The Pros and Cons of Social Media and Networking Sites

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Nowadays, social media is frequently used by the ages of 13 and up whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and so on. It is so beloved that not everyone knows the dangers of it. Social media has been around for about 40 years since then people have used it to call, text, post selfies along with youtube videos. It’s also used for entertainment and comfort. Half of social media is funny memes and videos basically anything that can make you laugh or feel relaxed and safe. The other half is pictures and comments and posts that can be fun, but they can also hurt someone and be inappropriate. Social media is just a big mixed database. The toxic side of it seems to outweigh the positive side. Social Media is not a safe environment because it is the main cause of distraction and procrastination, it also has a way of taking out people’s privacy and overwhelming them with information, and lastly, it has a huge impact on the way people act and take care of themselves.

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It is so easy for someone to get sucked into trying to fit in with everyone which is why it can cause distraction and procrastination. Even though there are so many positive effects on why everyone doesn’t need to fit in there is still that group of people who don’t listen to it and continue to put themselves down. When someone is to busy with making sure that they aren’t different they aren’t going to bother completing work or anything for that matter, and they are going to constantly feel bad about themselves. For the other group of people that don’t worry about fitting in, they can also easily get distracted and end up putting things off to the last minute or not even finishing them at all. Group chats are always being talked on and are one of the reasons why drivers are always texting when they shouldn’t be. Texting and driving is banned in some states but as long as no cops can see a phone then they will carry on with there business allowing that driver to hop right back on their phone. In the article, “The Pros and Cons of Social Networking,” by Elise Moreau, it states that “Browsing social media can also feed procrastination habits and become something that people turn to in order to avoid certain tasks or responsibilities.” If everyone is doing this and it’s a school or job matter they could get in trouble and really stressed out.

Privacy is very hard to poses and social media is a nice big center where everyone’s privacy is invaded. Things are shared 24/7 and other people take it into their own hands to take what someone else shared and then repost it this process can continue over and over again for as long as it pleases. This in some cases can be a good thing but if someone has shared something inappropriate and it ends up being seen by there parents or their boss serious consequences are going to come out of it. A boss could take that post and use it against the employee to have them fired. Parents are the big boss and when they find something you said extremely inappropriate it’s all over. One little thing in social media can be turned into a huge crisis that everyone is talking about. The article, “The Pros and Cons of Social Networking,” by Elise Moreau, sates that “Sharing too much with the public can open up all sorts of problems that can’t be underdone.” This sums up the privacy issue perfectly. After all this private information is out along with other people tweeting links, posting a selfie, and posting youtube videos it becomes a lot of information to ake in. Also, there are other people like friends trying to remind you or have you keep up with the latest news and photos. Not all the posts are going to spark everyones interest so it turns into a big pile of junk that needs to be gone through. Social media is just a very overwhelming environment and this particular situation can stress a lot of people out.

A phone already is a very good way to keep someone up at night by watching Netflix and so on. Adding social media into the mix makes it even harder t fall asleep and get a full night’s rest. Almost any screen gives off a blue light that makes it harder for s person to sleep, and when that’s combined with tweets and text messages it’s extremely hard to put it all off. On top of negatively affecting the way someone sleeps it also affects the way, someone acts towards people. Apps such as google duo, Snapchat, and facetime all allow you to talk and see someone at the same time through a screen with just a click of a button. It is so much easier to go over someone’s house or go outside to take to someone face-to-face. In the article “The Pros and Cons of Social Networking” states that, “Social media actually causes antisocial human behavior.” Antisocial children will then go on in the future to teach the next generation that it’s fine to always be on a phone. Lastly, nothing says social media like cyberbullying and hate comments. Bullying still is happening today and social media makes it so much easier for someone to hate someone else because they don’t have to face them in person. HAte comments on youtube videos don’t get to everyone but when they do they can change the way a person behaves towards particular situations. Cyberbullying can cause serious stress, anxiety, and depression even in the happiest person alive.

Social media has been beloved for the past 40 years it’s a great space for comfort and love. It can be really helpful if you want to call or text someone from miles away. Social media is full of great funny videos to get someone laughing on the floor, but social media can also turn on you and cause depression along with suicidal thoughts. Apporimantly 1.53 million people have committed suicide and social media plays a big part in that. Happiness doesn’t come from a screen, nature and being with friends is a way better solution for helping anxiety and stress. Even being with friends can be too much so just taking a walk in nature can help that. Social media is a big waste of your time that’s why it is so fun to use. People use it so that time can pass by and so that they won’t have to deal with the real world. With it already being a waste of your time it’s a waste of your time that spreads private information all over the world it can be good which it usually is but all those bad and nasty comments can be spread to the wrong person. Those exact people could use that information against someone and get them in trouble. Lastly, social media always is changing the way people behave and not in a good way which brings to the conclusion that Social Media is not a safe environment because it is the main cause of distraction and procrastination, it also has a way of taking out people’s privacy and overwhelming them with information, and lastly, it has a huge impact on the way people act and take care of themselves.   

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