Abortion Debate: Why Abortion is Morally Wrong

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At this point in society, abortion is a controversial issue over a pregnant individual’s right in gaining control over one’s body. Abortion is defined as the planned termination of a human pregnancy. The act is described as an impulsive process of an undeveloped fetus. In many circumstances, abortion produces conflicts, however, abortion is morally wrong.

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Correspondingly, since life sets at formation, abortion is similar to murder as it is a measure of taking a human’s life. Unborn individuals are considered human beings with a right to life by the United States government. It is enumerated in the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (2004), “The term ‘unborn child’ means a child in utero, and the term ‘child in utero’ or ‘child, who is in utero’ means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb’’. This act emphasizes that upon fertilization, the unborn child alone has a fundamental right to life, which must be preserved. Besides the fact that fetuses are capable of feeling pain when abortions are performed. According to MD and pro-life activist, Bernard N. Nathanson, it is stated further, “We see [in an ultrasound image] the child's mouth open in a silent scream... This is the silent scream of a child threatened imminently with extinction”. This supports the statement that a fetus can experience excruciating pain during the procedure. On the contrary, opponents may argue that studies endorse that improved technological devices make it possible in resolving abortion procedures in an earlier pregnancy. Despite the circumstances, this modern scientific advancement has fatal issues as most fetuses have different time frames in their development stage in still being able to respond to their pain stimulation. To sum up, children do not have to be guilty of the responsibility for the mistakes and factors of the adult’s actions.

Moreover, equality in existence should consistently outbalance the right to have authority over women’s bodies. There are many cons to the action of pregnancy termination including a rational one, accepting the consequences of having to raise a child. Having sexual intercourse has bearable risks of pregnancy and there are ways to refrain from this matter such as abstinence or even using protection which education systems have even taught in schools to prepare the upcoming students for their care for having children in the future. Abortion may lead to dire health problems for the expectant mother. To demonstrate, a peered-reviewed journal provides studies that abortion, “is significantly associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and that the risk of breast cancer increases as the number of [abortions] increases”. On the other hand, many believe that women who receive abortions are less likely to suffer mental health problems than women denied abortions. Although this may be true, having a terminated pregnancy leads to emotional and mental distress as a study of “Dutch” women who were interviewed in 2010-2011, followed to have a history of mental disorders and negative psychological changes on having abortions. In brief, abortion does not release women from seeking respect for their own mutual choice but instead permits civilization to not provide for their necessities.

Overall, an individual life’s foundation builds towards fertilization, and thus abortion is the immortal murder of a human being. No medical assessment in the termination of a pregnancy may distress the unborn child and even worse, become the cause for miscarriage. There are many thoughtful considerations of all the moral concepts and features of the condition of finding a solution towards the termination of a pregnancy. All in all, abortion inflicts suffering on the unborn child towards not having their own decisions, own authority, and own pathway due to their limited lifespan.

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Abortion Debate: Why Abortion is Morally Wrong. (2022, August 23). WritingBros. Retrieved July 26, 2024, from https://writingbros.com/essay-examples/abortion-debate-why-abortion-is-morally-wrong/
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