The Struggles of Living with Alzheimer’s Disease and the Importance of an Early Treatment

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Alzheimer disease is a very common illness, this disease was first found on April 10 th 1980. Around that era there was still more learning on discovering the different illnesses in the human body. The first case Alzheimer’s was discovered was in 1901 by a man who was a psychiatrist who studied the brain and had a lot of interest on how the brain operates.

His name was Alois Alzheimer, he had notice changes in the brain tissue that detected something odd. He did studies on a women that had already died due to a weird mental illness that had basically killed her. He notice that his mental illness caused her to lose memory and trouble speaking and very odd behavioral issues. As time went on, the new generation started to do more studies and is now very familiar with this illness.

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In studies, most of the population from ages mid 60’s and older to have more of a chance to get dementia which causes the disease “Alzheimer’s”. In the United States, this diseases are one of the top ranks and is right behind heart diseases and the different cancers carried in our society. Alzheimer’s are one the most cause and common deaths for the elderly. In the research given, Alzheimer’s is a genetic disease. In that sense of the word “genetic” meaning it’s passed on by genes due to someone in your bloodline being diagnosed with that illness. It can be passed off for generations and that’s the most common way it can be caused.

This illness progresses very quickly and there was mild to severe stages in this type of circumstance. It basically slowly destroys many parts of the brain such as your memory, and many other mental areas in your brain such as the functioning. In our research sonograms of the brain with Alzheimer’s shows abnormal what scientist call “clumps’ and also the brain cells and nerves start to give up and that a feature of the illness. Your brain functions your whole body and your brain is what helps you move and talk. It also helps you remember things that happened in your daily life and your past memories. Having Alzheimer’s can take a toll on your ever day life, people who carry this illness can experience many different symptoms such as, randomly feeling confused in the middle on the day. Usually this state of confusion is common afternoon hours, delusion, trouble understanding, not being able to create new memories. Mood swings and anger, loneliness can also occur.

People don’t realize they have this illness for a long time because they forget things and it doesn’t give them any signs on remembering what happened and what they did. Sadly in our research this illness can’t be healed or cured. In our research paper our group will be giving you information and knowledge based on our statistics, treatments, the illness itself and how people deal and continue their daily life with Alzheimer’s.

Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for listening to the research of our topic Alzheimer disease.

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