The Correlation Between Christian Worldview And Criminal Justice System

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This criminal justice research paper will discuss how people in law enforcement have demonstrated and or expressed their integration of Christen Worldviews into the field of criminal justice. It will show how their Christian beliefs are the driving force behind their ethical and moral standards. It will analyze the similarities of crime and punishment found in the Bible and in society. References will be given in this essay to fully support the assertions made concerning the incorporation of Christian Worldviews by law enforcement officers into the field of criminal justice.

This criminal justice research paper establishes the connection between Biblical principles as it relates to concepts found in criminal justice. It will show how having Christen principles, morals and or values will prepare one for a career in law enforcement. This essay explores how Christian Worldviews are incorporated into the field of criminal justice. It will analyze how one can bring a Christian Worldview to any role in law enforcement. There is overwhelming evidence that asserts that there is a direct connection between Biblical law as it relates to laws of society.

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Correlations between Biblical Principles and Criminal Justice Concepts

Biblical principles are the driving force behind laws in society, as the United States was found upon the morals, values and or principles found in the Holy Bible. “Democracies have always sought to translate their basic principles and ideals into achievable goals through a system of laws that balance the rights of individuals with the compelling needs of society as a whole” (Gardner & Anderson, 2018). Society must have laws and those laws must be followed by men and women in order to maintain order in society. “Criminal law in this sense includes many rules and statutes designed to set out and regulate the steps that are followed from the criminal incident through punishment and release of the offender” (Gardner & Anderson, 2018). There must be consequences and or punishment for failure to abide by said laws, just as there are consequences for sin found in the Bible. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23, KJV).

There are direct correlations of criminal law and punishment in society and the law and punishment found in the Bible. One correlation is that pertaining to murder and the consequences of such. “Punishment may in this context be seen as an incentive to reform: for convicted offenders, therapeutic reform, by inducing a consciousness of guilt that might motivate them to mend their ways; for potential offenders, punishment of the guilty provides an incentive to pre-emptive or prophylactic reform (the adjectives are mine), by inducing an awareness that crime is punished because it is wrong, causing those who might otherwise not do so to abandon their 'mischievous inclinations', to 'rehabilitate' themselves, as it were, even before they have committed a crime” (Fish, 2008).

The consequences of murder in society are life in prison without the possibly of parole or death. The Bible talks about the retribution for committing murder. “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe” (Exodus 21:24-25, KJV). Society has sought to rehabilitate offenders during incarceration for crime; however, God provides the greatest rehabilitation in the forgiveness of sin. “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13, KJV). “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19, KJV).

Christian Worldviews in Law Enforcement

Every citizen has the fundamental rights guaranteed to them that shall not be infringed upon. How does a law enforcement officer ensure that they abide by the basic principles of the law, enforce it fairly and remain impartial? Law enforcement officers must work within the parameters of the law established by the government under the constitution when protecting lives, property, investigating crimes and making arrests. “These goals include public order, domestic tranquility, and protection of the basic rights of individuals” (Gardner & Anderson, 2018). They can achieve this through Christen faith using the scriptures found in the Bible as their guide. A law enforcement officer incorporates Christian Worldviews in law enforcement by treating everyone the same. “For there is no respect of persons with God” (Romans, 2:11). They swear oaths to do what is right in the pursuit of justice and if they should always strive for righteousness in the eyes of God. “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause” (Isaiah 1:17, KJV).


In conclusion, this essay has established how one can bring a Christian Worldview to any role in law enforcement. There is overwhelming evidence that asserts that there is a direct connection between Biblical law as it relates to laws of society.

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