Hoodwinked is a 2005 computer animated movie that retells the folktale of Little Red Riding Hood, but as a police investigation, using flashbacks to show multiple characters' points of view. Even the word “hoodwink” means to deceive or trick someone which is the whole plot...
How would you feel if you were replaced by a cheap clone and be considered less relevant in society? You wouldn’t? Traditional fairy tales are stories told to children for entertainment purposes, usually about magical beings, queens, kings, dragons and magical settings. Currently there has...
The fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” has been around for years, and throughout these years has been twisted into various interpretations. We of course have the ‘Red Riding Hood’ we all have familiarization with, by Charles Perrault, which tells the tale of a young...
Carol Ann Duffy, in her fictional work, delves into feminist ideas and concepts. This is particularly prevalent in the collection of ‘The World’s Wife’ poetry. In the inaugural poem; “Little Red Cap”, Duffy reshapes the original ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ into a ‘coming of age’...
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