The Fictional Recreation of Vasco Da Gama's Trip

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The day I came back from my first-great expedition to the Gold Coast, Bob is suffering with some mental health issues. I tried visiting him, but the doctor’s would not let anyone go through his hospital room. I went to the Gold Coast with him for several of months. Although I read many books about the tools that you use during an expedition, when it came to using it, I was so confused and I flustered. Then, Bob came by and helped me out. That moment, to me, he looked like a god that came from heaven. From that point on, we started chatting together whenever we were bored. He was really a good friend and a good teacher; he treated me as if I was his brother. I was horrified when I heard he got some mental issues after the expedition, and I wished I could do something for him, but there was basically nothing I can do for him. However, I realized although he may not remember who I am or what we did together, I could at least visit him and become his friend forever. Then, if he gets better, I wish to go out to the sea again and find a New discovery.


This was my big day. Why? Well here’s why: This morning, I was called by King Fred II of Portugal and he appointed me as the leader of an expedition! I could not believe myself. I pinched my cheeks, making sure this was not a dream, and stood there speechless so King Fred II was worried if I was okay. He continued the story, and told me to sail around the southern most tip of Africa and make contact with a Christian ruler in the Indies called Jeff John, the king of Ethiopia. The king continued on with further more detail but I was imagining what would be like leading a whole ship across the ocean, so I couldn’t catch what he said. But I just cannot believe this day would come! Since King Fred II chose me from all of the explorers to accomplish this task, I would have to give all of my effort and and my knowledge into this new adventure. So watch me King Fred II! I would never betray your expectations that you gave me…….!!


Today was a nice sunny day, and my crews and I are preparing for this great adventure. It took us about ten months or so to build two vessels and for preparation, but we are finally over with it. We used the best oak trees that we can ever find. We also learned that square-rigged ships were best for the Atlantic, so we rigged the crafts, giving them each three masts. We painted with pitch, tallow, and fish oil to keep out the dreaded teredos. We also purchased two other vessels to serve as a supply ship, and we named it Bom. Nice name isn’t it? We have the other masted ships, named Sao Gabriel and Sao Rafael, and now we are ready to go! It should be an honor for them to work with us because our names are going to stay throughout the history and then their names will also be known for decades!


Now, our crew is caught in a huge storm. Why am I writing in here if I’m caught in a huge storm? I also had a encounter with Khoikhoi people and they started their throwing stones at me. I just have this feeling that this is my last chance writing in here. We lost many provisions and our ship is all wrecked. We were heading for the mouth of Congo River, and we entered the Walvis Bay. However, we lost sight of the coast and we sailed south, which lead us into this huge, violent storm that we’ve been for the past ten days. My life was bright with hope but now, it’s all dark and gloomy…I have no hope left in my life….. I was expecting to accomplish something that no explorer did, but if I die right now, I guess that wouldn’t be possible…

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Today is the thirteenth day since we were caught in a storm and it seems like the sky has brightened up with the sun peaking out of the thick clouds. Phew……. I guess the storm’s over. I was really worried if I would never be able to write in here. From staying in a boat that is rocking left to right every single second, I think that I got seasick…… From this storm, many of our provisions were lost and the ship was damaged pretty badly. As soon as the rain lightened, I rushed out of the room and checked where we were right now. It seemed like we were blown around the southern tip of Africa. I got excited, and I dashed down to my crew’s room to tell everyone this great news. I smashed the door open, expecting them to jump up and down when they hear about this great news. However, in reality, everyone was all exhausted and tired they didn’t really care where we were. It was actually the other way around, and they begged me to go back to Portugal. I was astonished and sad that my crew can no longer keep up with me, so at first I was opposing them. But soon some of my men started crying and whimpering, and others were on their knees begging me to go back to Portugal. This was very heart breaking to me but I could not convince them to continue on with our voyage so now we have to go back to our country…. I still cannot believe how this all turned out. But the odd thing is, is that part of me was happy of this news. Probably I am glad because we’ve been on the boat for weeks and months, so my body wants to stay on a land that would not shake back and forth. But still, if I can, I would stay out in this ocean until I make a new discovery or an accomplishment that no one ever made. I guess things won’t always turn out the way you want it. I guess the fact that King Fred II assigned me to go on to this expedition was good enough for me. Goodbye my dream, and I’m going to go back home.


The sky seems inauspicious. I swiftly check the barometer and I realize that the measurement fall down gradually compared to this morning’s measurement. We are planning to head toward south along the coast. However, the wind is blowing to north. Moreover, the strong north-flowing current makes our ships unable to go to our destination. I run to the bow of my ship and put in all my efforts to change the route to the south. Although I cannot defeat nature. The storm blows other two ships to the south, but this ship is heading towards to the north. All I can do is try hard to avoid being shipwrecked.At the upper deck of the ship, my men start to get sick due to severe movement of the ship. They hold the masts in order to stay still, but it seems it is not working well. I wander what will happen next. All I want is safely returning to the homeland. Now, what I can do is simply watching the compass that keeps pointing north.


When we returned to the first bay that we landed on in Africa, I am amazed only three of the nine men that I lost have survived. I am glad that they still have a supply ship. When I go in, I cannot stop vomiting. The ship is rotting and worms are eating our precious foods. It smells like rotting human body. Disgusted, I go out in the forest to create fire. I think I need to burn that ship down so no one becomes ill because of that. Now the ship is useless. It is better to burn down than keeping it and intoxicating the water. After burning the rotten supply ship, we sail to the western gulf of the Africa. When I look at an island at the gulf with my binocular, I find several people desperately waving at me. I am worried if they are foreign invaders; however, I decide to trust them. When I approach them, they start to speak in Portuguese. One of those people, Duarte Pacheco, explains that they are here because their ship is wrecked. Merrily, I let them join our crew. I hope we return Portugal as soon as possible.


Almost nine years has been passed since I returned from the voyage to Africa. I have not sailed for several years, but now I am feeling like sailing again. I might be quite old for exploration. Though, I cannot live without adventures and thrill. For that reason, I am accompanying my friend, Vasco da Gama. Again, we are going to Africa, but not the Cape of Storm, which is now renamed as the Cape of Good Hope. Our goal is to go to the Cape Verde Islands, the land that is prospered in the ivory trade. For Portugal’s prosperity, da Gama and I are going Cape Verde Islands to obtain ivories. If this voyage is successful, our king will be glad and our country will become wealthier.


After successful trade of ivories in the Cape Verde Islands, I decide to join Pedro Cabral’s India fleet. Like Vasco da Gama’s voyage, Cabral’s voyage is also success

ful. Because of my navigation skills, we are able to find the “new land”, which is away from the western African coast. Shortly after recording the observations, we depart to return to Portugal. I think it is most important to report to the king Henry. When we approach near by the Cape of Good Hope, that fearsome storm attacks my ships again. However, this one is much more intense and devastating than the other one I experienced. A gigantic wave comes and engulfs few ships. Then, severe rain makes the pilot unable to see. Finally, another enormous wave attacks the ship that I am on. The mast is broken into two pieces and some parts of the keel are severely damaged. Now the ship is mostly filled salty water. What can I do? How can a ship survive without the mast? Is my life over? I cannot do anything right now all I can do is praying

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