The Expectations Of Love At First Sight Set By The Movies

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This feeling is not something you can describe in one word. It’s when you can listen to his voice all day no matter the time or the place. You may have bad eye sight, but you can still spot him walking in a whole crowd. You won’t complain about your feet hurting if you get to see him after walking 1000 miles. You’ll never make excuses when it comes to him, no ifs buts or ands. It’s when you thank God for his presence in your life, twice, in one prayer. You have a good time watching him doing little things, like putting on his socks. Sometimes you feel as if he doesn’t belong to be in your home and you don’t want him there, yet he still comforts you. It’s as if you and him are attached by the hip. His voice and his presence bring you more peace than any medication could, ever. When you’re with him you feel that you can rest peacefully in the earth. He is your twin flame and your soulmate. He waters you and you water him as if you both are seeds. He has made your one flower into a garden. You cherish the moments when your phones die, and you just talk. It’s that moment when your leg is across his waist and you share the same breath. His arms are around your back and you’re chest to chest. You have never felt so relaxed watching someone rest. Its as if he could drown you in a pool of pain and you find peace within him. You want to see him every day since you are more than obsessed. you envy those who get to see him another minute more than you. You feel hostile and a sense of jealousy and bitterness because you think he’s only yours. You never want to say goodbye. He always deserves another chance. Maybe one last chance can change it all? But “last is never really last. For him, there are unlimited chances. You feel captivated as if you need him to function. Pieces of you live within him. You cannot eat, sleep, sit or stand without feeling incomplete. After time stops, after the sun explodes and after the hour glass is out of sand, its him over anyone, especially over any man. This is all sanctioned under the single word, ‘love’. Love is mythologically, essentially our purpose of life, to find our “true love” and the idea that “true love conquers all”. Reality has proven love to be otherwise. Love has been over emphasized through romance movies, a genre in which the plot revolved around the love between 2 main characters who typically, fall in love at first sight, and throughout the film we get to see their experience of love, which is the wrong impression of reality. “Common themes that revolve around romantic movies are kissing, love at first sight, tragic love, destructive love, and sentimental love” (Taylor). 

These themes appear in many historical films and the perceptions still proceed in present day films as well. Watching romantic movies greatly impacts the audience’s perspective of what love should resemble. These movies tend to give false impressions of reality in regard to romantic love including dating, marriage, and having kids. Despite the fact that romantic movies are commonly watched, there are numerous impacts on people’s real-life relationships after watching these sorts of movies. They seem to portray that love is the only thing that matters and our purpose of life. This has also been imbedded into many cultures. In the past, not too long ago, marriage was a form of connection created by the parents to form a relationship because they wanted their children to join kingdoms or join lands. The love between the couple was looked over and was insignificant to consider while building the connection. In today’s society, we can see that parents typically to not play a significant role in deciding who their child falls in love with or have much say in the child’s romantic life. In today’s society, romance is an element most people to be an essential component in a healthy relationship. Romance can be defined as the feelings and behaviour of two people who are in a loving and sexual relationship with each other. (Cambridge dictionary) Many people dream or imagine of having an everlasting passionate and enthusiastic love at any rate once in their lifetime. Unfortunately, this expectation is unrealistic on the grounds that such relationships do not exist as they do motion in films. People tend to have dreams of this perception of love, which is false, due to how films, poems and shows have portrayed this perception of love being a beautiful fantasy. It needs to be considered, that the couples are shown living their “best life” on good days of the relationships. They show the laughs, the way how perfectly the couple communicate their affection through nostalgic talks and the intimate love scenes. 

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The bad days that really testify the relationship where an individual loses their temper or gets irritated, frustrated or annoyed are not shown in the media. They don't demonstrate the difficulties of being in long haul relationships. If a negative scene of the relationship is shown, they always seem to get back together as if nothing happened. The effort and commitment of forgiveness and getting back together is not usually shown. These movies show the viewers was true love and genuine romance should be, not what is really is. The movies that are shown to the audience usually have characters are immaculate, have flawless hair, a perfect smile, and ideal communication in the relationship. When people grow up, and are exposed to all the imperfection of life and knew that those movies are not real yet they still end to compare their real life relationships to made up relationships from the movies. The movies set a higher standard of expectation for some people. Relating Fiction to Real Life 'We read fiction not to gain new information so much as to experience the ideas and feelings a story inspires within us,' and as such fictional characters can be related to real life (Kurland 1). Fiction is not real; yet, it is clear that much of fiction is inspires us within the real world experience. In many ways, fiction does reflect reality.  This feeling is not something you can describe in one word. It’s when you can listen to his voice all day no matter the time or the place. You may have bad eye sight, but you can still spot him walking in a whole crowd. You won’t complain about your feet hurting if you get to see him after walking 1000 miles. You’ll never make excuses when it comes to him, no ifs buts or ands. It’s when you thank God for his presence in your life, twice, in one prayer. You have a good time watching him doing little things, like putting on his socks. 

Sometimes you feel as if he doesn’t belong to be in your home and you don’t want him there, yet he still comforts you. It’s as if you and him are attached by the hip. His voice and his presence bring you more peace than any medication could, ever. When you’re with him you feel that you can rest peacefully in the earth. He is your twin flame and your soulmate. He waters you and you water him as if you both are seeds. He has made your one flower into a garden. You cherish the moments when your phones die, and you just talk. It’s that moment when your leg is across his waist and you share the same breath. His arms are around your back and you’re chest to chest. You have never felt so relaxed watching someone rest. Its as if he could drown you in a pool of pain and you find peace within him. You want to see him every day since you are more than obsessed. you envy those who get to see him another minute more than you. You feel hostile and a sense of jealousy and bitterness because you think he’s only yours. You never want to say goodbye. He always deserves another chance. Maybe one last chance can change it all? But “last is never really last. For him, there are unlimited chances. You feel captivated as if you need him to function. Pieces of you live within him. You cannot eat, sleep, sit or stand without feeling incomplete. After time stops, after the sun explodes and after the hour glass is out of sand, its him over anyone, especially over any man. This is all sanctioned under the single word, ‘love’. Love is mythologically, essentially our purpose of life, to find our “true love” and the idea that “true love conquers all”. Reality has proven love to be otherwise. Love has been over emphasized through romance movies, a genre in which the plot revolved around the love between 2 main characters who typically, fall in love at first sight, and throughout the film we get to see their experience of love, which is the wrong impression of reality. “Common themes that revolve around romantic movies are kissing, love at first sight, tragic love, destructive love, and sentimental love” (Taylor). 

These themes appear in many historical films and the perceptions still proceed in present day films as well. Watching romantic movies greatly impacts the audience’s perspective of what love should resemble. These movies tend to give false impressions of reality in regard to romantic love including dating, marriage, and having kids. Despite the fact that romantic movies are commonly watched, there are numerous impacts on people’s real-life relationships after watching these sorts of movies. They seem to portray that love is the only thing that matters and our purpose of life. This has also been imbedded into many cultures. In the past, not too long ago, marriage was a form of connection created by the parents to form a relationship because they wanted their children to join kingdoms or join lands. The love between the couple was looked over and was insignificant to consider while building the connection. In today’s society, we can see that parents typically to not play a significant role in deciding who their child falls in love with or have much say in the child’s romantic life. In today’s society, romance is an element most people to be an essential component in a healthy relationship. Romance can be defined as the feelings and behaviour of two people who are in a loving and sexual relationship with each other. (Cambridge dictionary) Many people dream or imagine of having an everlasting passionate and enthusiastic love at any rate once in their lifetime.

Unfortunately, this expectation is unrealistic on the grounds that such relationships do not exist as they do motion in films. People tend to have dreams of this perception of love, which is false, due to how films, poems and shows have portrayed this perception of love being a beautiful fantasy. It needs to be considered, that the couples are shown living their “best life” on good days of the relationships. They show the laughs, the way how perfectly the couple communicate their affection through nostalgic talks and the intimate love scenes. The bad days that really testify the relationship where an individual loses their temper or gets irritated, frustrated or annoyed are not shown in the media. They don't demonstrate the difficulties of being in long haul relationships. If a negative scene of the relationship is shown, they always seem to get back together as if nothing happened. The effort and commitment of forgiveness and getting back together is not usually shown. These movies show the viewers was true love and genuine romance should be, not what is really is. The movies that are shown to the audience usually have characters are immaculate, have flawless hair, a perfect smile, and ideal communication in the relationship. When people grow up, and are exposed to all the imperfection of life and knew that those movies are not real yet they still end to compare their real life relationships to made up relationships from the movies. The movies set a higher standard of expectation for some people. Relating Fiction to Real Life 'We read fiction not to gain new information so much as to experience the ideas and feelings a story inspires within us,' and as such fictional characters can be related to real life (Kurland 1). Fiction is not real; yet, it is clear that much of fiction is inspires us within the real world experience. In many ways, fiction does reflect reality. 

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