Difference Between The Definitions Of Hindi And Hindu

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Table of contents

  1. Definition of Hindi
  2. Definition of Hindu
  3. Hindi vs Hindu Conclusion

There are more than 4000 doctrines as well as religions in the world and more than 6000 tongues that exist. Out of these, there is a major doctrine or religion followed by the Indians, which is known as Hinduism. The language, that has many wonderful dialects and is spoken by those who follow Hinduism, is known as the Hindi tongue.

People who in turn follow the religion of Hinduism, are known as Hindu. This is the major difference between Hindi and Hindu. Many people ask this question that what is the difference between Hindu and Hindu. Apart from the above, there is another fascinating fact which is, not every Hindu has their first language as Hindi and not every person who speaks Hindi is a Hindu. Confusing, isn’t it? This is another difference between Hindu and Hindi.

Doctrines and tongues are entirely different yet are somehow connected to one another. No one up until now has been able to determine if religion came from language or did language come from religion. All we know that both these entities complement each other.

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Definition of Hindi

Hindi is the speech that is spoken by more than 400 million men and women in India as well as by more than 100 million individuals worldwide. The influence of this tongue comes from Sanskrit and is written in Devanagari script.

The proper definition of Hindi is the tongue that is originally used by the Hindu population of India. Amongst other Hindi speaking nations, South Africa, Mauritius, Nepal, and Fiji are in the top 4 list. Although the English tongue is majorly used officially in India too, we can say that the mother tongue of the majority of the Indians in Hindi.

Definition of Hindu

Hindu is a representation of that sect of individuals who follow the religion of Hinduism. Hinduism is known to be one of the most ancient religions in the world. A fascinating fact about this doctrine is that, to date, the founder of this sect, is unknown.

The definition of Hindu relates to people who follow Hinduism. Apart from India, we have Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Indonesia as the top 4 countries where mankind practices this doctrine. Just like Hindi has different dialects, Hindu’s follow certain duties like being honest, non-violence, being patient, maintaining self-control, and many others.

Just like many doctrines define the base of many other religions in the world, the above are some practices that the Hindu’s follow. There are many other fascinating facts about this doctrine because of the fact that it is really old and is practiced by the majority of the individuals in the country that has the 3rd largest economy in the world.

Hindi vs Hindu Conclusion

To conclude this topic, we can now depict the major difference between the two terms. Hindi is a language or a tongue that is spoken majorly by the people in India. Hindu are those people who follow Hinduism as their religion. This is what the main difference is between Hindi vs Hindu. These terms are also related because Hindi is the language spoken majorly by the Hindu’s.

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Difference Between The Definitions Of Hindi And Hindu. (2021, April 19). WritingBros. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from https://writingbros.com/essay-examples/difference-between-the-definitions-of-hindi-and-hindu/
“Difference Between The Definitions Of Hindi And Hindu.” WritingBros, 19 Apr. 2021, writingbros.com/essay-examples/difference-between-the-definitions-of-hindi-and-hindu/
Difference Between The Definitions Of Hindi And Hindu. [online]. Available at: <https://writingbros.com/essay-examples/difference-between-the-definitions-of-hindi-and-hindu/> [Accessed 27 Jul. 2024].
Difference Between The Definitions Of Hindi And Hindu [Internet]. WritingBros. 2021 Apr 19 [cited 2024 Jul 27]. Available from: https://writingbros.com/essay-examples/difference-between-the-definitions-of-hindi-and-hindu/
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