The Importance of Mathematical Ability for Pursuing the STEM Field

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At first, we will learn in school the alphabet, but as times gone by we explore this and we use it altogether with numbers especially in math. That’s where the confusion starts. The level of difficulty in mathematics gets more difficult as we grow older. According to Elaine J. Hom (2003) Mathematics is the science that study with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement. You need to get the area and perimeters of shape which started with the infant toy where we will shoot the shapes at its holes.

Others say that mathematics is everywhere because it is the one that we use for everything in our daily lives. In modern times, mathematics is used in everything including mobile devices, architecture, art, money, engineering, and even sports. Nowadays, mathematics is always the cause of headaches for STEM students. Precalculus and Basic Calculus always drives us crazy. Its like you are riding a horse…backwards. STEM students always study the theories and concepts of mathematics. But why do math is so important for the STEM students? Do you really need to be a math wizard for you to become a qualified STEM student? Does STEM just all about numbers and formulas? Mathematical ability is a prerequisite for STEM students since this is the entry point for engineering courses and other courses with math as their formal language.

In my grade 11, I have four subjects that are related to math. These subjects are General mathematics, Statistics and Probability, PreCalculus, and Basic Calculus. These four subjects always make me think that I am not qualified to be a STEM student. It is because I am not good in mathematics and I can’t change the fact that I am really not good in solving mathematical problems. My experience in General Mathematics is not that good but I do enjoy studying and learning it. I am always nervous when my teacher calls me to answer on the board. I feel nervous all the time because I always think that my answer is always wrong and I’m scared that my classmates will laugh at me because of my wrong answer.

Although this subject is the most difficult for me, this one is also the one I enjoy the most because my teacher is always making ways and do techniques and strategies so that it won’t be that hard for us to understand the lessons that we have discussed. PreCalculus for me is the subject that is easiest to understand. Also, this subject is the most memorable because here I got my perfect score in our quiz. Studying Pre Calculus is not that easy because you need to be willing to learn to understand this subject. Although Pre Calculus is hard to understand, you also need to be patient in studying it. In Pre Calculus, some topics are easy but some are not. You have to give your hundred percent effort to understand it clear. In this subject, you can feel the real happiness if your hard work paid off. Willingness to learn this subject will surely bring you to happiness.

Statistics and probability for me is hard to understand because it uses other areas of maths like set theory, combinatorics, algebra, and mathematical analysis. Like what I said earlier, I’m not that good in mathematics so I expect that this subject will bring me to hell. For me, Statistics and probability is the most difficult to understand but would love to study and learn it. With Statistics, you can know the different samples in a given population. In probability, you can know the chances of getting the things in a choices. Studying this subject will make you confused because of different formulas that you will be memorizing in the future. Basic Calculus always confuses me because of its long solutions that are hard to understand and I find it challenging. This one is also hard for me to understand because most of the time, we use the method that we have learn in our general mathematics class which is also a difficult subject for me to understand. Many people think that Basic Calculus is the end of a sequence of courses in mathematics but they are wrong. Calculus is the beginning of a whole new branch of mathematics. If they think it’s the hardest, they’re wrong. There are lots of subjects that are more difficult than basic calculus. Examples of these are Linear Algebra, Foundations of Analysis I & II, Topology, etc.

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This is the importance of mathematics for engineering and other courses related to math. According to Raushan Kumar rana, In almost every engineering branch, math plays an important role. When you enter an engineering field, you will have to study engineering mathematics in the first year and it is compulsory in each college, because math very much helps you to explore engineering skills. He also added that mathematics helps you whether you are calculating or measuring in every part of your life. According to Adriaan Odendaal(2017)Mathematics helps engineers to build or adjust something with pure precision. He also said that Maths is truly the cornerstone of everything engineering. Without it, bridges would collapse under stress, light bulbs could blow up every time you flip a switch in your house, and your car brakes would only work for a while. According to Ahmir Yousuf, In Architecture, you study a theory of structures in architecture, which is essentially a branch of mechanics. You are taught the science behind structure building, loading, forces and so on. Ahmir Yousuf also added that architecture requires you to make calculations, solve problems and understand equations, graphs or simply create problems.

STEM is an educational program designed to prepare primary and secondary students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for university and graduate studies. In addition to subject-specific learning, STEM aims to encourage research, logical reasoning and skills in collaboration.

Under this track, you can become an engineer, mathematical technician, microbiologists, architect, dentist, nutricionist, nurse, doctor, and a lot more. Engineering is one of the most important influences in our society. Engineers not only work with machines, designs and electronics, they use mathematics and science to bring innovation and inventions to shape our society and improve our way of life and work. Mathematical teachnicianApplies standardized mathematical formulas, principles and methodologies to technical and physical sciences problems in relation to specific industrial and research objectives, processes, equipment and products. In order to get this job, you have to be nice when it comes to mathematics.

This work will not be easy if you are not good at mathematics. Microbiologists are the one who Investigate the growth, structure, development and other microscopic organism characteristics, such as bacteria, algae or fungi. This job is for you if you are good in life sciences. Architects work in the building industry to design new buildings and the surrounding spaces. They also help to restore and conserve ancient buildings and develop new ways to use existing ones. Dentists diagnose and treat problems with the teeth, gums and parts of the mouth of the patient. Dentistry is one of the hardest course in the Philippines. It takes 6 years for you to become a doctor of dental medicine in the Philippines. Nutricionists, also known as dietitians, supports the promotion of healthy eating habits through the development of health plans and education of food. Nurse helps us to provide health care to individuals, families, and communities.

They provide services designed to promote health, prevent illness, and achieve optimal recovery from or adaptation to health problems. If you are good in the subjects chemistry and biology, you can pursue Nursing course. If you are good in organic chemistry, biology, physics, general chemistry, you can be a doctor. Physicians inspect, diagnose, and treat patients. You can specialize in a number of medical fields, such as pediatrics, anesthesiology or cardiology, or you can work as general practitioners. These are the jobs that are applicable to you based on the subjects that you are good at but for me it doesn’t matter what subjects you are good or not good at. The most important thing is you are ready to learn and explore the subject so that you will achieve your dreams and will land on the job you desire the most.

Given the information and data, I therefore conclude that Mathematics is a prerequisite for us, STEM students. Though it is not all about Math, we have that will apply the ideals of Math. STEM means Science and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; So, Math is a pre requisite for this strand

Likewise, as a STEM graduate you will land on a job wherein Math plays a vital role in it. I am not saying that Math will be the horror for this stand and that Math is the hardest subject, what I’m trying to say it is that you need to be good in Math if you want to be a successful STEM graduate. You need to have patience, dedication, perseverance, and strong will to be good. All it takes is hard work and focusing to your goals and ambitions.

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