Essay Samples on History

They say that history never repeats and does not provide us with new facts. When you have to work with a college history assignment, things often seem challenging and require additional analysis and exploration of more than one chronology. If your history subject sounds too confusing to you or you cannot narrow things down, see our free history essay examples. These will help you learn more about how a specific event can be approached or how to analyze historical personalities as an option. As you browse through our free offerings, pay attention to how citations have been used and how each date plays an essential role. Following good structure is paramount for a successful essay on history because you must operate with the dates. Even if you must write a cause-and-effect history essay, you always start with the already existing causes. Choose at least one history essay sample that is close to your college task and explore how it has been written. Start with the introduction paragraph and do your best to identify the thesis statement or an assumption that has been made. It will help you overcome writer’s block and structure your history essay in a more efficient way.

Navigating the 21st Century: Understanding of Modern Learning

The 21st century has ushered in a new era of unprecedented change, progress, and innovation. As the world evolves at an astonishing pace, so too must the methods of learning and education. This essay delves into the essence of the 21st century as it pertains...

The Essential Role of Human Values in the 21st Century

The 21st century presents a myriad of challenges and opportunities that call for a renewed emphasis on human values as guiding principles to shape individual behaviors, societal norms, and global interactions. In an era marked by technological advancements, cultural diversification, and interconnectedness, the role of...

The Dynamic Role of Media in the 21st Century

The 21st century has ushered in a new era of media that transcends traditional boundaries, transforming the way information is disseminated, consumed, and shared. In this age of digitalization and connectivity, media in the 21st century holds unprecedented power to shape public opinion, influence cultural...

Human Values in 21st Century: A Blueprint for a Better World

The 21st century presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities that demand a reevaluation of the values that guide human behavior. In this era of rapid technological advancements, cultural diversification, and interconnectedness, the importance of human values in the 21st century cannot be overstated....

Feminism in the 21st Century: Empowerment and Progress

The 21st century has witnessed a remarkable evolution in the feminist movement, with women and gender equality advocates making significant strides towards dismantling barriers, challenging stereotypes, and reshaping societal norms. Feminism in the 21st century is characterized by a global and intersectional approach that transcends...

Education in the 21st Century: Navigating a Transformative Landscape

The 21st century has brought about profound changes in every aspect of human life, including education. The traditional classroom model is being reshaped by rapid technological advancements, shifts in pedagogical approaches, and evolving societal demands. Education in the 21st century is not only about imparting...

The Cuban Missile Crisis: Lessons in Diplomacy and Deterrence

The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 stands as one of the most intense and dangerous episodes of the Cold War era. This essay delves into the multifaceted aspects of the crisis, exploring the causes, the decisions made by key players, and the lessons that have...

Communication in the 21st Century: Navigating the Digital Age

The 21st century has witnessed an unprecedented transformation in the way people communicate. Rapid technological advancements have reshaped the landscape of communication in the 21st century, enabling instant global connectivity, diverse modes of expression, and new challenges and opportunities. This essay explores the multifaceted nature...

Beauty in the 21st Century: Embracing Diversity and Empowerment

The concept of beauty has evolved significantly in the 21st century, reflecting a cultural shift towards inclusivity, diversity, and empowerment. No longer confined to narrow standards, beauty in the 21st century celebrates individuality, challenges stereotypes, and embraces a broader range of ideals. This essay explores...

Advantages of 21st Century Learning: A Transformative Educational Landscape

The 21st century has brought about a paradigm shift in education, ushering in a new era of learning that is characterized by innovation, technology integration, and a focus on holistic skill development. The advantages of 21st century learning are manifold, revolutionizing the educational landscape and...

Exploring the Impact of 21st Century Technology

The 21st century has witnessed a technological revolution that has reshaped every facet of human existence. From communication to commerce, education to entertainment, the influence of 21st century technology is pervasive and transformative. This essay delves into the profound impact of technology in this era,...

The 21st Century Teacher: Education's Transformative

The role of a teacher has evolved significantly in the 21st century, reflecting the dynamic changes in education, technology, and the needs of modern learners. The 21st century teacher is not merely an instructor but a guide, mentor, and facilitator of learning. This essay delves...

Nurturing 21st Century Skills: Preparing for Success in the Modern World

The 21st century is characterized by rapid technological advancements, shifting global dynamics, and a growing need for individuals to possess a distinct set of skills that go beyond traditional academics. The acquisition of 21st century skills has become a critical component of education, enabling individuals...

Transforming Education in the 21st Century

Education in the 21st century has undergone a profound transformation, driven by the rapid advancement of technology, changing societal demands, and a growing recognition of the need for holistic skill development. This essay delves into the landscape of 21st century education, exploring the key features...

The 2020 Mark: Reflecting on a New Decade of Transformation

The transition into the new decade marked by 2020 was a moment of anticipation and reflection. As the previous decade drew to a close, and the dawn of the 2020s emerged, I found myself looking both backward and forward, considering the lessons learned and the...

The 1967 Referendum: A Landmark Moment in Australian History

The year 1967 marked a pivotal moment in Australian history with the landmark referendum that sought to address the exclusion and discrimination faced by Indigenous Australians. The referendum, which took place on May 27th, 1967, aimed to amend the Australian Constitution to empower the federal...

Christopher Columbus: A Summary of His Legacy and Impact

Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer, is a figure of historical significance whose voyages across the Atlantic Ocean reshaped the course of world history. His expeditions opened the door to exploration, colonization, and the exchange of cultures between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. This essay provides...

American and French Revolution: Compare and Contrast

The American and French Revolutions are two of the most significant events in modern history, each with its own unique context, causes, and outcomes. In this essay, we will delve into a comparative analysis of the American and French Revolutions, examining their similarities, differences, and...

Why Did the Roman Empire Fall

The fall of the Roman Empire is a complex historical puzzle that has captivated scholars and historians for centuries. The decline and eventual collapse of a once-mighty civilization raise questions about the factors that contributed to its downfall. This essay will delve into the multifaceted...

Why Brutus is Considered a Tragic Hero in "Julius Caesar"

William Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar" introduces us to a character whose internal conflict and tragic downfall epitomize the concept of a tragic hero: Marcus Brutus. In this essay, we will delve into why Brutus is a tragic hero, examining his noble qualities, his tragic flaw,...

What Makes America Great: Values, Diversity, and Collective Aspirations

What makes America great? This question has been at the heart of national discourse and global curiosity for centuries. While perspectives may vary, the greatness of America can be attributed to its foundational values, cultural diversity, and the collective pursuit of progress. This essay will...

What Does America Mean to Me: A Personal Reflection

America, a land of diverse landscapes, cultures, and opportunities, holds a unique place in my heart. As I ponder the question of what America means to me, I am reminded of the values, ideals, and experiences that shape my perception of this nation. This essay...

What Can We Learn From History: Lessons for the Present and Future

What can we learn from history? History serves as a powerful teacher, offering us valuable insights into the past to guide our present actions and shape our future endeavors. This essay explores the lessons we can glean from history, highlighting the importance of understanding context,...

Was the Reign of Terror Justified: An Examination

The Reign of Terror, a tumultuous period during the French Revolution, has been a subject of historical debate for centuries. Marked by widespread political violence, executions, and radical measures, this era prompts the question of whether the Reign of Terror can be deemed justified. This...

Was Alexander the Great Really Great: an Analysis

Alexander the Great, a historical figure renowned for his military conquests and influence on world history, is often hailed as one of the greatest leaders of all time. However, the question of whether Alexander the Great was really great is a matter of debate among...

Unveiling Mythical Narratives: Differences Between "Troy" and "The Iliad"

Mythical tales have captivated human imagination for centuries, evolving across time and mediums. "Troy" and "The Iliad" are two narratives that share the backdrop of the Trojan War, yet diverge in their interpretations and portrayals. This essay delves into the core differences between "Troy," a...

The Devastating Aftermath: An Analysis of the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

World War II marked a pivotal moment in human history, characterized by unprecedented destruction and loss of life. One of the most controversial events of this era was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two Japanese cities, by the United States in August 1945. This...

North or South: Who Killed the Reconstruction

The period of Reconstruction following the American Civil War was marked by both hope and contention, as the nation grappled with the aftermath of slavery and the quest for racial equality. The question of whether the North or the South was responsible for the demise...

Life in the 90s vs Today: A Comparative Analysis

The transition from the 1990s to the present day has brought about significant changes in various aspects of daily life. Technological advancements, shifts in cultural norms, and evolving social dynamics have shaped the way we live, work, and interact. This essay explores the differences and...

How Violent Was the Old West: the Myth and Reality

The perception of the Old West as a lawless and violent era has been shaped by popular culture, literature, and movies. While conflicts, shootouts, and clashes between settlers and Native Americans did occur, the level of violence in the Old West is more complex than...

How America Has Changed Over Time: Exploring Key Historical Moments

America, the land of opportunity and the pursuit of freedom, has undergone profound transformations over the course of its history. From its colonial origins to its present-day complexities, the United States has experienced social, political, and cultural shifts that have shaped its identity and trajectory....

Exploring the Positive and Negative Effects of Imperialism

Welcome to this insightful essay that delves into the multifaceted topic of imperialism. In this essay, we will examine the positive and negative effects of imperialism on both the colonizing and colonized nations. Imperialism, characterized by a powerful nation extending its influence over weaker territories,...

Exploring the Impacts of the Scientific Revolution on Society

The Scientific Revolution of the 16th to 18th centuries marked a monumental shift in human understanding, reshaping the way we perceive the natural world and our place within it. The impacts of this revolution were far-reaching and profound, touching virtually every aspect of society. This...

Abigail Adams' Letter to John Adams: A Glimpse into History

Abigail Adams' letter to her husband John Adams is a remarkable piece of historical correspondence that provides valuable insights into the thoughts and perspectives of women during the early years of the United States. Written in 1776, amidst the revolutionary fervor and discussions about the...

"Night" by Elie Wiesel: A Literary Analysis of the Memoir

"Night," authored by Elie Wiesel, is a poignant and harrowing account of one man's journey through the Holocaust. This literary masterpiece not only serves as a historical testimony but also delves into profound themes of human resilience, the loss of innocence, and the enduring power...

"The Crucible": about Abigail Williams, Manipulation and Fear

Introduction In Arthur Miller's renowned play, "The Crucible," Abigail Williams stands out as a complex and central character. Set against the backdrop of the Salem witch trials in the 17th century, the essay aims to delve into the character of Abigail Williams, examining her role...

McCarthyism and "The Crucible": A Comparative Analysis

Introduction Arthur Miller’s "The Crucible," a dramatic reimagining of the Salem witch trials, was penned during a political climate thick with the fear and paranoia of McCarthyism. In the early 1950s, Senator Joseph McCarthy’s fervent hunt for Communists in the United States mirrored the witch...

"The Crucible" Character: A Deep Dive into Abigail Williams

Introduction The Crucible, a dramatic play written by Arthur Miller in 1953, is a powerful work that uses the Salem witch trials of the 1690s to critique the McCarthyism of Miller's own time. Central to this play is the crucible character Abigail Williams, whose actions...

The Impact of Technology on Art: A Modern Renaissance

Introduction The influence of technology on art is an evolving narrative that reflects the symbiotic relationship between human creativity and innovative tools. From the early use of simple tools to create cave paintings to the digital art technologies of today, the integration of technology in...

John Proctor's Evolution: A "Crucible" Character Analysis

Introduction In Arthur Miller's iconic play "The Crucible," the characters are at the heart of the drama. The individuals involved are not merely simple archetypes; they are complex, multi-faceted beings whose actions and development drive the narrative. This crucible character analysis essay will focus on...

John Proctor: The Moral Center of "The Crucible"

Introduction Arthur Miller’s "The Crucible" is an enduring work that examines the terrible consequences of mass hysteria, fueled by fear and accusations. Central to this play is the character of John Proctor, a man who embodies the struggle for honesty and human dignity in the...

Rhetorical Analysis of 'I Have a Dream' Speech by Martin Luther King

The 'I Have a Dream' speech is one of the most famous speeches in American history. It was also one of the 'greatest demonstrations of freedom in the history of our nation', according to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and it changed the world and...

Rosa Parks and the Civil Rights Movement: a Catalyst for Change

Rosa Parks, an iconic figure in the Civil Rights Movement, is celebrated for her pivotal role in challenging racial segregation and sparking a wave of resistance against injustice. This essay examines the profound impact of Rosa Parks on the Civil Rights Movement, her courageous act...

Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' Speech: Analysis of Rhetoric

Dr. Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech is analysed in this essay as one of the most influential and admired speeches of the 20th century. King now no longer totally remarks on controversial topics, but eloquently expresses his opinion except being offensive. King's...

Martin Luther King and Literary Emotions: 'I Have a Dream' Analysis

“I have a dream” is a phenomenal speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Junior that electrified America. This speech was delivered during the March of Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963, at the steps of Lincoln Memorial. Lincoln Memorial was built to...

Song 'Imagine' and 'I Have a Dream' Speech: Summary and Comparison

“Dream.” This particular word from Martin Luther King’s iconic speech, where he calls for civil and economic rights and the possible future that has no racism, has been interpreted in several unique ways. As address other elements, in portraying the theme of peace and harmony....

Was the Reconstruction Era a Success or Failure: A Look Through Sport

The competitive sport of basketball traces its origins to a game known as peach basketball. In 1891, Dr. James Naismith invented basketball at Springfield College, Massachusetts. Initially, peach baskets without openings at the bottom served as goals, requiring the use of ladders to retrieve the...

Living and Working Conditions During The Industrial Revolution

Introduction The 18th-century Industrial Revolution in Great Britain marked a profound shift in society, transitioning from an agrarian-based economy to an industrial one. The advent of powered machines and mass production revolutionized manufacturing, leading to an influx of people from rural areas to burgeoning urban...

"Up from Slavery" by Booker T. Washington: a Reading Response

Introduction Throughout Booker T. Washington’s biography Up from Slavery, the approach that he takes in searching for unification between races brings the audience closer to the concern of life after emancipation. The endless struggle that Washington faces to pave a way from a plantation to...

Totalitarian Regimes of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union

Introduction This paper talks about the similarities and differences in the totalitarian elements of rule between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Totalitarianism is defined as a form of government in which all societal resources are monopolized by the state to control all aspects of...

Significance of Black Inventions That Changed the World

Introduction Many people have heard about famous inventions, such as the lightbulb, the steam engine, and the iPhone. The list is, in fact, endless and impressive. However, although we use many products and inventions in our lives, we don't give thought to who made it...

Examining Historical Accuracy in 'Hidden Figures'

Introduction While most of the events that occurred in the movie Hidden Figures is accurate, there are some parts of the movie that are historically inaccurate. The character, Al Harrison, is based on multiple people. The character Al Harrison, is based on three different directors...

Treatment of Women in STEM and Overcoming Discrimination

Introduction Personal circumstances can be classified as intimate conditions that can affect a person’s way of life, attitude, and success. These circumstances may be positive or negative and may influence someone’s career, relationships and day-to-day activities. For some, race and/or sex may invoke privilege or...

Hidden Figures in Space Race: Black Women in STEM

Introduction It was Malcolm X who was most famously credited with saying that “The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman.” Since the...

Historiographical Discourse Around Marxism and Marx's Ideas

Introduction This essay will discuss a gobbet written by Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto in 1848. It is a very short gobbet, but the subject matter is incredibly loaded and the historiographical discourse that surrounds the notion presented by Marx here is very wide....

Historiographical Records of Twentieth-Century Belfast

Introduction Testimony gleaned from autobiographies and oral histories can enrich our understanding of the cultural, social, and economic life of twentieth-century Belfast. Recording the history of any town with a contentious memory can be difficult and this has certainly proven to be the case in...

Microhistory: Unveiling the Past Through Unconventional Narratives

Introduction During the period between two world wars there was a radical departure from the traditional mainstream historiography which mainly focused on the high-level politics and diplomacy, warfare, and the lives of great statesman. On the contrary they tried to focus on the lives and...

Exploring Oppression in 'Disgrace' and 'The Handmaid’s Tale'

Introduction 'The Handmaid's Tale' and 'Disgrace' focus on oppression’s grip on the human mind and spirit and how this affects hope. In Disgrace, Coetzee’s characters are more successful in suppressing the individuality and identity of women as he explicitly uses the female body to express...

Depiction of Black People in 'Cry, the Beloved Country'

Introduction Between white and black individuals there has been a thought black people are worse than white people. Black and white people are both equal and we should not view them as different just because one has darker or lighter skin than the other. We...

Exploring E.B. White's Works and Their Social Reflections

Introduction In E.B White’s books Stuart Little and Charlotte’s Web, White writes about characters and the ways they adapt to changes in their lives, which can also be seen throughout the 1950s during a time of segregation and racism. The purpose of this paper is...

Medieval Europe and Khmer Empire: Comparative Analysis of the Two Societies

In the annals of history, Medieval Europe and the Khmer Empire stand as two distinct societies, existing simultaneously on opposite corners of the globe. Despite their geographical and cultural disparities, they share numerous similarities and differences in their daily ways of life. Khmer Empire and...

Europe's Cultural Mosaic: Exploring the Diverse Traditions and Beliefs

Europe, or The Old Continent during the Exploration Era, has been a relatively small home compared to other mainlands. Although taking up only one-fifteenth of the world’s land area, it holds some of the most sophisticated and advanced technology and culture at some point in...

Discovering the Beauty and Diversity of Asia

Asia is one of the many continents in our world. Having a population of 4.5 billion overall, and is accompanied by two of the most highly populated countries in the world. China and India are found in Asia, both having a rather large population. Being...

Crime and Punishment in Medieval Europe: Exploring the Dark Side

Crime and punishment Throughout the medieval period, people committed numerous crimes varying from theft, treason, rape, and highway robbery. These few crimes largely show that the main cause of common crime was connected to poverty. Medieval life was characterized by poverty for the vast majority...

The Devastating Impact of Atomic Bombs: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Without learning our past, whether that be filled with justice finally being restored or injustice, we must learn it in order to move forward. As Martin Luther King jr. has once said in his book from strength to love, “We are not makers of history;...

The Roman Games: an Ancient Form of Entertainment 

Who started the Roman Games? The Roman Games started in about 105 BCE. In northern Italy, the public held games, which consisted of events like chariot races and gladiator games this was used as a sacrifice to the gods. Then Romans kept on doing this...

The Life and Reign of Tsar Nicholas II: the Last Emperor of Russia

When Nicholas II was thrust into the role of Tsar following his father’s death, there were many factors outside of his own skill set that created conflict and sparked a revolution. While Nicholas did not possess many important qualities that may have made a difference,...

Under the Influece of British Empire: India During 1807-1907

Under the rule of the British, India’s political landscape, economy and society did experience significant reforms. These reconstructions prompted debates where some perceive British rule to have been beneficial and contributed to India’s reindustrialization. Apologists such as Niall Ferguson for colonialism argue that the British...

Politicians as the Decision Makers Must Share the Blame

Throughout world war 1, 1914, there were several campaigns fought by the ANZAC’s. The most well-known was the Gallipoli campaign of 1914 fought by the British allies against the Turkish forces. The campaign caused several heavy casualties. Most individuals now days would say that these...

Controversies Surrounding the Figure of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra

Throughout history, Cleopatra is a historical figure of much debate and interest. In modern times, Cleopatra has the potential to be a mainstream role model when considering the debates on her ethnicity, race, and her intelligence. As an infamous woman, it is likely easier to...

Analysis of the Global-Scaled Impact of the Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution had many impacts on the world around it. When the United States entered the conflict, many things started to change. The Revolution was now beginning to become something larger. From there on, it helped contribute to World War ll. The effects of...

Roman Republic and Roman Empire: Governance and Successes

The Roman Empire and the Roman Republic are two of the most significant periods in the history of the world, and their impact can still be felt today. The Roman Republic was established in 509 BCE and lasted for almost five centuries, until it was...

Mayan Civilization: Exploring the Complexities of Maya Society

The Maya are indigenous people, whose civilization was in south eastern and Northern Central America. This area included all of the Yucatan Peninsula, Quintana Roo, Campeche, Tabasco, and Chiapas in Mexico. These territories are now in the modern-day countries of Guatemala and Belize, and the...

The Cloudy Mirror: Tension and Conflict in the Writings of Sima Qian

The Cloudy Mirror is a collection and analyzation of the writings of Sima Qian collected and written by Stephen W. Durrant. Within this book we see a detailed coverage of the writings of Sima Qian. As well as the background and causes to the tensions...

Discussion of Whether the World War II Caused the British Empire to Collapse

The British Empire was one of the most important Empires in history, as it brought about great changes in many parts of the world. For millions of people the world today is how it is because of the British Empire. The British Empire over the...

The Rise and Fall of the British Empire: a Historical Perspective

The British Empire is one of the largest and most influential empires in world history. Spanning over four centuries and covering territories in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas, it was a dominant force in international relations and shaped the modern world in many ways....

The Power of Ancient Civilizations: the Aztec Empire

The Aztecs were a native tribe to what we know as Mexico. They arrived around the early 1300s to the early 1500s. The Aztecs had many complicated laws and beliefs that would be seen as unusual in today’s times. These native tribes also had armies...

The “Roaring Twenties”: the Changing Era of Women Movement

The “Roaring Twenties” was an age of dramatic political, social, and economic modification. Women wanted new and improved rights and the nation’s wealth doubled between 1920 and 1929. Culture, values, and the technology of America modified, and it had just about begun. The “Roaring Twenties”...

Samurai and Knights: the Warriors of Japan and Europe

Samurai and Knights, the role where they start off young and train into strong warriors, the role who fights for their masters and fight in wars to protect their people, they who are strong, loyal, and cunning. The warriors of Japan and Europe, the samurai...

The Effects and Controversies of Russification in World History

Russification was a policy enforced by the Russian Empire that forced Russian culture on the vast amount of ethnic minorities that live in the Russian Empire. These policies heavily affected the Poles, Lithuanians, and Ukrainians. The only language that could be spoken in Russia and...

The Mogao Caves - a Unique Tribute to Ancient China

Out of the rough, sheer cliff looms an immense series of detailed caves and grottoes, each one riddled with lost secrets, intricate art, and precious statues. Torch in hand, you step across the ancient threshold of a ground-breaking discovery, tracing the footsteps of monks from...

Russia-Ukrainian War: the Conflict That Has Killed International Law

On 2022 February 24, the Russian leader Vladimir Putin decided to invade Ukraine and began to try and take the country by force. Putin had sent troops to the ex-Soviet nation across three fronts and launched missiles on many places around the capital, Kyiv, in...

The Life of Moses: a Journey of Faith, Leadership and Redemption

Moses is a towering figure in the history of the Abrahamic religions, revered as a prophet and leader by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. Born in Egypt in the 14th century BCE, Moses is known for his role in leading the Israelites out of slavery...

Analysis of the 1st Chechen-Russian War Trough Constructivist Theory

More than twenty years Caucasus experienced the war, which has been perceived as one of the most brutal and incomprehensible. However, at the beginning authorities did not perceive it as a war, sometimes even sending soliders and brigades which were complitely unprepared for warfare. In...

Innovations and Achievements of the Civilizations of Mesoamerica

Mesoamerica is a region that includes parts of Mexico and Central America, where several pre-Columbian civilizations flourished before the arrival of Europeans in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Some of the notable civilizations of Mesoamerica include the Olmec, Maya, Teotihuacan, Toltec, and Aztec....

Comparing Great Civilizations: Medieval Europe and Khmer Empire

Medieval Europe and the Khmer Empire were two very significant societies, that influenced the cultures that followed these historical periods. They both had similarities and differences in the way they existed, however, they were both independent civilisations that had little influence on each other. By...

Roman Heroines and Mythical Women: Myth vs Reality in Portrayals of Roman Women

Lucretia, Minerva, Diana, Dido, Hersilia. These are women of Roman Myth. Formidable, powerful, and capable of great things. These women of myth enacted great change, and were revered throughout society. High-society Ladies, Mothers, Goddesses and Queens, they were paragons of strength and defiance - anomalies...

Exploring Invaluable Role of Jesus Christ for the World

Jesus Christ is one of the most well known historical figures that could be considered heroic and relatively important to the development of Western Civilization. The existence of Jesus and the eternal legacy he left after he sacrificed himself was one that dramatically influenced the...

Importance and Symbolism of Jaguars in Mesoamerica

Jaguars. The most abundant species of large cats in the Americas and the third most abundant in the world. Jaguars are sleek and elegant, but they are also agile and powerful animals that sit on top of the food chain. With these characteristics it is...

Is Jesus a Myth: One of the World’s Most Controversial Figures

It would be hard to find a person in history that has been met with so much controversy than Jesus of Nazareth. According to those who wrote the New Testament, Jesus is God, who was born of a virgin, who lived a sinless life, was...

Irrigation Systems and Techniques in China and Mesoamerica

It is clear throughout antiquity, and according to Vaclav Smil in his book Energy and Civilization: A History, that energy and technology are shaped by geographic contexts, history, and culture. The geography, or physical features of a territory, help shape what types of technology would...

The Rise and Leadership of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Ukraine

In the early hours of 26 February, during the most significant assault by Russian troops on the capital of Kyiv, the United States government and Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan urged Zelenskyy to evacuate to a safer location, and both offered assistance for such an...

The Life and Achievemnts of Muhammad - a Founder of Islam

I chose Muhammad because he did a lot from the day he was born till the day he died. One of the many things that Muhammad did was when Muhammad founded Islam and made it the way it is now. Muhammad was born in Mecca,...

Borrowed Culture: How Greek Culture Has Influenced Roman Society

How Roman society and though was influenced by Greek Culture was in Southern Italy when the Romans interacted with Greek colonies. 'How did Greek culture influence the development of Roman civilization?' discused how the Greek culture was adopted, adapted and expanded upon, and this lead...

Imperial Feminism and the British Empire: Examining Women's Roles

Feminism was not a term used in England before 1895, but long before its official usage there was discourse in the early to mid-nineteenth century about the rights of women. Modern-day feminist historians and theorists such as Lola Olufemi and Deborah Cherry, labelled the work...

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