The Core of Values and Code Ethics in Nursing

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Nursing as a profession requires a number of different skills and values. I believe nurses should exhibit values that relate to helping and caring for humankind and society as a whole. Of these different skills and values needed to become an effective nurse, it is incumbent that the nurse is aware of their own personal core values. The values that have been instilled in me throughout my life are: selflessness, dedication, integrity, and compassion. I have specifically chosen these values because they are most heavily influenced by my life, family, culture, and education.

Selflessness, to me, is always ensuring that I put the patient or others’ needs before my own. This is an important trait for a nurse to carry along his or her nursing career. Prior to entering a facility or a patient’s room, the nurse must be able to leave behind his or her personal troubles or emotional needs and solely focus on the patient at hand. In being selfless to the patient, the nurse must be dedicated to the highest level of care possible to ensure the best ultimate outcome for each and every patient. Thus, the nurse must be willing to do everything in his or her power to make a difference for the patient. For example, although the nurse is supposed to get off at a certain time, knowing they would be leaving a full patient load for an understaffed shift, the nurse stays to administer critical medications that would have been delayed should he or she had left. I believe integrity is always doing the right thing even if no one is looking, or the decision may be unpopular. This can pertain to the nurse in terms of sterility. There are multiple procedures and skills that require sterility such as a foley catheter placement. Although the nurse may be by themselves, if he or she breaks sterility, they should restart the procedure to ensure that the patient is not at risk for an infection and maintain the integrity of the procedure. Patients may be rude and may disparage every task completed by the nurse, however, these patients still require the nurse to show compassion. These patients come in to be seen at what they feel is their weakest point; what’s most important to them is the compassion each and every person provides to them despite how critical they truly are.

Although I believe in God, I was not raised living a religious lifestyle. Recently, however, I have begun to attend church services and pray with my step-daughter, ultimately taking a renewed interest in Christianity. While attending these church services, I have realized how important showing compassion to others’ needs, suffering, and misfortune, has been throughout my life. Over the years, I have had many life experiences which have afforded me the opportunity to learn about myself. Some of these life experiences are, for instance, my friend who suffered an abusive relationship, my uncle who is suffering from cancer and the effects of his cancer treatments, as well as my sister who is struggling financially and romantically. In each of these circumstances, I have been compassionate and concerned for them. These situations have been both emotionally and physically difficult for them and I have spent countless hours listening and tending to their needs. In each of these situations, I have ensured that my family and friends have someone to turn to in their time of need, whether it is a helping hand or just someone to listen.

My family has played a gargantuan role in my endeavor to become a nurse. Someone specific in my family that I held very close to my heart, was my grandfather. My grandfather was truly my best friend before he passed away when I was in the eighth grade. My grandfather was a heavy-set man in his 70s, who smoked heavily and suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as well as emphysema. He was dependent upon his oxygen tank and could only walk several feet before he was short of breath and needed to rest. Sadly, I watched my grandfather slowly deteriorate and subsequently pass away. Knowing what he went through and watching how much he suffered is one of the reasons I chose to do nursing. I am selfless and believe others needs take priority over my needs. I am dedicated because of my grandfather and I would strive at all costs to prevent anyone from suffering, as he did. Along with my grandfather, another person among my family that has taught me to be selfless is my step daughter. Three years ago, I met the man who I am now going to marry and along with him came his beautiful two-year-old daughter Scarlett. I have always felt like a motherly figure to my younger brother, however, now I was the motherly figure to this little girl. Due to taking on the role as a step-mom, I find myself making sacrifices others may not be capable of. I have learned to love and to give my heart, my soul, and my life to make sure the one I did not give birth to, smiles, has wonderful memories and feels valued. For all of this, she has made me selfless. Scarlett and my grandfather are the reason I know that I will always be able to put someone else’s needs before my own as a nurse.

The American culture I was raised in has shaped my core values. American values to me not only include honesty, they include, undividedness and justice. The American culture within my family consists of Hispanics, Caucasians, Native Americans, and African Americans. The American culture has become culturally diverse and just like in nursing, the American culture strives for equality, despite the difference’s others may have. Growing up, my grandfather’s American and Native American culture always instilled within me a strong sense of doing the right thing even when no one is looking and showing integrity. Due to my American culture and diverse family ethnicity, I have been privileged in showing respect for others. Although my beliefs may differ, I was raised with an unbiased mentality. I may not practice or believe in the same ideals; however, I always show integrity by remaining respectful despite other nations, creations, and creeds. Just like the United States of America is a melting pot for many different cultures, nurses will deal with a variety of different cultures within their work facility. It is important nurses be honest and has strong moral principles, while also being compassionate, unbiased, and safeguard their patients’ beliefs.

Since my childhood, I have been dedicated to my education. Since the start of high school, I realized I had a profound desire to the health services and dedicated my life and education to the health professions. In the tenth grade, I became a student in the allied health program, which consisted of learning how to become a certified nursing assistant (CNA). We were able to complete clinicals and provide patient care at the local hospital as well as at the assisted living facility located in Leonardtown, Maryland. After my third year in the allied health program, I was able to receive my CNA certification. I continued my training and education and began working as a CNA in the emergency department in July of 2016. By being allowed the privilege of participating in these programs and dealing with the patient care environment, I was motived to continue my education in this field. I continuously strive to advance my education to remain competent in my current position. As a result of my continuing education, I am able to provide the safest care possible for each and every patient. In becoming a CNA, I discovered I yearned for additional knowledge and responsibility. Due to this, I decided to dedicate my life to becoming a registered nurse. Although I know the education required to become a nurse is arduous, I am dedicated to completing the necessary tasks required to fulfill my dream of becoming a nurse. In remaining dedicated to my education and constantly seeking to raise the bar, I have been successful up to this point in the nursing program.

Why Nursing?

I treasure the feeling of being able to care for someone in need. I loved caring for my grandfather when he was sick, which is what drove me to the allied health program in high school. I knew that completing this program in high school would allow me the opportunity and experience of discovering what nursing is truly about. My participation in this program provided me with the foundation of health care, which I immediately realized was my calling to this occupation. After completing high school, I found myself devoted to every aspect of nursing as a career and enrolled myself in an internship program at MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital. I treasured the one on one patient care, and the compassion I was able to provide someone through what may have felt as their weakest point. I enrolled and was accepted to Towson University; however, after my first year there, I found myself very homesick. My grades were suffering and there was no way that I would be able to petition for the nursing program. Although I thought I was going to disappoint my parents, I told my parents I thought it was time for me to come home. I knew that if I came home, I would be more successful in perusing my career as a nurse. My mom and dad supported me however, they said that if I were to come home, I must get a job. I began working in the Emergency Department at MedStar St. Mary’s and I still continue to receive an enormous amount of support from co-workers and family. In my current position, I have learned several skills and am able to participate in multiple medical procedures, which I believe has given me an upper hand and further motived me in my pursuit. I believe that my dedication and willingness to learn has had a huge impact on my decision to enter the nursing program.

Throughout my time as a CNA and my high school allied health program, I have determined how fit I am for nursing. I am extremely personable, and I always put other’s needs before my own and strive to make a difference. I want to provide comfort and relief to someone’s worst day. I know providing someone with a warm blanket or a pillow, although a small request, may be immeasurable to them. My favorite thing to do with every patient I encounter is to build a rapport with them. Even if that means sitting down for a moment to listen to what they have to say. My goal is to make sure each patient knows I am selfless, dedicated, and truly care their wellbeing. Pushing myself for more and being able to have a career that I love instead of just a job, is the reason I chose nursing. My journey of becoming a nurse allows me to consistently grow and in being very young, I am able to put everything I have into achieving my goal. Nursing has taught me to identify priorities, effectively manage my time, and work as an efficient team with other healthcare providers.

Nursing Theory

Amongst the nursing theories, I believe that Virginia Henderson’s theory of nursing most closely resembles my own philosophy and morals. According to Petiprin (2016), “There are fourteen components based on human needs that make up nursing activities.” The ultimate goal Henderson had for her theory was to increase the patient’s independence, that way the patient could receive the best possible outcome. Although all of the components appear to be important in terms of the patient, the environment, health, and nursing, there was one that stood out to me. Component number nine relates to the individual as well as nursing. It states that the patient should “communicate with others in expressing emotions, needs, fears, or opinions (Petiprin, 2016).” Communication in the health profession is extremely important. It is not only important for the patient, but it is important for the nursing faculty to establish a rapport with the patient. In establishing this rapport, it affords the patient a better ability to speak up and ultimately receive the best possible outcome in their care. An example of this is the communication that goes on between the patient and the nursing faculty, during an assessment and obtaining pertinent background information on the patient. After receiving a good report from the patient, the nurse then collaborates and communicates with other faculty such as the doctor for the best possible outcomes.

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According to Vera (2014), “Henderson states that individuals have basic needs that are a component of health and require assistance to achieve health and independence or a peaceful death.” I believe that it is the nurse’s responsibility to understand the basic needs of the individual to provide the optimal care that allows the patient to become more independent. Not all patients are able to always have a positive outcome and get well. At that point, I believe it is the nurse’s responsibility to provide care and comfort to this patient and their family. The theory does not elaborate much on the environment, other than having a supportive environment. I believe that patients receive the best possible care and can achieve individualized care with a supportive environment. Often hospitals not only have the nurses who can show support, but they also have patient care advocates who can advocate for the patients and provide a supportive environment as well. The theory goes on to state the importance of health. “According to Henderson, a good health is a challenge because it is affected by numerous factors such as age, cultural background, emotional balance, and others (Vera, 2014).” I believe it is important for the nurse to understand every patient is different, no patient will ever be exactly the same, and each patient requires individualized treatment. The nurse should show and provide equal treatment, be accessible, and non-judgmental to those that have certain values and wishes pertaining to their care. Lastly, this theory matches up with my elemental view of nursing because Henderson states the role of the nurse is to care for the patient until the patient can care for themselves. I believe that the nurse should be devoted to their patient until the patient can provide their own individualized care. In having a goal of individualized care, it is the nurse’s responsibility to provide patient teaching and education. I feel I am very determined and dedicated to the patients. When I care for someone, I continue to provide that care until they no longer need me and have the ability to care for themselves. Along with Henderson, I believe “the nurse does for others what they would do for themselves if they had the strength, the will, and the knowledge (Vera, 2014).” As stated before, I am very selfless, and I am able to put others needs before my own. I continuously treat others the way I would want to be treated.

National League for Nursing Core Values

There are many core values that are essential in nursing; however, caring, integrity, diversity, and excellence are the core values of the National League for Nursing. First, along with providing a supportive environment for the patient, it is very important for the nurse to be caring. There are many big and small gestures a nurse can use to show they care. The nurse can easily sit down for a few moments with the patient, which ultimately shows they are making time for them and their care. The nurse can also provide comfort measures such as holding their hand to let the patient know they care. The nurse should do whatever it takes to make the patient feel comfortable, safe, and secure. As I think about what kind of nurse I want to be, at the end of the day, I want to be the nurse that makes someone’s day a little bit better by doing whatever it takes.

Next, integrity is a key component of nursing. Each and every patient needs to be treated equally as a whole and undivided culture. The nurse should always do the right thing, even if no one is looking and maintain high moral standards. The nurse should be honest and put the patient’s health above all else while providing them with timely and accurate diagnoses. Integrity can define who you are as a nurse. Although the nurse may be the only nurse in the room, integrity can come into play when doing things such as using an alcohol prep to wipe off the intravenous catheter before administering push medications. Although it is not a policy that the hub be wiped off, it is in the best interest of the patient in preventing infection.

The best nurse is the nurse that is able to accommodate and provide to a diverse community. Diversity and equality are important in nursing and each and every patient should be treated equally as a whole and undivided culture. Each and every person has their own attitudes, morals, and beliefs. It is the nurse’s job to be non-judgmental and work with these patients with an unbiased mentality. The nurse needs to be able to develop a safe and effective plan for each patient based on their wishes. Lastly, I believe excellence is not just created as a nurse. It is the nursing community that creates excellence. For example, in the hospital setting, there are meetings that determine growth and improvement for the patients. The nurse is able to specifically display excellence in his or her patient care by showing true dedication and compassion to the patient. The nurse can also be an advocate for the patient and assure they are aligned with the resources and care needed to promote improvement and growth.

ANA Code of Ethics Provisions

Every provision to the code of ethics is vital to nursing; there is a purpose that stands behind all nine of them. To me, these nine provisions are in place to guarantee that nurses are practicing with an ethical approach. Provision one talks about professional relationships while providing respect and dignity to all patients and their rights (Hegge et al., 2015). In relation to this provision, I believe that the nurse should treat not only the patients with respect but co-workers as well. Coworkers are essentially teammates. As a team, nurses tackle patient care together. A nurse should be open to listening to the surrounding opinions of others involved, as well as being non-judgmental. The second provision explains nurses should always be committed to their patients (Hegge et al., 2015). I too believe the nurse should be dedicated and committed to providing patient-centered care. It is the nurse’s job to provide and align the patient with whatever resources that are needed to heal. The third provision states the nurse is the advocate for the patient and keeps the patient safe in all aspects (Hegge et al., 2015). It is instilled from my learning experiences, that patient safety is always the highest priority. The nurse needs to be selfless and putting the needs of the patient before her own. Provision four states the nurse needs to be held accountable for the care of the patient and be able to delegate tasks to receive optimal care (Hegge et al., 2015). Delegation can promote optimal care for the patient, however, the nurse should maintain good judgment and critical care thinking skills. Accountability is held high even with delegating tasks. Even if the nurse delegates vital signs, it is still the nurse’s responsibility to make sure those vital signs are charted. Vital signs are one of the first cardinal signs that can show the true condition of the patient.

The fifth provision talks about the nurse herself; it is important to take care of themselves and remain competent in what they do (Hegge et al., 2015). I believe in order to take care of others an individual must take care of themselves. If the individual is unwell and elects to continue working, you may subject your fellow coworkers or other persons surrounding you to illness. Provision six states that the nurse’s governors the environment as a work setting and a patient care setting (Hegge et al., 2015). I agree that the nurse should contribute to the environment in which they work and provide care. An example of governing the work environment is maintaining safety. Safety is important for the patients as well as coworkers. The patient should have a safe, quiet, clean, and comforting environment, as should the other surrounding faculty. The seventh provision talks about how a nurse can advance in the profession through the development and maintaining or implementation of new ideas (Hegge et al., 2015). The nurse should be innovative and offer suggestions on new ways to complete tasks. In offering new ideas or processes, the patient can also benefit as well as the faculty.

Provision eight states the nurse uses collaboration to determine how to promote and protect the health of all individuals (Hegge et al., 2015). Within this provision, I believe that teamwork is a huge contributing factor. Working as a collaborative team, patients are able to receive care faster and more efficiently. The nurses can team up and answer call bells, dispense medications to those who are due for their medicine, as well as team up and collaboratively care for the priority patient. It is important for the nurses to understand what is going on in their community as well in order to have a grasp on what trends you might see commonly arising. Knowing what is going on in the community is also a great time to provide a thorough education. Lastly, the ninth provision states that it is the nurse’s responsibility to keep the values and profession of nursing by social justice and integrity (Hegge et al., 2015). I believe nurses are the voice to transformation. The nurse should provide integrity not only to the patients but in a professional aspect as well. Respect and fairness should be given to everyone around you.

Nurses have many roles within their scope of practice. Nurses are the teachers to the patient and family during education. Nurses are also the communicators from the time they receive care of the patient to the time they are discharged. Communication takes place with doctors, respiratory therapists, dieticians, and every aspect of care needed for the patient. Communication is key for optimal care of the patients. Nurses act as a pharmacy in providing medication, knowing the contraindications, answering any questions, and ensuring the drug(s) are safe for the patient’s wellbeing. The most important role I believe a nurse can take on is being compassionate, selfless, dedicated, and an advocate to each and every patient. Nurses are here to make a difference no matter how big or small it may be.

In conclusion, it is important for every individual to be able to define their core values. Personal core values define who you are; they are what drives humankind and society towards their goals in life. Personal core values outline the behaviors one may display, as well as what they value as right and wrong. These values may very well impact not only your everyday life choices but the everyday life choices of someone else too. My core values of selflessness, dedication, integrity, and compassion have all been forcefully influenced by my life, family, culture, and education. Although there is an abundance of nursing theories, Virginia Henderson closely resembles my philosophy of nursing. It is the job of the nurse to promote independence and achieve the goal of keeping the patient safe. Everyone has their own philosophy to nursing, however, this is mine.

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