How Self-doubt Has Become My Fatal Flaw

The quote ‘Switch your thinking. Banish the problem. Relish the challenge” appears to be an elementary task. However, in my opinion, the task seems deceptive and impossible, due to an intricate challenge of a fatal flaw that has lingered throughout my life: self-doubt.
I have always struggled and have never understood the idea of sabotaging the weakness of self-doubt, accompanied by a variety of other personal flaws. Overthinking, self-questioning, and putting pressure on myself has lead to doubting myself. Self-doubt can feel like a puncture to the heart, recklessly overruling any area of achieving a goal and ceasing confidence. It has a way of creating strategies, experienced by personal occurrences in social settings, my inability to adapt to new surroundings, and painting myself with a broad brush, comparing myself to the success of others. And most significantly, the fear of the unknown: attempt.
Furthermore, self-doubt manages to slither its way into gaining full capacity of the body, reaching within and shattering the mind. It has affected my original weakness of low self-esteem and has turned it into a far more superior flaw. In the past, I have always blamed myself for the failure of others, making myself seem like a substandard role model. The feeling of being unworthy and the hesitation of what people think and whether they will accept me has always transpired.
Although self-doubt has prevented me from achieving accomplishments, I am flourishing to identify my faults, embrace them, and move on. I have started acknowledging that everyone has doubts, and I am learning to distance myself from subversive individuals. There are many people that will always appear to be doing better and going further in life which is a concept I am adapting to wrap my head around. A major challenge that has influenced my flaw of self-doubt is comparing myself to others which I have currently overcome. I am prospering a positive view of myself and encouraging confidence and satisfaction with my actions. The chronic state, uncertainty is the utmost challenge that I am adjusting to, recognizing the worthy qualities, and maintaining motivation within myself. The fear of speaking my mind has always controlled my day, stopping myself from speaking because of the worrisome of my opinions not being valued and worthwhile. Usually, a small failure leads to my inability to accept and claim accomplishments. However, with time, defeating this will hopefully turn into crediting achievements wholeheartedly.
All in all, self-doubt is a persuasive voice that has been holding me back. It will continue to consume me unless I do not identify, accept, and stop it. The simple, negative words of undeserving success, “I can't” will evolve into “I can” and “I am good enough.” From now on, the inner critic will not get the best of me. I am going to take each day as a lesson and an opportunity to assess the skills I am fortunate to possess. My fatal flaw, self-doubt is not the demolition of who I am, but rather a process of self-development I am reconstructing to inherit.
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