that political parties included women for Panchayat representation without allowing them voice in party decision making, but other side some activists and scholars argue that there have been many benefits. It is true, many of the elected women had little or no political experience, but they have gained self-confidence. These women have questioned priorities in Panchayat programmes and stressed domestic issues like fuel, water, schools, and the proximity of services. It is not that women are not provided major work in politics but most often, indeed, they are relegated to the women’s wing of the party and made to concentrate on what are seen as specially women’s issues such as dowry and occasionally on more general concerns like price rise which are seen to affect especially housewives.

Without empowering women from bottom to top (Gram Panchayat to Assembly and Parliament) reservation is futile to some extent. This Landmark Amendment Act has at once posed before our women both opportunities and challenges. Women have served in both houses of Parliament and in the State Legislatures. They have been Governors and Chief Ministers of states, Cabinet Members, President and Prime Minister and also as Ambassadors. For the empowerment of women the economy, education and political know-how is necessary yet without economic independence efforts will be futile. The structural change as well as change in the ideologies and beliefs is also is also needed. Before enjoying the vested opportunities, we have to think about the challenges and hindrances which would ensue during the course of enjoying the aforesaid powers and opportunities.

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