Adolf Hitler Wasn’t a Very Nice Man

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Though this is a true statement, my group and I will be covering the life of Adolf Hitler. He did many things, and many events did happen in his life, but it all started when he was born. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. He was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria. He was born to Alois and Klara Hitler. Hitler had five other siblings, but only one of his siblings lived past childhood. His little sister Paul was the only one to make it past childhood other than Adolf. She was born in 1896 and died in 1960. Adolf’s family moved around a lot. They finally settled and enrolled Hitler in Realschule. He had much better, excelling grades at elementary school. When Adolf was old enough to, he left school and never went back. In 1913, Hitler had moved to Munich, Germany. Hitler was able to support himself by selling his art. He was in the military, and he was moving up the ladder.

In 1913, Hitler had moved to Munich, Germany. Hitler was able to support himself by selling his art. He was in the military, and he was moving up the ladder. In 1918, he was partially blinded due to a mustard gas attack in Belgium. Germany lost the war. The allies had made Germany sign the Versailles Treaty making them pay for the war. It drained Germany’s economy and made it so they didn’t recover the great depression. It left the Germans bitter and they mostly blamed Jews for they believed the Jews made the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler, being a war hero and a nationalist, was also furious at how his country was being ruined while other countries prospered.In September 1919 Hitler joined the German Workers Party which then became the National Socialist German Workers party or Nazi Party for short, Hitler helped make their new flag taking a swastika, a famous symbol in many cultures, and put it in a white circle with a red background. He inherited many of his anti-semitic strategies from the current party leader Anton Lexter.He and the Nazi Party attempted a coup on the government in 1924. It failed and Hitler spent 9 months in prison where he would write his autobiography the “Mein-Kampf” or My Struggle. Germany lost the war.

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The allies had made Germany sign the Versailles treaty making them pay for the war. It drained Germany’s economy and made it so they didn’t recover the great depression. It left the Germans bitter and they mostly blamed Jews for they believed the Jews made the Treaty of Versailles.Hitler found that he had amazing speaking powers and eventually succeeded later becoming the leader of the Nazi party. He and the Nazi party attempted a coup on the government in 1924. It failed and Hitler spent 9 months in prison where he would write his autobiography.Many Germans read Mein-Kampf and sympathized with Hitler's cause as they had experienced many of the same hardships in the great depression and blamed the Jews and Marxists as scapegoats.In 1932, he ran for German presidency against 84-year-old Paul Von Hindenburg, he came at a close second and was appointed the chancellor to balance political appeal. After a mysterious fire in parliament, Hitler established the Reichstag Fire Decree allowing detention without trial.

Hitler also passed the Enabling Act which gave his cabinet full legislative power for four years. During those 4 years, they made it so they had full control over legislation. The Nazi party was made the only party allowed to exist under the law the same year Germany seceded from the League of Nations. The day before Hindenburg died the position of president was abolished and the powers of the position were given to the chancellor making Hitler the supreme leader of Germany.Hitler, being an extremist nationalist, wanted to prove the superiority of the Aryan race so he invaded Poland and succeeded in conquering it. Two days later, in response, France and Britain declared war in response.After Germany attempted to invade the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin declared war and joined Britain and France.In order to purify the Aryan race, those who weren’t of Aryan descent weren’t given a full citizenship. Eventually, to get rid of the Jews, as Hitler blamed them for everything, the Jews were gathered up and taken to concentration camps where they were starved and occasionally were gassed to death.This was called the holocaust and it killed 6 million Jews. Hitler lost about 4 million trying to invade the Soviet Union. In six weeks from 10 of May 1940, Germany conquered France.Hitler lost many battles due to refusal to listen to generals.

On June 6, 1944, what is now known as D-day, allied troops landed in Northern France and freed it Germany’s defeat was inevitable.Hitler married Eva Braun on April 29,1945. After hearing about the assassination of Benito Mussolini, Hitler and Braun committed suicide April 30 the year they were married as they knew defeat was inevitable. Before Hitler's death, he managed led Germany to invade most of Europe and succeed in conquering a large number of it. Hitler killed 11 million people in concentration camps 6 million of which were Jewish and started euthanization programs for the physically and mentally disabled.

After his suicide, Germany was occupied and made into a democratic government again. Hitler’s reign can teach us three things never let one person have too much power after the burning of parliament hitler was given police powers to Hitler which allowed him to commit his atrocities, the second is to never use people as scapegoats Germany was blamed for WW1 even though they didn’t cause they war and the Treaty of Versailles prevented the Germans from prospering and then they ended up scapegoating the Jews leading to the deaths of millions, and finally never doubt what a person is capable of Hitler was rejected from art school and was considered nothing but a radical extremist to a good number of people but he appealed to so many fellow germans with his life a persuasive and bombastic speeches, he came to control them and has since gone down as one of history's most evil dictators.

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