The movie City of God is based on true events that occurred during the 1960’s and 1970’s in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The film tells a story of organized crime being operated by youth and children in the Favelas. Favelas is an urban slum where...
“At its heart, City of God is a gangster film, and a great one: epic in scope, powerful in conception, brilliant in execution.” says Christopher Orr (, 2004) regarding the 2002 Brazilian crime action movie Cidade de Deus co-directed by Fernando Mirelles and Katia Lund...
The City of God (2002) gives the viewer an eye to the urban Brazilian culture and the social issues such as the brutality of gang war and violence faced by marginalised communities (“City of God Analysis”, 2015). The cinematic elements such as the urban setting,...
City of God, (‘Cidade de Deus’ in Portugese) directed by Fernando Meirelles is crime film based on the novel of the same name, written by Paulo Lins in 1997, with the plot being quite loosely based on real events. Narrated primarily by a boy who...
The city of God is a book that one can read many times and every time discover an enormous amount of wisdom which is hard to comprehend probably in a lifetime. Augustine uncovers many interesting topics which are worth to consider and contemplate about. One...
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