The Grand Alliance Success: Combined Power And Significant Battles

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The main factors that led to the success of The Grand Alliance primarily include the prioritization of war preparation, widespread patriotism within The Allied countries, and preemptive organization for attacks. Also, with the combined power of the US, Soviet Union, and Great Britain, they could undeniably defeat the Axis powers, with the US industrialized production of materials for war, the Soviet Union’s massive army, and Great Britain’s access to frontlines of Germany. There were also several turning points in WWII which helped the victory of the Grand Alliance, including significant battles like the Battle of Midway, Battle of Stalingrad, and especially the Battle of Moscow. These factors and turning points help focus this essay on the theme of War, specifically military impacts and changes for the victory of the Allied Powers. Part of the reason the Allies were successful was their way to prepare for war and their preemptive organization to avoid attacks.

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They were able to plan many months in advance, if needed, to attack a group or country. Along with this, when they noticed that a group or country was planning to attack them, as the Axis Powers, they would take the preventative measures and attack part of the group to attempt to ruin most of their preparation, essentially conveying the message, “This is a warning. Do not attack us or we will attack back and ruin you.” This was all strengthened by the fact the entirety of the Allied Powers was patriotic with one another, essentially creating the same effect our military system here in the US is like. That being since it is volunteer-based, it creates a dedicated military that will be more effective in battles, as well as having higher morale compared to other militaries.

Another big part of why the Allies were successful was the fact that they could all share the benefits of each other. The United States had been industrialized and was able to produce materials, as well as weapons, for the war. The Soviet Union had a massive amount of people, which America was able to arm, and all of a sudden, with just two countries, you have a large army equipped with high-quality weapons. With this, Great Britain steps into the equation, and then, the very large, the armed army has access to the front lines of Germany. So, with just 3 countries, all providing their best, you have a massive armed army at the line ready for a fight.

Some of the major turning parts in the war mainly included battles, like the Battle of Midway, Battle of Stalingrad, and especially the Battle of Moscow. While the other battles did give advantages, nothing could compare to what came from the Battle of Moscow. In the Battle of Moscow, Hitler turned back East, to try and conquer Russia to occupy the country. No matter what amount of preparation, though, the German military was just not equipped to handle the extreme conditions of Russia’s winter. Since Hitler believed they would succeed, they continued anyway and gambled practically everything. The German military did manage to catch Russia’s military off guard when they began attacking, but even this advantage was not enough to guarantee Germany’s success. Russia’s military ended up losing a lot of men and equipment, including the territory between Moscow and Poland, along with any military personnel there. However, once they reached Moscow, the German military essentially ran out of time and power, as they were already stretched to the limit and suffering from the winter. When the Germans found them like this, they pushed the Germans back with a fresh Russian troop, and managed to stop Germany, and save Moscow.

All in all, the strength and power shared between the US, Soviet Union, and Great Britain guaranteed their success. Between the countries, they had upfront access to Germany’s front lines, as well as a well-armed, very sizable military to occupy the front lines. This strength led to the victories of the battles, particularly the Battle of Moscow. In the battle, Germany had decided to attempt to conquer and occupy Russia. While they were at a disadvantage with the winter, after they had been victorious to make it to Moscow, Russia was able to step in with a fresh new troop of soldiers. This ended with the already weakened German military having to fall back, therefore saving Moscow, providing the Allied Powers with a victory.

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