Timeline of a Manila Pediatrician: Experiences and Barriers in Medical School

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Struggles and Obstacles of a Medical Students

According to Micah Mcdunnigan, there are 4 obstacles or challenges of being a pediatrician. The first challenge is Residency because in here, getting into quality residency will give them the skills and the best possible care for children. The second challenge is Immunization because one of the primary duties of being a pediatrician is to see the proper vaccines that are given. But doing this will protect the patients who are too young to be immunized and also to protect the patients in getting illnesses by being vaccinated. The third challenge is the child suffering. It is difficult for the pediatricians to see their young patients suffering because there is a big difference in seeing an adult patient suffering and in young patient. The last challenge of being a pediatrician is Research. One of the important things that a pediatrician should do is to conduct researches because it can advance their understanding on how to treat a patient. But this research may use children as a subject and it may be difficult due to the process that is needed to follow.

There are three biggest struggles medical students faces back when they are studying. One of the struggles is memorizing medical terminologies. Medical students memorize for about a whole dictionary of medical words before they step into practical life. Starting to get clinical exposure is also on of the biggest challenges of a medical student where you are now carrying a heavy load of responsibilities from your patients and expectation from your families. The biggest struggle that a medical student faces is how to manage time and achieve balance lifestyle especially in the first two years.

According to Max Wilbert, for you to become a medical doctor, you need to pass the board exams which are regarded as one of the most difficult parts of medical school. In the united states, the first exam that you will take is the USMLE or the United States Medical Licensure exams. It requires your basic knowledge on medical science and if you happen to pass the test and study hard for it, you’ll be able to move to the 2nd Step of examination which will happen after your 3rd or 4th year on medical school and if you also pass this exam, you are now ready to face the final exams which will give you serious challenge and you will take this examination 4th year on medical school or after you graduate.

Experience of a Medical students Before Graduating

Having a collaborative relationship with your pediatricians and pediatric nurses, pediatric and nursing interns, medical students and nursing students can obtain higher improvement on delivering a better healthcare system. According to Wang, Fang Liu, Li, Tingyu (2015), they said that interdisciplinary teamwork improves the outcomes in clinical institutions such as patient care and patient death rates as well as having a better patient satisfaction and decreases institutional costs. This relationship is described as working together as one, sharing responsibilities in solving problems and making decisions to plan and carry it out for their patients. They also considered that this collaboration was developed by the influence of history, education ethic, culture, gender and so on. Therefore, they provide a data to compare the attitudes of pediatric workers and undergraduate medical/nursing students using the adaptation of the Jefferson Scale of Attitude, this was originally developed to measure attitudes of nurses and its services. They randomly selected a 6 group of participants in children’s hospital and medical school in Chongqing, China to see the similarities and differences between them: pediatrician and pediatric nurses, pediatric interns and nursing interns, medical students and nursing students the pediatricians got the highest mean scores while the medical students got lowest mean scores the same with the nurses. When the medical or nursing students’ study in school their main job is to study the knowledge of medicine and its theory. They may not be aware that this collaboration is very important because they have not started or rarely dealing with patients. It is preferable that medical schools should include inter-professional education in their curriculum to increase the understanding of the corresponding roles of physicians and nurses. They suggested that physicians and nurses shall learn from each other through continual education.

According to Dr. Magen and Dr. DeLisser (2017), to form strong medical alliances with patients is having the ability of clinical skill that is associated with a higher quality of medical care. Pediatricians as well as (geriatricians), they are frequently communicating with their patients also to their family members manage complex relational systems offering the best care for their patients. Therefore, it is important that the medical providers to be highly skilled at forming and maintaining strong alliances with their patients as well as its families they are serving. Forming therapeutic alliances with a patient, it requires consistent excellent communication and interpersonal skills which in short called relational skills. It means that the keystone to every interaction with your patient, from informing the diagnosis, treat the patient’s illness up to the intense conversations which included the sharing the bad news, disclosing a medical error or worse discussing end of life. They said that few physicians showed adequate relational skills conclude by their patients. But the attrition of this skill might begin early during their training because medical students become apparent to lose empathy throughout their training.They provide 6 best for educating medical trainees and providers in the consistent application of relational skills to build strong therapeutic alliances.

  • Experiential Learning, it can be achieved through interactions with peers. You can practice it with standardized and supervised patients.
  • The Data-Driven Feedback, the feedback becomes more effective to the performance to which it involved.
  • Continuous, the training of relational skills must be consistent into all stages of a medical trainee’s education.
  • Coherence, it can be achieved by using a consistent language for training, feedback by all supervisors also trainers who has a contact with the learner.
  • Comprehensive requires a behavior change holding a positive attitude, experiencing normative pressure to perform the behavior and having self-efficacy. These elements must be target throughout the training to ensure competence in the real performance of relational skills.
  • Competent Teachers means that training must be exhibit by individuals who are capable of applying relational skills and coaching others to apply it. Deeper thinking must be done in selecting the faculty and trainers who will teach the actual relational skills to their students.

What Happen After You Finish Medical School?

According to Kaplan Inc., after graduating in medical school, there is still more responsibility that you still must face. Residency is the stage where after you graduated, you will train as a real-life physician. It is where you must learn all the responsibilities and duties your specialty. Expect that Residency training is grueling because you are expected to perform a high-level consistency. During you first year as a resident, you will likely spend time among different wards of a hospital to gain experience practicing different areas of medicine. In the next few years, you will now focus on your medical specialties. It is a though road, but for many it’ll be the last step before launching into a well-earned career in medicine.

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According to Vincent Iannelli, MD, you are still not a pediatrician after completing your eight years in college and medical school. I order to complete your training and become a pediatrician, you should also be able to complete a one year of pediatrics internship and two years of pediatrics residency. You will be spending those years learning how to diagnose and treat real. You are technically in school and are getting paid for your work but not in high wage. After residency, pediatrician can continue their training to become a pediatric specialist.

Experience of a Real-Life Pediatrician

Pediatricians experienced uneasy interaction with the parents of their patient. It is usually the parent who contributes difficulties rather than the patient. Dealing with them takes a lot of strategies; physicians must know what to do when they encountered a challenging scenario with the parents. Pediatrician must know how to show empathy, they need to be more understanding about the situation. A communication skill must be improved; it can increase the parent satisfaction and job satisfaction.

Pediatrician is a doctor that specializes the health of individuals aged younger than 21 years old; it includes all the infants, children and adolescents. They manage child's health including physical, behavior, and mental health issues. Parents can assure that they can help the children because they have a special training for child's health. They only see children in their practice, so they have a lot of experience in recognizing and treating childhood illnesses. Their duties are doing physical exams, gives children vaccinations, diagnose child's illness, etc.

Filipino Medical Students

Payawal (2015) said that after graduating, there are a lot of things that you’ll come to realize. You’ll be extremely grade conscious, because for med students having a high grade will take you places. Grades may just be numbers, but it could help you to be the best version of yourself. Having less time with your family is the problem that most of the students would experience. One must be ready with the consequence. You don’t need to be smart, the only thing that you need to have is hard work. If you want it, strive hard to get it. The next thing that an aspiring doctor would do after finishing medical school is to jump into his/her medical career. Medical residency may seem easier, but this could be harder than you thought. There are more responsibilities to face.

Dela Cruz E. K. (2016) Accepting the fact that in reality of being a medical student losing contact with your friends and family in some point of your life would definitely be possible. Med school is a little bit tough. It will test your determination in terms of being a hundred sure in your goal in life. You can learn a lot from the experience of being once a med student. Always put in mind the reason on why you pursued your career. Well in fact that should be your motivation. You must be ready to face the greater challenge of applying everything in real life. Graduating from med school doesn’t mean you’ll stop learning because as matter of fact it is the beginning where you will learn a lot more.

According to Millenialpedia, your journey to medical school starts after your K12 education. You must choose your pre-med college courses such as Bachelor of Science in Biology or Bachelor Science in Psychology. You can also take medical related college courses like BS nursing or BS pharmacology, but other school offers a special course intended for those determined to go to medical school.

Filipino Developmental Pediatrician

Developmental pediatrician is the doctor you see if your children have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, language disorders etc. It can also help your children to develop there learning and behavioral problem. In the article what read according to asp (autism society Philippine) there are only 51 developmental pediatricians in the Philippines. ASP listed all the hospitals who have development pediatricians holds clinic in metro manila. In my own perspective think it is not bad if there are only 51 developmental pediatricians in the Philippines because it is a big help for those people that has a problem to their children. Even though Philippines has lacked developmental pediatrician as long as it can support all the children that has behavioral problems.

Developmental pediatrician deals with the learning or behavioral difficulties in children. Pediatricians will refer parents to a developmental pediatrician if they see any of the following red flags at 18 months old. These are social and emotional, Speech and language, and physical. Every pediatrician will be able to provide the family with much needed support and reassurance. DR. Reysio-Cruz said that they may do close follow-ups or even request diagnostic tests, if needed, such as a formal hearing test, a vision screen, an EEG (which is a test that detects electrical activity in the brain), or other exams before your appointment with a specialist. He also adds that parents know their child best. It is also tackling about how to find a developmental pediatrician of a children, the appointment, and the diagnosis. These things are important so that we will be aware in what are we doing in case there are problems happen to our children.

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