Investigation Of State Of The Art & Gap In Synthesis Literature

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Athletes have been swigging electrolyte replenishers since 1965. That was the year a Florida Gators coach asked doctors why his players were wilting so quickly in the heat. The players were losing too many electrolytes. Their solution was to invent Gatorade. Electrolytes take on a positive or negative charge when they dissolve in your body fluid. This enables them to conduct electricity and move electrical charges or signals throughout your body. These charges are crucial to many functions that keep you alive, including the operation of your brain, nerves, and muscles, and the creation of new tissue (Olsen, 2018). Electrolytes are minerals primarily sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, and phosphates that are in our blood and other body fluids. They have electrical charges and work to activate the electrical tissues of our bodies, including muscles and nerves. "Roughly, electrolytes keep our system functioning,"Barry Popkin, Ph.D. (Novak, 2017).

People Lose water faster than they lose electrolytes, it's not critical to replace lost minerals during shorter (less than one hour) workouts. During shorter workouts the body's electrolyte concentration actually increases, according to Joel Mitchell, chair of Texas Christian University's department of kinesiology. Mitchell says the kidneys then act to filter out any "extra" electrolytes to correct the imbalance.However, longer workouts can empty your body of large amounts of sodium and other important electrolytes. When electrolyte levels drop too low, severe loss of neuromuscular function can incur along with increased blood acidity (fewer electrolytes are available to neutralize the lactic acid your muscles are producing). In essence, your body begins shutting down. It's important to replace fluids as well as electrolytes even if you don't feel thirsty, explains Leslie Bonci, director of sports nutrition for the University of Pennsylvania Center for Sports Medicine and a member of the Gatorade Sports Science Institute's Sports Nutrition Board. This is especially true in colder weather when you may not notice sweat or fluid depletion as quickly. (Emma Williams, 2018)

People lose electrolytes when they exercise as we get dehydrated, in fact, as your body starts to get low on electrolytes, that's what triggers the thirst mechanism. A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables is the best way to maintain electrolyte balance, however, physically active individuals, the elderly, and those with dietary restrictions may require electrolyte supplementation. A lot of popular sports drinks say they replenish electrolytes, and that's true. Most of them are also chock full of unhealthy sugars, preservatives, and food dyes (Meddish, 2015)

It is important that a balanced level of electrolytes is achieved within the body to ensure that idyllic water levels and bloody acidity levels are maintained. This is vital for athletes as it allows the muscles to function optimally. An electrolyte imbalance changes the amount of bodily fluids thus resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, vomiting, sweating, nausea, Diarhea, muscle cramps, lack of coordination, lack of focus, dizziness, increased body temperature, and kidney issues. Depending on the form of exercise, electrolyte drinks can be consumed before, during and after exercise. It is recommended to consume electrolyte drinks prior to exercise to ensure fluid and fuel stores are at a peak level. During exercise, electrolyte drinks are most effective for activities longer than 90 minutes. Athletes are able to exercise for longer and at a higher level of performance by maintaining bodily fluids and delivering energy to the muscles and brain. Electrolyte drinks should also be used post-exercise for recovery to restore fluids and electrolytes lost in sweat (Staminade, 2017). Cell membranes control the flow of positive and negative charges, and water follows the electrolytes. There has to be a balance between electrolytes and water for cells to function properly. Without that balance, cells could either shrivel up and die or become too full and burst.

Electrolytes also control nerve impulses in the body by sparking the constant electrical impulses that keep the body functioning. Without them, your heart, lungs, and brain would stop working (Mcnulty, 2018). Sweat is the body's attempt to eliminate excess heat through evaporative cooling. When it is humid, sweat evaporation is less effective and the sweat just stays on you and drips off. So you feel sweaty. When it is very dry outside (low humidity), the sweat evaporates quickly. People can get into trouble in a dry environment because they think they don't need to drink because they "are not sweating" but they really are they just don't feel it. The same can happen on the bike when the wind helps evaporate the sweat quickly (Oblack R., 2017). Due to the amount of electrolytes that are in sweat, is why sweat tastes salty. Some athletes have saltier sweat than others due to simple genetic differences, diet, sweat rate, and heat acclimatization. Athletes who feel dizzy, lightheaded, or experience muscular cramping post-workout may be salty sweaters experiencing an electrolyte imbalance. If athletes only drink water to rehydrate, they could be diluting their internal electrolyte concentration and throwing their body further off balance.

While the human body is good at regulating itself, elite training is strenuous and long enough that athletes must actively pump electrolytes in to support the rehydration process. Electrolytes come in tablets, powders, gels, chews, blended sports drinks, table salt, food, and more. For most elite athletes, sports drinks and powders mixed with water are common ways to ingest electrolytes. Endurance athletes may prefer electrolyte tablets or chews to maximize salt intake while minimizing liquid intake. Whichever desired method, athletes should be using electrolytes during and post-workout to see how it affects their training. Over time athletes can calibrate their electrolyte intake to customize it for your performance needs (Colbrie, 2017). According to (Rocco, 2016) overstimulation and over-firing of the nervous system cause cramping. Sodium is the most abundant and perhaps the most important of the electrolytes. Na+ is found in higher concentrations outside of cells in our bodies. All cells depend on sodium and potassium to bring nutrients inside the cell and to remove waste. Potassium is the primary electrolyte found inside of cells. It works closely with Sodium and Chloride in maintaining fluid balance, cellular homeostasis, and conducting nerve impulses.

Many people think of bones when they think of calcium. Bones are the largest reservoir of Ca in the body. However, soluble calcium in body fluid is also necessary for neuromuscular conduction, muscular contraction, inter- and intracellular messaging, and plays a key regulatory role in glycogen metabolism. Magnesium is perhaps the most underappreciated electrolyte. Because many athletes recognize the importance of sodium and potassium supplementation, low Mg is often the reason for sub-optimal performance. Mg is important for proper transmission of nerve impulses, muscular contraction, and energy production associated with ATP. All five of these electrolytes are lost in sweat and can be depleted with exercise. Endurance athletes need all five electrolytes before, during and after exercise. Nutrition strategies that ignore some of these electrolytes will fail in more extreme circumstances. Hotter temperatures, longer or more intense exercise results in greater electrolyte losses, which need to be replaced to train and race effectively (Rocco, 2016).

Symptoms like headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, or muscle spasms, then you already know all about electrolyte imbalances. These symptoms usually occur after we profusely sweat for more than 90 minutes, which causes our bodies to lose water and important electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and chloride. The best way to handle the loss of fluids and electrolytes during physical activity is to stay hydrated and use electrolyte replacements. (Titgemeier, 2018). According to (Breda et., al 2014) with the worldwide consumption of energy drinks increasing in recent years, concerns have been raised both in the scientific community and among the general public about the health effects of these products. A review of the literature was conducted to identify published articles that examined the health risks, consequences, and policies related to energy drink consumption. The health risks associated with energy drink consumption are primarily related to their caffeine content, but more research is needed that evaluates the long-term effects of consuming common energy drink ingredients. The risks of heavy consumption of energy drinks among young people have largely gone unaddressed and are poised to become a significant public health problem in the future.

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Energy drink consumption is a health issue primarily of the adolescent and young adult male population. It is linked to increased substance abuse and risk-taking behaviours. The most common adverse events affect the cardiovascular and neurological systems. The most common ingredient in energy drinks is caffeine, and it is believed that the adverse events are related to its effects, as well as potentiating effects of other stimulants in these drinks. Education, regulation, and further studies are required, Ali et., al (2014). Energy drink usage is prevalent among students. The use is not excessive, but associated with high rates of adverse effects and occurs in potentially dangerous situations like during exercise and with alcohol. There is a need to educate students about the potential adverse effects of energy drinks, Reid et., al (2015). According to Visram et., al (2016) the scientific literature focuses largely on the effects of energy drink consumption in adults, who may experience temporary benefits such as increased cognitive performance, enhanced mood, more physical energy and promotion of wakefulness. However, evidence is emerging on the harmful physiological and psychological effects of these drinks, and it is possible that prolonged use may affect physical and mental well-being. Taste was consistently reported as the primary driver motivating the purchase and consumption of energy drinks, with energy-seeking emerging as an important but secondary driver. Participants involved in sports, particularly boys, reported using energy drinks as stimulants to enhance their sports performance.

Advertising and brand loyalty emerged as major influences on young people's use of energy drinks, with participants reporting seeing them advertised on TV, the internet, through games promotions, via sports sponsorship and in shops. Parents also played a key role in influencing participants' use of energy drinks, either by disapproving and prohibiting or encouraging and endorsing their use. It was generally agreed that energy drinks were easily accessible, from convenience stores or supermarkets, provided by parents, shared by siblings or friends, or obtained free at sponsored events. Energy drinks were perceived to confer various beneficial effects on young people's bodies and their sports performance. Participants in one study described short-term health benefits, prevention of illness, improved immunity and a desire to rectify a poor diet. Others described scenarios where adults used energy drinks to effectively alleviate tiredness related to work, travel or family commitments, leading to suggest that these drinks were normalised and perceived as necessary to meet the demands of a busy lifestyle. However, factors such as taste, brand loyalty and perceived beneficial effects help to enhance their popularity among young consumers. Consideration of the patterns and reasons for energy drink consumption identified in this review may help future interventions to ensure appropriate behaviours are targeted and are relevant to the population. Although health education targeting individuals is unlikely to achieve a substantial impact, definitive information about the safety of energy drink consumption should be provided by healthcare and other professionals.

Studies conducted by Vesic. et al, (2015) aimed to determine pre-and post-competition hydration, fluid intake and sweat loss of young elite basketball players during the FIBA Europe Championship. Previous investigations in many sports indicated that continued exercise, especially in hot environments, can cause high sweat rate and huge water and electrolyte losses, thus impairing the performance of athletes. Method use was quantitative. The study included 96 basketball male players, (19 ± 0.79 years) of eight national teams. Ambient temperature was 30 ± 2°C, humidity 55 ± 4% and the mean playing time in game 18.8 ± 10.5 min. The following parameters related to hydration status were measured: fluid intake, urine output, sweat rate, percent of dehydration, urine parameters (specific gravity, color and osmolarity), body mass and body surface area. They concluded that most of the athletes start competition dehydrated, fail to compensate sweat loss during the game and continue to be dehydrated, regardless what kind of drink was used. These results suggest that hydration strategies must be carefully taken into account, not only by the players, but also by the coaches and the team doctors.

Recent studies conducted by Ayotte and Corcoran, (2018) aimed to determine whether a hydration plan based off of an athlete's sweat rate and sodium loss improves anaerobic and neurocognitive performance during a moderate to hard training session as well as heart rate recovery from this session. Methods are collegiate athletes who were injury free and could exercise at ≥ 75% of their maximum heart rate for a minimum of 45 min was recruited for this randomized, cross-over study. After completing a questionnaire assessing hydration habits, participants were randomized either to a prescription hydration plan (PHP), which considered sweat rate and sodium loss or instructed to follow their normal ad libitum hydration habits (NHP) during training. Attention and awareness, as well as lower body anaerobic power (standing long jump) were assessed immediately before and after a moderate to hard training session of ≥ 45 min. Heart rate recovery was also measured. After a washout period of 7 days, the PHP group repeated the training bout with their normal hydration routine, while the NHP group were provided with a PHP plan and were assessed as previously described. Results are fifteen athletes from three different sports, aged 20 years, participated in this study. Most participants reported feeling somewhat or very dehydrated after a typical training session. Compared to their NHP, participants following a PHP jumped 4.53 ± 3.80 in. farther, tracked moving objects 0.36 ± 0.60 m/second faster, and exhibited a faster heart rate recovery following a moderate to hard training session of 45-120 min in duration. They concluded a tailored hydration plan, based on an athlete's fluid and sodium loss has the potential to improve anaerobic power, attention and awareness, and heart rate recovery time.Based on the studies conducted by Chih- Yin Tai, et al (2014) aimed to compare the rehydration capabilities of an electrolyte-carbohydrate (EC), electrolyte-branched chain amino acid (EA), and flavored water (FW) beverages.

Methods are Twenty men and women participated in this crossover study. For each trial, subjects were dehydrated, provided one of three random beverages, and monitored for the following three hours. Measurements were collected prior to and immediately after dehydration and 4 hours after dehydration. Measurements collected at each time point were urine volume, urine specific gravity, drink volume, and fluid retention. Results are there is no significant differences existed between beverages for urine volume, drink volume, or fluid retention for any time-point. Treatment x time interactions existed for urine specific gravity. Post analysis revealed differences occurred between the FW and EA beverages and between the EC and EA beverages at 4 hours after rehydration. Wherein, EA USG returned to baseline at 4 hours post-dehydration mean difference from pre to 4 hours post-dehydration while both EC and FW continued to produce dilute urine and failed to return to baseline at the same time-point.They concluded that because no differences existed for fluid retention, urine or drink volume at any time point, yet USG returned to baseline during the EA trial, an EA supplement may enhance cellular rehydration rate compared to an EC or FW beverage in healthy men and women after acute dehydration of around 2% body mass loss. The studies conducted by Feng-Hua Sun, et al (2015) aimed to investigate the effects of supplementation with a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution (CES) in active females during a prolonged session of submaximal running to exhaustion.

Methods are eight healthy, non-smoking, recreationally active female subjects were recruited from the university population and athletics clubs in Hong Kong. their age, height, weight, percentage of body fat. Each subject participated regularly in various forms of endurance training (at least three sessions per week with more than 30 min in each session) and was considered recreationally active. A statement of written informed consent was obtained after the nature of the experimental procedures and the potential risks and benefits were thoroughly explained. The subjects also completed questionnaires about their medical histories and general habits. None of the subjects had an adverse medical history, major muscular condition or injury that would impede moderate intensity endurance running. In addition, the successful completion of at least one hour of endurance running at 70% of VO2 was a minimum requirement for inclusion in the investigation. The procedure was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.The results are there is no significant differences were found in the habitual dietary intake between the subjects in the CES and PL trials, they concluded that the results of the present study further confirm that CES supplementation improves the moderate intensity endurance capacity of active females during the follicular phases of the menstrual cycle. However, the exogenous CHO oxidation does not seem to explain the improved capacity after CES supplementation.

The studies conducted by Richards, et al, (2016) aimed to review concerns have been expressed regarding the potential for caffeinated energy drinks to negatively affect mental health, and particularly so in young consumers at whom they are often targeted. The products are frequently marketed with declarations of increasing mental and physical energy, providing a short-term boost to mood and performance. Although a certain amount of evidence has accumulated to substantiate some of these claims, the chronic effects of energy drinks on mental health also need to be addressed. Methods are to review the relevant literature; PubMed and PsycINFO were searched for all peer-reviewed articles published in English that addressed associations between energy drink use and mental health outcomes. Case reports were also considered, though empirical studies investigating acute mood effects were excluded as a review of such articles had recently been published. Fifty-six articles were retrieved: 20 of these (along with eight more identified through other means) were included in the current review, and, because the majority addressed aspects of stress, anxiety, and depression, particular focus was placed on these outcomes.

The results of the review was though a number of null findings were observed, the majority of studies examined reported positive associations between energy drink consumption and symptoms of mental health problems. They concluded though the findings imply that energy drink use may increase the risk of undesirable mental health outcomes, the majority of research examined utilized cross-sectional designs. In most cases, it was therefore not possible to determine causation or direction of effect. For this reason, longitudinal and intervention studies are required to increase our understanding of the nature of the relationships observed.Based on the study conducted by Visram, et al, (2017) aimed to explore children and young people’s attitudes and perceptions in relation to energy drinks in a UK context. Methods focus on eight groups conducted with pupils aged 10–11 years and 13–14 years from four schools in northern England. A sub-sample also took part in a mapping exercise to generate further insights. Data were analysed using the constant comparative approach. The study resulted that energy drinks were reportedly consumed in a variety of public and private places, generally linked to social activities, sports and computer gaming (particularly amongst boys). Participants demonstrated strong brand awareness and preferences that were linked to taste and perceived value for money. The relatively low price of energy drinks and their widespread availability were identified as key factors, along with gendered branding and marketing. Some participants demonstrated a critical approach to manufacturers’ claims and many were keen to become better informed, often through school- or peer-based interventions.

The study concluded that lack of a single dominant factor in participants’ consumption choices suggests that there is unlikely to be a ‘silver bullet’ in attempting to address this issue. However, the findings provide support for policy-level interventions that seek to change the behaviours of manufacturers and retailers as well as consumers, and actively involve children and young people where possible. The studies conducted by Nowak, et al, (2016) aimed to analysed the consumption of energy drinks among teenagers engaged in sports, including quantity consumed, identification of factors influencing consumption, and risks associated with energy drinks. The methods involved a specially designed questionnaire, which was completed by 707 students, 14.3 years of age on average, attending secondary sports schools. The results of the researchers about energy drinks consumption was from 69% of the young athletes, 17% of whom drank energy drinks quite often: every day or 1–3 times a week. Most respondents felt no effects after drinking energy drinks, but some reported symptoms, including insomnia, anxiety, tachycardia, nervousness and irritability. The major determinant of the choice of energy drinks was taste (47%), followed by price (21%). They concluded that energy drinks consumption among adolescent athletes was relatively high. Considering the literature data, it is worth emphasizing that it may lead to health problems in the near future, as well as other types of risk behaviour.

The related literature and related studies covered importance on the present investigation. All are focused on purpose and using sports and energy drinks among athletes. From the above review of related literature and studies, the following gaps was determined. There were no study yet conducted about the perceived side effects of using sports and energy drinks on the performance among the varsity players of University of Perpetual Help System Laguna. There were no study yet conducted about the purpose on using of using sports and energy drinks on the performance among the varsity players of University of Perpetual Help System Laguna.

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